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Eileen Franko, DrPH, Director DOSH, DOL OFPC

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Presentation on theme: "Eileen Franko, DrPH, Director DOSH, DOL OFPC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommended Best Practices for Fire Department Training Program and Annual OSHA Training
Eileen Franko, DrPH, Director DOSH, DOL OFPC Jerry DeLuca Executive Director & CEO NYS Association of Fire Chiefs

2 Firefighter Fatality January 2013 – firefighter fatality
PESH investigation Notice of Violation for (c)(1) Reasonable abatement period provided Question came up of what is required for the violation to be considered abated

3 Firefighter Training Workgroup
DOL convened a workgroup to provide the answer Office of Fire Prevention and Control Firemen’s Association of the State of NY NYS Association of Fire Chiefs Association of Fire Districts of NYS County Fire Coordinators Association of the State of NY

4 What This Session Will Address
The Recommended Best Practices for Fire Department Training Program Insights from the Workgroup Participants Annual OSHA Training PESH Inspections Notice of Violations Questions

5 The Recommended Best Practices for Fire Department Training Program
Exterior Firefighters Interior Firefighter Apparatus Operator Incident Commanders Fire Training Instructors

6 Not A Mandate Can Obtain Training From Various Sources OFPC Other Jobs
Drills Community College Document –Document - Document

7 Exterior Firefighter Basic Exterior Firefighter Operations
Hazmat First Responder ICS 700 and ICS 100 CPR Basic First Aid

8 Interior Firefighters
Equivalent EF, IFA, (Basic and Intermediate) Training and Experience I 100/I700 CPR /First aid

9 Apparatus Operator Exterior or Interior EVOC Departmental Training
Pump Operations Knowledgeable of equipment and limits

10 Incident Commander Not always a Chief Officer
Training Superior to the General Membership Interior FF General Knowledge of apparatus/pump operations Knowledge and Training in Incident Command

11 Demonstrated Knowledge and Experience
Supervision Safety Principals Communications Familiar with building construction Scene Evaluation / Size-up Situational Awareness ICS / Incident Action Plan Safety Principles Strategy and Tactics FF Health and Wellness RIT/FAST Operations Scene Security and Evidence Mayday Procedres

12 Fire and Emergency Ops Knowledgeable of Fire Suppression
Vehicle Extrication Special Ops of FD FD equipment and its limittions

13 Fire Training Instructor
Must be more knowledgeable than those they are training More highly trained

14 Insights from the Workgroup Participants
Not a mandate Jointly developed by DOL, OFPC, NYSAFC, FASNY, AFDSNY, NYSFCA Reasonable Expectations – For the safety of firefighters.

15 Annual OSHA Training Used to be 15 for new firefighters and 8 hour refresher – HISTORY Designed to maintain proficiency, knowledge, skills and abilities Reference best practices for competencies Required annual training

16 Annual Training Requirements
Hazardous Materials/Emergency Response Respiratory Protection Blood Borne Pathogens Right to Know Workplace Violence Fire Extinguishers (if required to use)

17 Other Topics Hazard Recognition Fire Station Safety Response Safety
Fire Scene Safety Protective Clothing SCBA use Tools Equipment

18 How to Select Other Topics
Injury and illness logs Interviewing firefighters Something different from the norm Near misses

19 What is the Training Intended to do?
Relate to expected duties and assignments of the firefighters Provide a means to refresh or evaluate the competencies of the firefighters Increase the level of safety for the firefighters

20 What is the Time that Each Training Topic Should Take?
There is no specific timeframe It depends on the topic It depends on the audience It depends on if the attendees understand It depends on the need

21 PESH Inspections Fatality Complaint Referrals Follow-up Programmed

22 During the Investigation
Opening Conference Walk around of the facility Private Interviews Questions on training Documentation of when the training was and who attended Good to attach a training agenda and length

23 Notice of Violations Issued if you are out of compliance
You will be given a specific time frame to come into compliance Never hesitate to ask for assistance Document, document, document and when in doubt document!

24 Thank You For Your Interest

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