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Jenny Bruce & Chris Topping Health Intelligence Unit

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1 fitin14: A workforce physical activity and wellbeing survey in Dumfries and Galloway
Jenny Bruce & Chris Topping Health Intelligence Unit DG Health and Wellbeing Dumfries and Galloway Council

2 Background “Physical activity includes all forms of activity, such as everyday walking or cycling to get from A to B, active play, work-related activity, active recreation (such as working out in a gym), dancing, gardening or playing active games, as well as organised and competitive sport” (Start Active, Stay Active, 2011). Physical activity benefits – the workplace Physical activity guidelines CT

3 Rationale No local or departmental level data using current physical activity guidelines To consult with the local workforce Identify gaps and opportunities Calculate the cost of workplace physical inactivity Produce evidenced based recommendations CT

4 Outcomes Determine: levels of physical activity
the correlation between physical activity & sedentary behaviors physical activity and sickness absence physical activity & mental health and wellbeing

5 Methodology Working Group established Pilot
Self report survey (limitations) Robust sample size (n = 2,596) Council and NHS representation Females made up over four-fifths (83%) of the responses with 17% from males. This was representative of the workforce with 19% of female staff and 20% of male staff responding. Females made up nearly three-quarters (72%) of the responses with 28% from males. This was representative of the workforce with 25% of female staff and 27% of male staff responding.

6 Methodology Continued
Dumfries and Galloway Council NHS Dumfries and Galloway 1,989 responses 867 responses 26% of workforce 20% of total workforce 72% female 28% male 83% female 17% male 43% aged years 36% aged years Females made up over four-fifths (83%) of the responses with 17% from males. This was representative of the workforce with 19% of female staff and 20% of male staff responding. Females made up nearly three-quarters (72%) of the responses with 28% from males. This was representative of the workforce with 25% of female staff and 27% of male staff responding.

7 Survey Questions JB

8 Results Dumfries and Galloway Council NHS Dumfries and Galloway
62% met weekly physical activity guidelines Males more active than females* Staff sitting for less time were more likely to meet guidelines Staff meeting guidelines weekly was highest in those that were not off sick for any days in the preceding year (67%) Staff meeting guidelines weekly was highest in those that were not off sick for any days in the preceding year (68%) Wellbeing decline with reduced frequency of meeting guidelines* * = Statistically significant finding

9 Council Staff Result – Physical Activity Levels by age and gender

10 Council Staff Result – Physical Activity Levels by age and gender

11 Council Staff Result – Physical Activity Levels by age and gender

12 Council Staff Result – Physical Activity Level by time spent sitting

13 Council Staff Result – Physical Activity Level by time spent sitting

14 Council Staff Result – Increased Physical activity
- 79% would like to be more active

15 Council Staff Result – Increased Physical activity
- 79% would like to be more active

16 NHS Staff Result – Physical Activity Level by Sickness Absence

17 NHS Staff Result – Physical Activity Level by WEMWBS Score

18 Cost Savings NHS = £479,458 - £587,717 Council = £455,321 - £682,123
An 5-10% increase in staff physical activity levels would deliver sickness absence reductions and employee satisfaction and retention with a quantifiable benefit of: NHS = £479,458 - £587,717 Council = £455,321 - £682,123 NICE (2008)

19 Next steps Feedback to relevant stakeholders including staff
Collaborative approach to workforce activity Establish recommendations Deliver recommendations Repeat survey – early 2015

20 Concluding Thoughts Physical activity is one of the best things we can do for our health Staff who are more active take less sick days, report better wellbeing and are less sedentary at work. Local results are consistent with national data. Increasing workforce physical activity delivers significant cost savings. CT

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