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Monitoring a marine ecosystem in introductory chemistry Rachel Narehood Austin ACS Meeting Boston August 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring a marine ecosystem in introductory chemistry Rachel Narehood Austin ACS Meeting Boston August 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring a marine ecosystem in introductory chemistry Rachel Narehood Austin ACS Meeting Boston August 2002

2 Context for change: Introduce new intro chem sequence (CHEM 107b/CHEM 108b) CHEM 107 “Atomic and molecular structure” CHEM 108 “Chemical Reactivity” CHEM 107b “Chemical Structure and its importance in the environment” CHEM 108b “Chemical Reactivity in environmental systems”

3 CHEM 108b “Chemical Reactivity in Environmental Systems” Using biogeochemical cycles to teach chemistry Nitrogen cycle: thermodynamics Carbon cycle: equilibria (including solubility and acid base) Sulfur cycle: redox chemistry Oxygen: kinetics N2N2 Basic principles

4 Logistics 60 students – 3 sections of 20 125 gallon salt water aquarium w/UV sterilizer, acrylic tank, sump, ballasts with actinic and lanthanide bulbs on timers, submersible heater, venturi protein skimmer 11 weeks of lab Week 1: intro to excel, Beer’s law refresher Week 2: technical training Weeks 3,4, & 5: rotation 1 Weeks 6, 7, & 8: rotation 2 Weeks 9, 10, & 11: rotation 3 Modified from Ken Hughes – Analytical chemistry

5 Lab Structure Group tasks Nitrogen cycle (NH 3, NO 2 -, NO 3 - ) Minerals Alkalinity, pH, [O 2 (aq)] Weekly cycle Week 1: calibration curve + data point Week 2: data point Week 3: data point + quality control test

6 Methods PO 4 3- + (NH 4 ) 6 Mo 7 O 24  [Mo 12 O 36 (PO 4 )] 3- + 3 NH 4 + [Mo 12 O 36 (PO 4 )] 3- + SnCl 2  Molybdenum Blue (  NO 2 - + sulfanilamide + N-(1- napthyl)-ethyelendiamine dihydrochloride (NED dihydrochloride)  azo dye (  OH NH 3 + HOCl + MnSO 4 NOHO Indophenol (  Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 20 th Ed

7 Methods Dissolved oxygen (Winkler method) 4 Mn(OH)­ 2 + O 2 + 2 H 2 O  4 Mn(OH) 3 4Mn(OH) 3 + 4 I - + 12 H +  4 Mn 2+ + 2I 2 + 12 H 2 O 2Starch-I­ 2 + 4 S 2 O 3 2-  4 I - + 2S 4 O 6 2- Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 20 th Ed

8 Methods UV determination of NO 3 - coupled to IC determination ( =220)

9 Lab Manual Detailed procedures given Students are encouraged to check other sources Detailed procedures for hazardous waste Minimal background (refs. on reserve) Natural Reef Aquariums, by Tullock, ISBN 1-890087-01-7 The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, by Fenner, ISBN 1-890087-02-5 The New Marine Aquarium, by Paletta, ISBN 1-890087-52-1 Several appendices General Technical Comments (units, concentration/dilution, beers law, titrations, pipetters, quadratic equations) Chemical ConcentrationVolumeWaste Location MnSO 4 *. H 2 O0.05%Amount Disposed DRAIN


11 Selected Data Student data facilitates detailed monitoring of tank Variability is large between groups

12 Assessment Required sections (10-15 pages, one per group) Abstract Introduction Experimental Section Results. Discussion and Conclusion Grading Each lab 100 points - 10 points: title/signatures; abstract; intro; exp.; results; discussion, graphs/data presentation; writing/typos; effort Peer review of rough draft (each student does one per semester) Final grade 90% lab grade, 10% effort – individual assessment, group assessment, peer review, my assessment

13 Acknowledgements Lab development: Ken Hughes, Michael Danahy, Lorna Clark, Gary Starzynski, Kathy Covert, Images: Hilary Domush, Brent Mann, Dana DiGiando, Elizabeth Lewis, Gary Starzynski Funding: NSF (CCLI), NSF (Molecular Sciences Institute), Bates College (faculty development funds), Bates College/AACU (SENCER development funds), Kroepsch Teaching Award


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