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Soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner.

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Presentation on theme: "Soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner."— Presentation transcript:

1 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner

2 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner How poor performance can be transformed into a learning opportunity. When to confront poor performance in the workplace. How to plan for sessions about poor performance. How to get to the root of the problem by using practical techniques. How to recognize and master the ability to give empathy and not sympathy.

3 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner The success or failure of any organization rests with the people who do the work.

4 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner “Mistakes tell me where the oil isn’t.” Jean Paul Getty

5 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Are my team members making enough mistakes?

6 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Suspend judgment. Remain calm. Avoid giving negative feedback in an emotional state.

7 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Be prepared with the facts. Collect examples of positive as well as inadequate behavior.

8 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner How well did you communicate your expectations?

9 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Work out alternative courses of action.

10 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Let the employee know that the meeting you have called is to address a problem. Conduct the session in a private (preferably neutral) space. Never repeat the outcomes to associates.

11 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Voice your concerns clearly and calmly with specific examples of behavior.

12 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Get to the root of the problem.

13 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Listening Skills

14 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Encourage the employee to own the problem.

15 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Show empathy.

16 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Empathy is the ability to recognize the feelings of others, without necessarily agreeing with them.

17 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Sympathy is also the ability to tune into someone’s feelings, but it involves the extra step of sharing those feelings. Sympathy leads to the unproductive rescue response.

18 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Empathy encourages exploration and allows the employee to own the problem.

19 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner Set guidelines for achieving a solution which follow the S.M.A.R.T. acronym.

20 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner SPECIFIC MEASURABLE ACTIVITY AND ACHIEVEMENT BASED REALISTIC TIMED

21 soft skills training Lift your Game to make everyone a winner TAKE NOTES Take notes in your own words. Note essential items. Emphasize important facts by underlining. Edit your notes and write them up as soon as possible.

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