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The Amega 333 Duplication System

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1 The Amega 333 Duplication System

2 Introduction This is a very effective system of duplication that should be memorized by all intending leaders. Once understand, it should be taught to every new business partner immediately upon sign up. A Good understanding of the Amega 333 system will result in effective duplication within your organization, of a system that will just explode the growth in your business. Be disciplined. Teach this system to your group now!


4 YOU - Reason Write down what you wish to achieve (goals) in life e.g. home, car, charity, holidays etc. using the SMART technique i.e your goals should be:- Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Framed  For every “what” provide 20 reasons “why”.

5 YOU - Commitment There are 3 types of commitment you should establish;
1. Personal commitment What you are going to do for your business. Example:- your time to learn the business books you need to read tools for your business 2. As a Senior Business Partner  Your commitment to caddy your group. ●training ●motivation ●showing plans ●providing tools etc. 3. From your junior business partners  You need to obtain the commitment from your junior business partners. ●how much time are they going to put into the business per week? ●their commitment to attend all trainings

6 YOU - Prospecting Qualify your prospects by asking them questions you can access them on Warm contacts/cold contact Always try and sponsor your piers (people better than you) Make a list - this is how your Name List should be formatted:- No Name Contact No. Contact Date Date Plan is shown Follow Up Date Remarks 1 John Tan 18/10/05 21/10/05 23/10/05 Will Consider 2 Abd. Raman 26/10/05 28/10/05 29/10/05 Signed up 3ple

7 ACTION - Contact/ Invite
By calling them Never get lured or trapped into trying to show the plan over the phone. There are only two things that you need to obtain. - a TIME and a PLACE to meet. Keep the call very short (max 2 min). You need to tell them it’s about business and not a lunch date. Be serious and professional. Sending an SMS By ing them By sending them the Amega welcome presentation via the Website By rapport building  i.e. getting to know them well and showing that you care about their lives

8 ACTION - Contact/ Invite …..
Invitation methods; The Form Approach   Family - How’s your family? How many children’s do you have?   Occupation - How’s things at work? How’s the working atmosphere now in view of the economic situation?   Recreation - Where did you go the last time you had a vacation?   Money - Have you ever thought of ways to diversify your income?   Message - Have you ever considered having a business of your own? Don’t follow these ideas by role. Be flexible and genuine. Use the FORM questions as a guide line. ·People often are not interested in what you say until they see you are interested in them.

9 ACTION - Contact/ Invite …..
Phone Call Invitations Sample scripts:-  “You and I generally need a lot of things in life. I have a business proposal to share with you. I do not promise you anything and there are no obligations on our side. Lets meet up over a cup of coffee and I’ll run through some details with you.” What time are you free tomorrow? Can I meet you for coffee at __________ or have you another place more suitable? “I am looking for two people to expand my business. If the money was right and the time fits your schedule, would you be interested?” “Mr/Ms ______________________, I find you to be a very wise person. I’m in the process of setting up a business. If you don’t mind, can I please run through the details with you? I need your opinion. Is it okay to sit with you over a cup of coffee and run through the details?” “I don’t want to take up much of your time now, however I would like your opinion about a business idea. When can we meet..?”   “I’d love to tell you more, but I’ve only got a few minutes. I don’t even want to attempt to try and explain something this important over the phone. It wouldn’t be fair on you…” Work Acquaintance – “I have a part-time business, nothing related to our jobs. However I think you and I could do some good things together. Let me run the details by you so that we could discuss which area interests you more” Another Networker – “I know that you are experienced in Networking and I would like to run an idea by you and see what you think about it. Who knows, there could be something in this for both of us”

10 ACTION - Contact/ Invite …..
ACTION - Contact/ Invite ….. An Old Friend – “What are you doing now…?” (They will ask you the same; then organize another meeting so that you can bring the necessary materials for them to review) Cold contact – “I have a business and I am looking for key people who can expand it in your area. When can we get together so that I can go through the details with you?” “You need to meet me in person to be able to assess whether I have the characteristics of someone you are prepared to work with…” Some other phrases you could use:- “I am looking for some people to help change their lives of others” “I am interested in your success …”

11 ACTION - Contact/ Invite …..
Once you invite people, they are curious to know more but, remember, you can’t show the plan effectively over the phone. The idea is to arouse curiosity, not to satisfy them. Critical Keys Be aware of your posture. Don’t sound needy. Keep it short. Discipline your disappointment; Accept that they may not be ready for the business yet and see if they would want to be just consumers… Believe in yourself and what others think won’t matter. Some Will, Some Won’t, So What, Next!

12 ACTION - Present the Plan
This is the most exciting part of the business. Most people find it a little difficult to present the business plan on a one-on-one basis. The good news is, your first five to ten one-on-one plans would be shown for you by your senior business partner, with you by his/her side!

13 ACTION - Present the Plan …
There are 6 steps to follow: 1. Benefit – WIIFT Establish how the business can benefit them … or finding their “hot button”, their reason if any to want to build the business. WIIFT (What’s in it for them?) Ask the following questions:- What is the most important thing in your life right now? Why is it important? Is it really important? Doing what you are currently doing, are you able to achieve this important thing? If not, I have something to share with you that will help you achieve this important thing in your life.

14 ACTION - Present the Plan …
2. Explained the Company background 3. Products & their benefits Show them the products  without the “plastic rap” and in the individual boxes Put bracelet on their wrist Ask if they know someone ill who can benefit from the product 4. Do the demo – correctly! 5. Explained Compensation plan – using 4 steps Get information Be a customer Refer 2 friends (in no time limit) Teach (2 to Get 2) When showing the plan always do “future pacing” i.e. use your prospects name and names of their prospects

15 ACTION - Present the Plan …
6. Closing Fill up the “sign-in” form Would you like to buy 1 or 3 products? Would you like a male or female model? Would you like to get one for your spouse? Can I have your I/C? How? Adviser Bridge (you) Contacts (sick people, people looking for Opportunity) Why? –Do you think the product is good? Do you want to earn USD10,800.00/mth

16 ACTION - Handling Objection
Is it a pyramidWhat do you understand by pyramid? no tangible product front loading of products downline cannot earn more than upline Is it MLM No its referral marketing “Interactive referral and commissionable business” Don’t like selling  Everyone sells in their job. They are selling their views when they tell you they don’t like selling! ConsiderWhy do you need to consider?

17 DUPLICATION - Follow up
If they did not purchase leave behind tools re-approach re-present maintain relationship get referrals CALL YOUR SENIOR BUSINESS PARTNER If they purchase teach them Amega 333 system share product usage get testimony after 72 hours CALL YOUR SENIOR BUSINESS PARTNER

18 DUPLICATION - System Training
If possible, get them to visit the office & meet key staff Go online with them & teach them; update their personal profile i.e bank details etc the cyber office functions redemption/upgrade stock purchase (stockist/dealer) how to apply for debit card & received commission

19 DUPLICATION - Professionalism
Self-image dressing (wearing Amega pin/t-shirt) Tools of trade name card commission statement testimonials brochures starter pack company pin

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