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Mentor/Mentee matching workshop program Marc “van Hauser” Heuse

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Presentation on theme: "Mentor/Mentee matching workshop program Marc “van Hauser” Heuse"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentor/Mentee matching workshop program Marc “van Hauser” Heuse

2 For the organizer of the workshop This workshop is based on open space concepts and has some techniques from NLP to open the mind of the attendees and help shy people to open up If you have any questions about this workshop or want to give feedback, contact me: – Marc “van Hauser” Heuse

3 For the organizer of the workshop What you need: – A space large enough for 3 times the people attending (we need space) – Quiet environment, however the workshop people should not need to be quiet – Pieces of paper, pencils – Projector (optional, you can also do it just by telling, that’s actually better) – Takes ~45 minutes plus 15-30 minutes fadeout

4 For the organizer of the workshop You: – Be engaged, active, self-confident, happy If you are, the attendees will follow – Learn the steps beforehand, so that you can do the workshop without the slides – Actually, it is better to do without slides, maybe just print this out and use it as a reminder for yourself

5 For the organizer of the workshop Starting the workshop: – Get everybody up and move in front to you and form a circle That way they become active, very important – Just give a general overview and goal what the workshop is about, not details or what the process is If people don’t know what to expect next, they are more awake

6 EVERYBODY! Close laptops, silent mobile phones Come up in front and stand here No bystanders – either you take part or you have to go away It is fun, you meet new interesting people and totally painless

7 What is this workshop about Vast resources of knowledge untapped Matching people for teaching & learning Create more knowledge – and trust, friendship, fun and peace Interconnect the hacking/security community

8 Form three groups Form on one side for each following group: – Those who want a mentor to teach them – Those who know something they can teach others – Those you want a mentor but too can teach others

9 There is only one group! Even the most knowledgeable person can advance by the help of a mentor – you can’t know everything Even the total newbie knows something others don’t – Even little children can teach you a lot e.g. how it is to be unhindered by knowledge of society rules => EVERYBODY move to the group who are both teachers and want to be teached!

10 Write down on two pieces of paper … 1.What can you teach others? – Be specific! – The more the better – Examples: Network C programming, cooking vegan food, webapp hacking, writing secure ObjC code, provide an internship at the IT company you work for, how to start a company, become a speaker at a conference, etc. 2.What would you like to learn? – Again, be specific – Think about what you want to learn about it specifically – The more the better Take your time

11 Come in front again, form a circle If more than 20 people are in the workshop, form groups of 15-25 persons The moderator starts by example: – Say your name and one sentence about yourself – Read and explain what you can teach others – Read and explain what you want to learn – Say your name again Clockwise next person continues After everyone in the circle has spoken, another quick round is done where everybody can add something he forgot or got a new idea when listening the others

12 Now EVERBODY Talk to at least two other people/small groups from the circle who was talking about something you can teach or want to learn 2-5 minutes The moderator will tell you half-time to switch to a new person/small group You should seek a single person, however if multiple person share an interest, it is OK if a small group forms (3-5 persons, otherwise form split the group), but everybody has to talk

13 Now what does a Mentee/Mentor has to do? Everybody should be a mentee Everybody can be a mentor It is totally OK if mentor and mentee live far away from each other Unusual idea but true: – The best to learn something is to teach it! Chemistry is important! Only be a mentor/mentee for someone if you emotionally like the other person If there are several mentee for a topic, but can’t find a mentor, you can still form a cooperation and learn with each other, dividing the topics

14 Responsibilities of the Mentee Have at least a somehow clear idea what your goal is in the interest area Promise to yourself and the mentor you will dedicate Xh per week in it. Which days and time? Be specific Endurance is key! Be open to ideas, different thinking and criticism It is encouraged to make mistakes. That’s how you learn

15 Responsibilities of the Mentor Challenge the goal! It must be reachable by himself (no external requirements), plausible, challenging but not too challenging, AND the mentee must seem to be really interested Talk to him what he needs (software, hardware, knowledge, contacts, …) Establish a weekly day/time to catch up. Exchange contact information Support him! Positive, forward thinking, solution oriented Don’t get in the way. The mentee is the focus. Don’t actively participate in the project, you must keep a distance What he creates is his - not yours IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU!

16 Responsibilities of the Mentor You are responsible for the process, form the learning steps for the mentee, remind him of his to-do’s, give honest and positive feedback, support where needed with contacts, access to hardware/software, teach


18 How to match The MENTEE asks the Mentor if he would like to teach and support him. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! Start talking, but agree on a time when to talk in detail (later in the evening e.g. for dinner) Exchange contact information

19 If you do not find a mentor here The world is full of people Someone here might know someone to introduce you to who might be the right mentor for you Ask around who is knowledable in the area you are interested in, or who might know someone who is Befriend that person, talk, and if the chemistry matches, ask him Most people like to teach others!

20 FINAL STEP Talk to at least 2 other people/small groups you have not yet talked to Then talk to anybody you want to If Mentee  Mentor or Mentee-only- group matches, exchange contact information and decide on a meeting later Talk as long as you want, be on your way when you are satisfied

21 Have fun and learn! If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. Antoine De Saint Exupery

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