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HMR C HANGES P ERTINENT T O HHW P ROGRAMS - 2015 Recent and Upcoming Rulemakings.

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Presentation on theme: "HMR C HANGES P ERTINENT T O HHW P ROGRAMS - 2015 Recent and Upcoming Rulemakings."— Presentation transcript:

1 HMR C HANGES P ERTINENT T O HHW P ROGRAMS - 2015 Recent and Upcoming Rulemakings

2 171.14 T RANSITION D ATES This section has been removed and all transition dates have been moved to their affected sections. (e) – Old shipping description sequence may be used until 01/01/2013 – moved to 172.202(b) (f) - Old Division 5.2 (organic peroxide) labels and placards can be used until 01/01/2014 (by highway only) – moved to 172.552(c) (g) Old Class 3 and Division 6.1 packing groups may be used until 01/01/2012 – moved to 173.120/121 for Class 3 and 173.132/133 for Division 6.1

3 172.101( C )(10) P ROPER S HIPPING N AMES FOR M IXTURES AND S OLUTIONS If the material is predominantly one hazardous material identified in the HM Table, it must be described by using that proper shipping name with the qualifying word “mixture” or “solution”. If more than one HM, then use the generic shipping description i.e. Flammable Liquid, n.o.s. is acceptable. Permissive 01/01/2013, Effective 01/01/2014

4 REMOVES ORM-D EXCEPTION 172.200(b)(3) – Shipping paper applicability 173.115-140 - Hazard class definitions 173.144 – Definition of ORM Permissive 01/01/2011 Effective 01/01/2020 (changed from 2014) for motor carriers 01/01/2013 for all other modes

5 172.301 - ID N UMBER M ARKINGS FOR ORM-D AND L IMITED Q UANTITIES Removed the exception for ID numbers on packages of ORM-D or LTD QTY. ID numbers must now be marked on packages of ORM-D and limited quantities unless marked with new markings (next slide) Permissive 01/01/2011 Effective 01/01/2014

6 172.315 N EW L IMITED Q UANTITY M ARKING o Package containing LTD QTY does NOT need to be marked with PSN and ID# if marked with these new limited quantity white square on point marking. o Technical names, RQ, etc still required in association with the marking, if by air. o ORM-D markings can be used until 12/31/2020 by highway – 2012 for all other modes. Air - but can be used by other modes.

7 172.315 ( D )(1) L IMITED Q UANTITY T RANSITION Until 12/31/2014 a package of limited quantity material may continue to be marked with the square on point with identification number as an alternative to the requirements in 172.315(a) (previous slide). Effective: 01/01/2013

8 172.301( A ) – S IZE R EQIREMENT FOR M ARKINGS ON N ON - BULK PACKAGINGS Added a size requirement to Identification Number marking including the UN, NA or ID and the number for non-bulk packaging. 12mm or ½ inch for most 6 mm or ¼ inch for 8 gal/66 pound or cylinder of 16 gal or less Smaller packaging must be marked in a size appropriate to the size of the package. Permissive 01/01/2013, Effective 01/01/2017 except for packagings permanently marked thru embossing or heat stamp prior to 01/01/2017, then it’s allowed to stay for the life of the packaging.

9 L ABELING AND P LACARDING O RGANIC P EROXIDES 172.427 – Organic peroxide label. 172.552 – Organic peroxide placard. Design was revised to reflect UN recommendations (Red over Yellow). Permissive 01/01/2007 Effective 01/01/2014 for highway Effective 01/01/2011 for all other modes

10 173.22( A )(4)( II ) S HIPPER R ESPONSIBILITY For other than a bulk package or cylinder, shipper must retain a copy of the manufacturer’s notification including closure instructions for 90 days after shipment to initial carrier. For a bulk package or a cylinder, the same applies unless permanently embossed or printed on the package (when applicable). Subsequent offerors of an unaltered package are NOT required to maintain these documents. Permissive - 01/01/2013 Effective - 01/01/2014

11 173.62 – P ACKAGING R EQUIREMENTS FOR E XPLOSIVES Changes were made to many packaging requirements for Explosives. Check the table carefully in 173.62. Ensure you are using the most up-to-date regulations. Permissive 01/01/2013 Effective 01/01/2014

12 173.225 PACKAGING FOR ORGANIC PEROXIDES Amended tables increasing the number of organic peroxides that are authorized for transportation without approval provisions. Permissive 01/01/2013 Effective 01/01/2014

13 L ITHIUM B ATTERIES HM-224F This Final Rule modified the requirements governing the transportation of lithium cells and batteries. It revised hazard communication and packaging provisions and harmonized the HMR with International regulations. Permissive 08/06/2014 Effective 02/06/2015

14 P ROPOSED R ULEMAKINGS HM-215M Amends HMR to align with International standards. Includes changes to proper shipping names, hazard classes, packing groups, special provisions, and packaging authorizations. HM-253 Would revise HMR for return shipments of HM “Reverse Logistics.”

15 P ROPOSED R ULES ( CONT.) Hazardous Materials Automated Cargo Communication for Efficient and Safe Shipments (HM-ACCESS) Pilot program to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of paperless HM communication systems to provide a level of safety equivalent to or better than the current HM shipping paper requirement. HM-247 Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle Loading and Unloading Operations (withdrawn.)



18 Questions?

19 19 ??????????? USDOT HazMat Hotline (800) 467-4922 Or

20 20 / Check Out Our New Web-Based HazMat Training!!

21 21 Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations Jim Fox Hazardous Materials Specialist 3485 Hadley Ave. Oakdale, MN 55155 (651) 366-4348

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