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GIT SysML Parametrics Work Presenter GIT Product & System Lifecycle.

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Presentation on theme: "GIT SysML Parametrics Work Presenter GIT Product & System Lifecycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIT SysML Parametrics Work Presenter GIT Product & System Lifecycle Management (PSLM) Center Presentation to OMG Systems Engineering Domain-Specific Interest Group (SE DSIG) September 13, 2005 Atlanta v2

2 Copyright © 2005 2 Example SysML-based Simulation Models Space systems - FireSat satellite Hydraulics & system dynamics Mechanical CAD & CAE Simulation building blocks Electrical/mechanical CAD & CAE Note: The SysML notation used in these slides roughly corresponds to SysML draft v0.9 plus more recent updates and experimental variations. We intend to update these examples with the final official notation when v1.0 that becomes available. Diverse interconnected models at ~6 levels of system decomposition and ~7 levels of abstraction... For further context, see other GIT presentation to OMG SE DSIG Sept 13, 2005

3 Copyright © 2005 3 FireSat Satellite System Schematic Source: Larson WJ and Wertz JR ed. (1999) Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD), 3rd Ed. Microcosm, Inc. ]

4 Copyright © 2005 4 Space Mission Analysis & Design (SMAD) Process Source: Larson WJ and Wertz JR ed. (1999) Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD), 3rd Ed. Microcosm, Inc. ]

5 5 FireSat system design as COB-based SysML parametric diagrams (conceptual draft) a. FireSat top-level system design © 2005 Georgia Tech Contact: Version: 2005-09-14 Based on FireSat data contained in SMAD Chapter 11 etc. Larson WJ and Wertz JR ed. (1999) Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD), 3rd Ed. Microcosm, Inc. ]

6 6 FireSat system design as COB-based SysML parametric diagrams (conceptual draft) b. FireSat ADC subsystem design (initial subsystem sizing, etc.) © 2005 Georgia Tech Contact: Version: 2005-09-14

7 7 FireSat system design as COB-based SysML parametric diagrams (conceptual draft) c. FireSat magnetic torquer subsystem design (initial subsystem sizing, etc.) © 2005 Georgia Tech Contact: Version: 2005-09-14 See conceptual breakdown to leaf-level domain design/analysis ECAD and MCAE analysis

8 8 Circuit Board Design-Analysis Integration Electronic Packaging Examples: PWA/B Analysis Modules (CBAMs) of Diverse Mode & Fidelity Design Tools Laminates DB FEA Ansys General Math Mathematica Analyzable Product Model XaiTools PWA-B XaiTools PWA-B Solder Joint Deformation* PTH Deformation & Fatigue** 1D, 2D 1D, 2D, 3D Modular, Reusable Template Libraries ECAD Tools Mentor Graphics, Zuken, … Analysis Tools PWB Extension 1D, 2D Materials DB PWB Stackup Tool XaiTools PWA-B STEP AP210 ‡ GenCAM**, PDIF* ‡ AP210 WD48 * = Item not yet available in toolkit (all others have working examples) ** = Item available via PWB Warpage

9 9 Circuit Board Analysis Model Structure requirement verify

10 10 Simulation Template: Circuit Board Warpage SysML Parametric Diagram PWB design (AP210-based design model from Mentor Expedition) xx - Caveat: pwb should be inside pwb warpage model (need to fix concept). FEA model (Ansys) Requirements (UGS TcR) Envisioned sample tool scenarios...

11 11 Simulation Building Block: 1D Linear Elastic Model SysML parametric diagram

12 Copyright © 2005 12 Contents Space systems - FireSat satellite Hydraulics & system dynamics Mechanical CAD & CAE Simulation building blocks Electrical/mechanical CAD & CAE

13 Modeling Hydraulic Systems Behavior Using SysML Presented to: Dr. Gary May & Dr. Chris Paredis By: Arnaldo J. Colón-López Universidad del Turabo, P.R. Mechanical Engineering Fifth Year SRL August 3, 2005

14 SRL 14 Overview Motivation & Objectives What is SysML? HAL System Overview Approach Results Conclusions Summary

15 SRL 15 Motivation & Objectives How can we support the simulation of system models?  Save the knowledge about the model in a standard language  Create the model once, then reuse rather than recreate the model System Engineers need a standard language to facilitate systems design through the use of reference libraries in SysML. Generate reference and simulation library of components. Create system simulations automatically from configurations of reference models. Make links to simulation models Save money, time and effort

16 SRL 16 System Modeling Language “SysML” SysML is a profile and extension of the Unified Modeling Language. Supports the verification and analysis of complex systems. Improves the ability to exchange systems engineering information amongst tools Focuses on engineering systems.

17 SRL 17 HAL System Overview The Hydraulic Actuated Lifter was designed and build in the Intelligent Machine Dynamics Laboratory at Georgia Tech. HAL was designed by two IMDL students, Mimics a forklift truck. Primary purpose is to serve as an educational tool. HAL is constrained by a linear track for safety reasons.

18 SRL 18 Approach Learn about SysML Develop the hydraulic components library. Describe the HAL system using the SysML tools. Find the best diagram for the system behavior representation. Generate the links for the simulation and reference models. Build the simulation using the Dymola Software. Test the entire design process.

19 SRL 19 Results

20 SRL 20 Hydraulic Libraries

21 SRL 21 HAL System Structure Diagram

22 SRL 22 HAL System Component Diagram

23 SRL 23 Reference & Simulation Models Reference Model Simulation Model

24 SRL 24 Hydraulic Circuit Simulation

25 SRL 25 Simulation Results Motor Pump ReliefValve Ideal FlowSource Motor Torque Angular Velocity

26 SRL 26 Conclusions SysML is a good language for defining reference models.  SysML defines the relation between the reference and simulation models once  Reuse the reference model often  Saves time & resources.

27 SRL 27 Summary SysML is a profile and extension of Unified Modeling Language. SysML was used to provide a standard modeling language for systems engineering to analyze the HAL System. Main SysML Diagrams are: Parametric, Class and Structure diagrams. Artisan Real-Time Studio with SysML supports the representation of system behavior.

28 SRL 28 Acknowledgements Dr. Gary May SURE Program Director Dr. Chris Paredis My SURE Program Advisor Dr. Bruce Powel Douglas Manas Bajaj Ph.D Student Sai Zeng Research Scientist @ IBM Cornelius Ejimofor My SURE Program Mentor & Ph.D Student Cleon Davis – SURE Program Coordinator 2005 SURE Interns

29 Copyright © 2005 29 Contents Space systems - FireSat satellite Hydraulics & system dynamics Mechanical CAD & CAE Simulation building blocks Electrical/mechanical CAD & CAE For more examples, see presentation & webcast archive available at: For simulation template architecture & methodology, see: Diverse interconnected models at ~6 levels of system decomposition and ~7 levels of abstraction...

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