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SMART Goals: Writing Attendance Goals. Learning Outcomes Learners will: Create specific, measurable goals related to attendance Understand the process.

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Presentation on theme: "SMART Goals: Writing Attendance Goals. Learning Outcomes Learners will: Create specific, measurable goals related to attendance Understand the process."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMART Goals: Writing Attendance Goals

2 Learning Outcomes Learners will: Create specific, measurable goals related to attendance Understand the process for developing and monitoring intervention plans Know how to document in eCST

3 Why Does it Matter? In order to know if we’re on the right track, we must know where we started and where we want to go. A goal is a dream with a deadline. -Napoleon Hill

4 Intervention Plan: Analyze Data Analyze Data Create SMART Goal Deliver Focused Intervention Monitor Progress

5 Guiding Questions What do we want the student to do? Why can’t the student do this now? How is this relevant to this student’s learning? How can we measure this skill or behavior?

6 Analyze Attendance Data Sources of Data Student Level Review Grade Speed eCST DEEDS SchoolNet My Reporting ACCESS Please see for more information including detailed instructions for accessing specific AISD reports.

7 Intervention Plan: Create Goal Analyze Data Create SMART Goal Deliver Focused Intervention Monitor Progress

8 Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals S pecific—clearly focused; answers who, what, where, when, etc. M easurable—establishes concrete criteria for measuring progress A ttainable—reasonable chance of being achieved R elevant—achievement will make a significant difference to the student’s ability to make progress T imely—the goal has a begin date and time frames for progress monitoring and follow-up (from the work of George T. Doran and Paul J. Meyer)

9 Example 1: Make it SMART Danielle will get to school on time. Danielle will be present in her classroom by 7:45 at least 90% of school days.

10 Example 2: Make it SMART Adam will improve his attendance. Adam will be present in each class at least 90% of the time as measured by attendance records.

11 Creating Attendance Goals in eCST 1. Identify area of concern—include learning impact. 2. Identify what has already been tried. 3. Write SMART goal in text box. Danielle is frequently late to school, often by as much as 30-45 minutes which causes her to miss a significant amount of reading instruction each day. This is especially harmful because Danielle struggles with reading and is currently working below grade level in that area. parent phone calls, parent conference, home visit from school social worker, compulsory attendance letter mailed home Danielle will be present in her classroom by 7:45 at least 90% of school days as evidenced by teacher observation and attendance records.

12 Example Goal in eCST


14 Common Goal Writing Errors Too broad to be measurable Too many to be manageable Too high to be achievable Too low to make any difference

15 And the Biggest Thing to Remember The Intervention Plan is all about the INTERVENTIONS, not the goal. The purpose of the goal is to measure the student’s response to your interventions. Without good, quality interventions, implemented with fidelity, the goal is meaningless.

16 Interventions Research- or evidence-based Directly linked to goal Not just a location (dropout specialist, tutoring, etc.) What happens during that time? Multiple interventions usually support one goal Interventions can change even if goal remains the same

17 Attendance Interventions Family Engagement—phone calls, Taking Care of Business, Connecting the Dots, notes Attendance Contracts—agreement by student that they will meet specific attendance criteria, usually with incentives for progress shown Home Visits—periodic check in by school staff (counselor, dropout specialist, social worker, administrator) when student is absent Mandatory Tutoring—student is assigned after school or Saturday tutoring to recoup skills and hours missed Other—any appropriate interventions that don’t fit into the drop down categories.

18 Documenting Interventions


20 I Have a Goal and Intervention Plan—Now What?

21 Intervention Plan: Instruction Analyze Data Create SMART Goal Deliver Focused Intervention Monitor Progress

22 Attendance Interventions Check in/Check out Success Chart Attendance Contract Back and Forth Journal Partner with CIS Focus Group Parent Engagement Tutoring Saturday School Social Service Specialist Involvement Connecting the Dots Taking Care of Business Parenting Resources Phone calls home (structured plan) Positive Notes Home Alternative Learning Pathways Counseling Community Service

23 Multiple Interventions Multiple interventions can support one goal. Consider using one intervention to teach or prevent and another to reinforce.

24 Intervention Plan: Monitor Progress Analyze Data Create SMART Goal Deliver Focused Intervention Monitor Progress

25 Progress Monitoring Measure progress toward goal regularly Document progress by entering monitoring dates on the PM section of the attendance intervention Review progress regularly (3-9 weeks) Adjust interventions as needed based on data - Frequency - Intensity - Duration Develop new intervention if needed

26 Documenting PM in eCST Click on Intervention tab and find the goal Click on “PM” for Progress Monitoring Enter monitoring intervals (choose dates) and “Save”

27 Documenting PM Data For each monitoring interval, eCST will calculate the number of: Unexcused absences Unexcused tardies Period unexcused absences Period unexcused tardies

28 Okay. I’ve created a goal, provided interventions, and collected data. What now? w

29 Intervention Plan: Analyze Data Analyze Data Create SMART Goal Deliver Focused Intervention Monitor Progress

30 Review Data (3-9 weeks) Review progress monitoring data Review fidelity of implementation May increase/decrease frequency, duration May add additional intervention May change current intervention May discontinue intervention if attendance problems are resolved

31 If Insufficient Response Continues Refer to Child Study Team (CST) Make request through eCST (Service Tracking) CST will meet to: - Review current interventions - Review progress monitoring data - Consider possible additional interventions - Consider possible referrals (SSS, PSS, DPS, truancy filing, etc.)

32 For Additional Help and Information Dropout Prevention Specialist eCST Resource Links Child Study System Facilitator Social Service Specialist Parent Support Specialist CST Chair or Team Campus Specialist Attendance Clerk Other Colleagues Child Study System website—

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