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 New British Laws/Taxes  Huge National Debt to pay off:  10,000 NOW stationed in America  British thought Colonists should pay for the Protection.

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2  New British Laws/Taxes  Huge National Debt to pay off:  10,000 NOW stationed in America  British thought Colonists should pay for the Protection

3  New British Laws/Taxes  Sugar Act:  Sugar was used to sweeten tea and create rum  Tax on Sugar to make money  Taxes =  increase in price of sugar and rum  A Breach of English Rights?  “No Taxation without Direct Representation”

4  New British Laws/Taxes  The Stamp Act – 1765  All official documents required to have a stamp on it – a stamp that was paid for  Affected Middle Class  Artisans & merchants  Literate and involved  Caused Major Demonstrations!

5   The Stamp Act Congress  October 1765: 9 colonies sent delegates to NYC  Petitioned the King to Remove the Tax  The Colonial Boycott:  Boycott of all British Goods  Successful: Stamp Act repealed  Parliament Stated they had the RIGHT to tax New British Laws/Taxes

6   The Quartering Act:  1765: Colonists had to provide living arrangements for British Soldiers  In their homes or barracks

7   Townshend Act:  1767: Taxed goods FROM GB  Writs of Assistance:  Allowed GB to search homes for smuggled goods without a warrant  Right to privacy in ones home is cherished  COLONISTS ANGRY!!! COLONISTS SMASH!!!  Act Repealed except for Tax on Tea! New British Laws/Taxes

8   British troops in Boston were BIG RED SYMBOLS of BRITISH RULE!  Unskilled labor hated them:  British Troops 2 nd Jobs  Would take jobs from Colonists Boston Massacre

9   March 1770:  Mob formed outside customs house  Mob threw snowballs at the Guards outside  Someone yelled “fire” and the British soldiers fired into the crowd  5 people died  Sons of Liberty played up the attack  Historical Bias? Paul Revere’s Engraving Boston Massacre


11   Soldiers on Trial for Murder  Defended by John Adams  All soldiers released except for 2  Served Light sentences  British soldiers were removed from Boston to the countryside Boston Massacre

12  The Boston Tea Party  Dec 16,1773:  3 east India tea ships in Boston Harbor  Samuel Adams +70 Sons of Liberty boarded the ships and sent $1 million in tea overboard  Hundreds watched

13   1774: Parliament response to Tea Party  Closed Port of Boston  GB brought in more troops and strict Gov. until tea was repaid Sons of Liberty renamed it “Intolerable Acts”  Historical Bias? The Coercive Acts

14   Intolerable Acts further unified the Colonists  1774: First Continental Congress met in Philly 1. Agreed parliament had too much control 3. Agreed to a non-importation Agreement 4. “Minutemen” formed  King George III wants Mass. Under Control!  Tells Gen. Thomas Gage to handle it! First Continental Congress

15  Hostilities Begin  April 18, 1775-  700 British Troops to Concord Mass.  Secure Colonial Supplies and arrest Leaders  Spreading the Alarm:  Paul Revere and 20+ riders inform the Minute Men in Mass.

16   Lexington:  70 Minutemen met at Lexington to stop the British  70 Colonists vs. 700 British  “Shot Heard ‘round the World”  8 Colonial Casualties – Colonists lose  The British continued on the Concord  OPEN CONFLICT HAS BEGUN! Hostilities Begin

17   Concord:  Hundreds of Minutemen there  Concord supplies/ leaders moved  Both sides exchanged shots  The British retreated back to Boston  Militiamen fired on Redcoats all the way back to Boston  Surrounded British in Boston Hostilities Begin

18   Battle of Two Styles of Protest!! COUSIN vs. COUSIN! LETS DO THIS! John Adams vs. Samuel Adams

19  John Adams  Born in 1735  Father  Involved in Politics  Puritan Deacon  Adams family was on the Mayflower  Rise to Prominence:  Stamp Act of 1765  Wrote and Published on Enlightenment ideas and Stamp Act legality  Wrote “Braintree Instructions” in defense of colonial rights against Parliament aggression  Defended the 8 British soldiers of the Boston Massacre – And Won

20   Philosophy:  Enlightened Thinker  Believer in Republican Government  “Rule by People AND by LAW”  Huge supporter of the RULE OF LAW  Law and Facts do not change – men do  Supporter of Bicameral Legislature and Separation of Powers  THE PATRIOT BY PEN! John Adams  Trial of the Boston massacre soldiers in “John Adams” Trial of the Boston massacre soldiers

21  Samuel Adams  Born 1722  Family leading figure in local Politics  Mass. House of Reps.  1748: Began a local Newspaper that criticized British Rule  Became a very popular man among the common people  Involved in Sugar Act Protest

22   1748:  Began a local Newspaper  Criticized British Rule  Became a very popular man among the common people  Sugar Act Protest  Involved in Protest – led many  1765: Helped Found the “Sons of Liberty” of Boston  Group of Middle class Boston residents who opposed British Authority Sam Adams

23   Tactics:  Boycotts  Effigy Burnings  Mob Intimidation  Tar and Feather  1773: Boston Tea Party  SAM ADAMS: LEADER OF THE SONS – THE PATRIOT’S MUSKET  Tar and Feather example from “John Adams” Tar and Feather Sons of Liberty

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