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1 presented to National Governors Association Federal Facilities Task Force National Transportation Program: A Policy Perspective J. Kent Hancock, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "1 presented to National Governors Association Federal Facilities Task Force National Transportation Program: A Policy Perspective J. Kent Hancock, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 presented to National Governors Association Federal Facilities Task Force National Transportation Program: A Policy Perspective J. Kent Hancock, Director Office of Transportation Office of Environmental Management May 17, 2002

2 2 Transportation -- Critical Link to Cleanup and Closure We Must Assure Accelerated Cleanup and Closure is Fully Supported by Timely Availability of Packaging and Transportation Services: - Supports waste and nuclear materials - Integrated across EM and NNSA - Driven by customer needs and priorities - Maintains superior safety performance - Responsive to stakeholder concerns We’re Carefully Examining Better Ways to do Business for the Services We Provide

3 3 Top-to-Bottom Review: Issue #10 Packaging and Transportation: One of 12 Issues EM Must Address: “Current packaging and transportation policies and procedures are resulting in delays in the removal of materials from sites, causing increased costs and delayed risk reduction.”

4 4 Top-to-Bottom Review Observations Divided responsibility for Package Certification and shipment of materials: -Complicates negotiations with stakeholders, carriers, and regulatory groups -Prevents complex-wide priority setting Limited organizational accountability for packaging and transportation: -Creates schedule uncertainty in availability of certified containers -Hinders development of corporate shipping strategy

5 5 Type B Packaging Planning and Certification is a Key EM Priority EM has placed greater focus on: Identifying and accurately forecasting/tracking EM site near-term and long-range packaging needs Identifying a suite of Type B packages to be procured in quantities and on schedules meeting EM site baselines Helping assure Type B packages are certified efficiently and on timelines acceptable to both EM sites and the certifying authority

6 6 Our Goal DOE shipments are safe, secure, economical, and compliant Sites are able to ship nuclear materials and radioactive waste on schedule in approved packagings Packagings are available to sites in numbers required and when required Institutional/political/stakeholder issues are addressed in a timely manner

7 7 EM’s Focus in Packaging and Transportation Addressing Critical Packaging Needs Fostering Packaging and Transportation Integration Across the Complex Supporting DOE-Wide Shipping Activities and Site-Specific Campaign Planning Supporting Regulatory Compliance and Logistics at Shipping Sites Providing Risk Analysis and Other Tools for Programs Enhancing Transportation Security Maintaining Outreach and Communications with Stakeholders

8 8 Transportation and Packaging Initiatives Transition EM’s Certified Packaging Authority to NRC Expand NNSA/EM Cooperation on Design and Use of Common-Interest Type B Packages Support Safety Analysis Reports for Packaging Assist Sites in Packaging and Transportation Increase Rail and Inter-modal Shipments Improve Procurement and Management of Packaging Fleet Improve Integration with Non-EM Programs (e.g., NNSA, RW)

9 9 Operations Activities are Functioning Well EM provides a wide array of DOE-wide tools and services -TRANSCOM (Satellite Tracking) -Campaign Planning -Technical Assistance -Public Information These Operations are managed by Gary Lanthrum, Director NTP-Albuquerque -Website Address: -Telephone: (505) 845-6134 -Fax: (505) 845-5508

10 10 Path Forward EM is realigning its program scope to be consistent with an accelerated cleanup and closure mission EM recognizes its DOE-wide responsibility for transportation and packaging under DOE Order 460.2 -Transition planning is underway -Opportunities exist for cost-sharing DOE-wide products and services Plan is to continue the DOE-wide mission, with support from multiple DOE organizations

11 11 Backup

12 12 Security Issues Shipments Initially Suspended After 9-11-01 Attacks, and Again 10-07-01 We’re Interacting with NRC and DOT on Security Issues DOT Conducting “Security Sensitivity” Visits to HAZMAT Carriers DOE Shipments Resumed Under Top Management Control, and in Consultation with Safeguards and Security Experts High-level Waste, Spent Fuel, and Transuranic Waste Tracked by Satellite Emergency Preparedness Plans in Place for All Shipments

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