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Ms. Kelly 6 th Grade Health. Journal:  Write about a goal you’ve set in the past.  Were you successful at reaching your goal?  Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Kelly 6 th Grade Health. Journal:  Write about a goal you’ve set in the past.  Were you successful at reaching your goal?  Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Kelly 6 th Grade Health

2 Journal:  Write about a goal you’ve set in the past.  Were you successful at reaching your goal?  Why or why not?

3 Goals  Your aims or what you hope to accomplish

4 Short-Term Goals  Goals that you wish to accomplish right away or in the near future  Examples?

5 Long-Term Goals  Goals you plan to reach months or years in the future  Examples?

6 Benefits of Goal Setting  Gain control over your life  Focus your energy  Shape your life in a positive way  Build your self-esteem  Improve your overall health

7 SMART Goals  S pecific  M easurable  A chievable  R ealistic  T ime Frame

8 Specific  “Having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite”  NOT generic… the more detail, the more precise, the better!

9 Measurable  “Capable of being measured”  “Better” is NOT measurable!!!  Examples: numbers, laps, goals, grades

10 Achievable/Attainable  “To bring to a successful end, carry through, accomplish; gain through effort”  Is my goal legal? Is it able to be done?

11 Realistic  “Interested in, concerned with, or based on what is real or practical”  Is my goal something that I really want to do or something I’m capable of achieving within my given time frame?

12 Time Frame  “Period of time during which something has taken or will take place”  Give yourself a deadline!!!

13 I want to get good grades.


15 Bell Ringer:  Take a “Smarten Your Goals” worksheet from the front table and complete PART ONE!

16 SMART OR NOT?  I want to score 2 goals in soccer this season.  By the end of next week, I want to improve my mile time by 5 minutes.  I want to play in the NFL as a kicker next season.  After school today, I want to rob the Wawa on Horsham Rd.  This year, I want to read one new book each month.  I want to see one new movie each month this year with someone different. SMAR T! NOT!

17 SMART or NOT?  I want to eat healthier.  I want to do more push-ups this spring than I did in the fall.  I want to find at least one new coping skill to help me deal with my anger this month.  I want to meet 1 new person every day this week.  I want to skydive in Hawaii before I die.  I want to laugh more.  I want to make honor roll at least one time this school year. SMAR T! NOT!

18 SMART or NOT?  I want to be more adventurous.  I want to be able to focus better.  By the end of the summer, I want to be able to swim the entire length of the pool without touching the bottom.  I want to win the KV Spelling Bee this year.  In two weeks, I want to stop biting my nails.  In my lifetime, I want to run a marathon in each of the 50 states. SMAR T! NOT!

19 Journal:  Rewrite the following three goals to make them SMART:  I want to be more fit.  I want to be less stressed.  I want to be a better friend.

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