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Learning Objectives Understand how power is produced Be able to identify the benefits and drawbacks of various sources of power.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives Understand how power is produced Be able to identify the benefits and drawbacks of various sources of power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objectives Understand how power is produced Be able to identify the benefits and drawbacks of various sources of power


3 Task Stick the diagram in your book Label it Underneath explain how this power plant generates electricity

4 Fossil Fuel Power Plants Where does the energy come from? What gases are produced? What problems do these cause? Draw a diagram of a coal power plant showing the gases produced

5 Fossil Fuel Power Plants Advantages High power output Disadvantages Non renewable Lots of heat wasted Slow to start up Fuel supplies will run out Causes global warming and acid rain

6 Nuclear Power The energy source for nuclear power is uranium

7 Nuclear Power Plants Advantages Very High power output from small amount of fuel No air pollution Disadvantages Waste material is radioactive. Decommissioning is expensive. Waste takes along time to become safe. Possibility of terrorist attacks.

8 Hydroelectric Power

9 What is the energy source for hydroelectric power?

10 Hydroelectric Power Advantages Renewable No air pollution No fuel costs Disadvantages Flooding valleys has serious consequences Expensive to build initially

11 Wind Power

12 Wind power What is the energy source for wind power?

13 Wind Power Advantages Renewable No air pollution No fuel costs Disadvantages Dependent on the wind Some people find them ugly Need lots of turbines to produce enough power

14 Tidal Barrage

15 What is the source of energy for the tidal barrage?

16 Tidal Barrage Advantages Renewable No air pollution No fuel costs Produces lots of power Disadvantages Huge initial cost Environmental concerns

17 Solar Power Plants

18 What is the energy source for solar power?

19 Solar Power Advantages Renewable No air pollution No fuel costs Disadvantages Needs sunny conditions

20 Wave Power


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