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Welcome 2015-2016 READING and ENRICHMENT. Cindy Davis Who am I? ETSU, Hood College, Vanderbilt Gifted.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 2015-2016 READING and ENRICHMENT. Cindy Davis Who am I? ETSU, Hood College, Vanderbilt Gifted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 2015-2016 READING and ENRICHMENT

2 Cindy Davis Email Who am I? ETSU, Hood College, Vanderbilt Gifted Education


4 Helpful Hints Lockers ~ $2 to rent lock Do not give combination out Lockers ~ shelf would be helpful Pencil Pouch would be helpful with pencils, eraser, Sharpie marker, colored pencils or markers, pen, highlighter, flashdrive Change ~ library, copies, forgotten lunch money

5 More Helpful Hints Dress in layers Label everything ~ jackets, lunchboxes, pencil pouches, notebooks, flashdrives Way to record and keep up with assignments Dismissal – All students should be picked up by 3:30. YMCA after-school care is available. Have a plan and a back-up plan

6 Reading and Enrichment Curriculum Typing and computer skills Enrich and supplement ELA class Independent reading challenge Author/Book studies—incorporating challenge books from independent reading challenge A Christmas Carol, The Call of the Wild, Tom Sawyer Cursive Writing with Dr. Guthrie Vocabulary – etymology Foreign words and phrases (French, Latin, Spanish, and German) Read alouds Spelling Bee each nine weeks Socratic Circle each month Writing Public Speaking Dramatic Readings Grading—rubric driven

7 Supplies 1 binder for Reading and Enrichment Composition Book Paper Pencils/Pens Way to save work Way to record and keep up with assignments

8 Grading 9 week grading period Students will have a grade sheet in the front of their reading section of binder. Put each grade in themselves. Most grades will be rubric-based Grades will also be online If student is absent ~ one full week (five school days) to complete make-up work.

9 Website

10 Twenty-Five Book Independent Reading Requirements 2 poetry anthologies 1 mythology 2 folk and/or fairy tale collections 2 realistic fiction 1 historical fiction 1 fantasy/dystopian/sci fi 1 mystery/suspense/paranormal suspense 1 graphic novel 10 informational texts 2 biography/collective biography/autobiography/memoir 2 choice chapter books –Monday, May 9 completion date deadline –Tuesday, May 10 celebration day

11 Acknowledgement of library policies and permission to check out items in the high school collection Library Hours –Monday: 7:30-4:30 –Tuesday-Thursday: 7:45-3:45 –Friday-7:30-3:15 Library is open for checkout, research, studying and computer use. When visiting the library, students must bring a signed library pass or agenda. The teacher should sign the pass/agenda and indicate the student’s reason for visiting the library. Computers are to be used for research and educational purposes only. As per Rutherford County and Central Magnet policy, computers are not for entertainment or personal purposes (no personal e-mail, games, music, instant messaging, social networking, etc). Printouts = 10 cents per page for b&w; 25 cents per page for photos and color Students may check out three books at a time for a period of three weeks. New releases, book club titles and high-demand items have a one week circulation. Materials may be renewed by returning to the library and requesting an extension before the book is due. If a book is on hold for another patron or if you have overdue fines, materials may not be renewed. A courtesy notice will be given to your first period teacher when an item is overdue. These overdue notices are distributed at least twice a month. It is your responsibility to keep up with the due date of your items and return them on time. A fine of 10¢ per day (excluding weekends and holidays) will be assessed for each item overdue. A fine of $1.00 per day (excluding weekends and holidays) will be assessed for an overdue e-reader. Students who have outstanding library fines or overdue books may not renew or check out materials. When library materials are not returned within 30 days, they are considered lost and borrowers are charged for their replacement. The replacement cost is the price of a new copy of the book plus the cost of materials used to process the item. An email will be sent to parents or a letter will be mailed home when library materials are not returned within 30 days. Because Central Magnet School is a middle school and high school, the library collection contains resources for both levels. Students will typically be permitted to check out materials within their school level. However, parents who would like for their son or daughter to be able to check out all materials must indicate their permission on this form. It will be kept on file in the library for the duration of the school year. Even if you signed a permission form last school year, a new form needs to be signed and returned for the new school year. Students who do not return the form will be restricted to library materials for their school level. Student’s name (please print): ____________________________________________________Grade_______ I acknowledge that I have read and accept the Central Magnet School library policies and I give my son/daughter permission to check out items in the Central Magnet School library collection. ________YES; my child may check out any item in the library. I understand that some items may contain mature content. ________NO; my child may not check out items considered to be part of the high school collection.

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