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Rising Star An Overview Prepared for the District 97 Board of Education By Felicia Starks Turner and Cynthia Baranowski November 27, 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Rising Star An Overview Prepared for the District 97 Board of Education By Felicia Starks Turner and Cynthia Baranowski November 27, 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rising Star An Overview Prepared for the District 97 Board of Education By Felicia Starks Turner and Cynthia Baranowski November 27, 2012 1

2 Objectives Review the background for why the District is using Rising Star Reiterate District goals regarding growth and improvement Become familiar with the Rising Star Tool Understand how plan approval is different than in the past 2

3 Introducing..….Rising Star! A type of GPS for districts and schools *Purpose: Help you reach a specific destination *Shows the distance to that goal *Allows for alternate routes *Allows for stops, diversions, road blocks along the way but keeps the goal in mind 3

4 Rising Star Is a Tool A keep-moving, navigational tool – never really finished Research-based and field tested That guides everyone in moving in the same direction to improve learning 4

5 It’s All About Transformation, Not Compliance Transformation – Moving from one state to another Compliance - Meeting a set of requirements 5

6 The Continuous Improvement Cycle Not a one-shot issue Assess & Diagnose Plan Implement Monitor Adjust IMPROVED STUDENT LEARNING 6

7 Covers Many Aspects of Teaching & Learn 8 elements: Comprehensive planning, Conditions for Learning, Community and Family, Professional Development, Leadership, Curriculum Instruction, and Assessment 4 categories: Continuous Improvement, Learning environment, Educator quality, Teaching and learn 7

8 The Fit Continuous Improvement - Comprehensive planning Learning environment - Conditions for Learning, Community and Family Educator quality - Professional Development, Leadership Teaching and learning – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment 8

9 Foundations for Success Culture of Candor Formal Team Structures Leadership Coaching and Support (external for District, internal for schools) Indicators of Effective Practice 9

10 The “Roll Up Your Sleeves, Real Work” Is Done in Steps by a Team How are Rising Star meetings different? Assigned roles – Process mgr., Capacity Building Coach, Facilitator, Open Chair Read and discuss the meaning of a Wise Ways, Assess where the district/school is in relation to full implementation of the Wise Ways, Create an action plan to reach full implementation, Monitor the action plan on an ongoing and regular basis Make adjustments as needed after monitoring (Monthly meetings) 10

11 Indicators and Wise Ways 11 Indicator: Instructional Teams develop standards-aligned units of instruction for each subject and grade level. (1045) Indicator: The district sets district, school, and student subgroup achievement targets. (1123) Indicator: The superintendent and other central office staff are accountable for school improvement and student learning outcomes. (1125) Indicator: The district provides the technology, training, and support to facilitate the school’s data management needs. (1149) Indicator: The district monitors to ensure the intended curriculum is implemented with fidelity. (2326)

12 Chunking It Out 189 Indicators – “Whew!” State mandated beginning with two foundational elements, 25 indicators Smart Start – focusing on meetings Smart Plan – focusing on district and school relationships The 25 indicators need to be “approved” by the Board at the first meeting in December 12

13 Choose level of development or implementation Explain the reason for their rating Conversation/discussion Consensus Do the same with: Priority Score Opportunity Score Team Determines a Priority and Opportunity Score 13

14 14

15 Level of development or implementation No development or implementation Partial development/implementation Full implementation Priority 3 = highest priority 2 = medium priority 1 = lowest priority Opportunity 3 = relatively easy to address 2 = accomplished within current policy and budget conditions 1 = requires change in current policy and budget conditions Development, Priority, and Opportunity 15

16 Evidence of Implementation, Creating the Plan The team then works to write a brief description of the evidence to support the rating for the selected level of development/implementation. After the evidence of implementation is complete, the team writes a detailed action plan to bring the school or district to full implementation of the Indicator 16

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19 Next Steps Board Approval Monitor Smart Start and Smart Plan in December Add assessment of additional indicator(s) Board review of 8 additional school plans at Jan. meeting Teams continue to meet monthly for ongoing review 19

20 What does Board approval mean? 20

21 Questions? 21

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