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Advanced Teambuilding Hugh Ballou. High Performance Teams Orchestrating Team Performance Focus on Outcomes Give Clear Directions Model Excellence 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Teambuilding Hugh Ballou. High Performance Teams Orchestrating Team Performance Focus on Outcomes Give Clear Directions Model Excellence 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Teambuilding Hugh Ballou

2 High Performance Teams Orchestrating Team Performance Focus on Outcomes Give Clear Directions Model Excellence 2

3 Music Conductor’s Score

4 Hugh’s Transformational Leadership Principle # 1 KNOW THE SCORE

5 Visionary Leaders

6 Unexpected Lessons Show Up Be Prepared Serve Others Care Be Great

7 Time Chronos (Χρόνος) Kairos (καιρός)

8 Transformational Leadership Clarity …Purpose …Outcomes …Integrity …Roles …Accountability

9 What is Leadership

10 You Get What You Are Frantic…

11 You Get What You Are Calm…

12 Influence of the Leader Gets things done Influences others

13 Goals Are SMART S = Specific M = Measurable A = Accountable R = Realistic T = Timed

14 Share Your Goals

15 Hugh’s Transformational Leadership Principle # 2 RECRUIT THE BEST PLAYERS

16 Your Team is an Orchestra

17 Team Performance How will your team perform?

18 Kinds of Teams Create different teams Advisory Team Strategy Team Capital Team Board of Directors Marketing Team 18

19 Recruiting the Right Team

20 Choose Your Team Network for names

21 Hugh’s Transformational Leadership Principle # 3 REHEARSE FOR SUCCESS

22 Rehearse for Success

23 Create Effective Systems

24 Boring Meetings ….Kill teams

25 Planning Meetings Plan Backwards

26 Work Between Meetings Meeting Work Meeting

27 Develop Healthy Process Relationship BECOMES Process Process CREATES Trust Trust FORMS Community Community BUILDS Relationships

28 Hugh’s Transformational Leadership Principle # 4 VALUE THE RESTS

29 Balance Adds Value Rest Reflection Perspective Evaluation Refinement Planning Time for Reflection Provides Perspective Clarifies Evaluation Structures Refinement Inspires Planning Energizes Work 29

30 BALANCE Create balance in your life… …be “Rock Solid”

31 What To Do Next Write Your Goals Start NOW Build your Teams Empower Your Teams Plan Your Work then Work Your Plan

32 Action Who is your accountability partner?

33 Questions

34 The Transformational Leader Know the Score: Foundations Personal Values, Vision & Goals Hire the Best: Relationships Build & Maintain Important Relationships Rehearse for Success: Systems Lead with Effective Process Value the Rests: Balance Work, Play, Study, Rest - Always Have a Coach

35 Teamwork Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. - Henry Ford

36 Books Books by Hugh Ballou: Transforming Power Moving Spirits, Building Lives A Workbook for Transformational Leaders Building High Performance Teams Leaders Transform (Book & Workbook Late 2012)

37 Contact Information Hugh Ballou SynerVision International, Inc. 888-398-8471

38 Attraction “A man does not attract what he needs, but attracts what he is.” James Allen, As a Man Thinketh,

39 Vision "I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream!” Vincent Van Gogh

40 Goals “Any idea that can be held in the mind that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered will begin at once to begin to manifest itself in the appropriate and convenient physical form available.” Andrew Carnegie

41 Influence “Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.” W. Clement Stone

42 Success “In every failure, there is a seed of a future success.” Napoleon Hill,

43 Thought “Until thought is linked with purpose there is not intelligent accomplishment.” James Allen, As a Man Thinketh,

44 Time “Work expands to fill the time allotted.” Northcoat Parkinson

45 Impact "One thing that is stronger than all the armies in the world is an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo

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