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Office 365 for SharePoint Geek s Enthusiasts. Devices 1 billion smartphones, 4 years ahead of predictions Cloud 50 % of enterprise customers are “on.

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Presentation on theme: "Office 365 for SharePoint Geek s Enthusiasts. Devices 1 billion smartphones, 4 years ahead of predictions Cloud 50 % of enterprise customers are “on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office 365 for SharePoint Geek s Enthusiasts


3 Devices 1 billion smartphones, 4 years ahead of predictions Cloud 50 % of enterprise customers are “on the road” to cloud People For the first time in modern history, workplace demographics now span 3 generations



6 Many of the world’s largest and most recognizable global brands run on Microsoft’s cloud productivity services. 41 of the Interbrand Top 100 Each year customers of Microsoft’s cloud productivity services… Fly 222 million passengers Build 6 million automobiles in the United States alone Serve 27 billion meals Sell 16 billion cans of soda Make billion cups of coffee 4



9 What is SharePoint ? Share Organize Discover Build Manage

10 Connect with employees across the enterprise - use SharePoint to engage with people, share ideas and reinvent the way you work together

11 Whether working as a team or an individual, SharePoint helps you organize information, people and projects

12 answers insights SharePoint makes it easy to find answers, discover insights and connect with the experts

13 Developers and web designers can create new experiences on SharePoint using familiar tools and internet standards apps design using web standards

14 SharePoint provides powerful controls that allow IT departments to manage cost, risk and their time costtimerisk


16 Demo SharePoint Online


18 SPO Plan 2 SPO Plan 1 New search - FAST Deep Links Graphical Refiners SharePoint Online Office Services Business Intelligence WCM and BCS eDiscovery

19 19

20 On-Prem Only SharePoint 2013 Advanced Office Integration Business Intelligence Custom Entity Extraction Full Extensibility Advanced Query Rules Content search web part Enhanced Enterprise Search FTC and Enhanced WCM Misc. Management Feature breakdown of capabilities not yet in SharePoint Online





25 Evaluate by signing up for an Office 365 trial Learn more Attend SharePoint Events SharePoint User Group and community events –



28 © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.



31 General Designed for (# of users)1-1011-250250+ Maximum # of users25300No limit IT value Phone supportBasic Business hoursPriority Reports dashboard●● Active Directory sync●● Active Directory single sign-on●● BlackBerry Cloud Service●● Simplified admin interface● Licensing Month-to-month subscription● Annual subscription●●● On-premises use rights● Available add-ons Visio Pro subscription● Project Pro subscription● Project Online● CRM Online● Kiosk subscriptions (K1, K2)● Ex. Online archiving● Standalone plans (e.g. Ex. Online Plan 1) ● Cross-product features eDiscovery ManagerE3, E4 In-Place holdE3, E4 RMS OnlineE3, E4 Office Office web apps●●● Mobile appsSB Premium●E3, E4 Office desktop appsSB Premium●E3, E4 Management tools: Group policy, telemetry monitoring ●E3, E4 Exchange Multi-mailbox search●● Transport rules●● Role Based Access Controls●● Hybrid deployment●● Data loss prevention (DLP)E3, E4 SharePoint Site collections1203,000 Enterprise Content Mgt.●● Custom search query rules●E3, E4 Business Connectivity ServicesE3, E4 Excel, Visio, InfoPath ServicesE3, E4 Custom workflow actionsE3, E4 Lync and voice Lync-to-phoneE4 Hosted voicemailE3, E4

32 Services are highly configurable and scalable without customization. Services are under the Microsoft Security Policy. We provide transparency in data location and transfers. We audit on your behalf and provide certification reports. Microsoft’s liability is capped, consistent with industry standards. Office 365 is an evergreen service. Customers need to stay current. Our solution evolves rapidly with a documented roadmap. We provide services offers to help you migrate to the cloud efficiently.

33 Now is the perfect time to move to the cloud! On-premisesHybridCloud


35 Office works across devices, reducing purchases of devices for employees, contractors. Reduce device hardware costs Support Bring Your Own Device Access documents with virtually any Internet-connected device. Improve mobile productivity, customer responsiveness Engaging Experience Across Devices Office can be installed on multiple mobile devices with Office 365 ProPlus. Reduce Office license costs License by User Combine web and cloud services to enable the quick development of more secure, scalable, and flexible apps. Lower development costs New App Cloud Model Unified eDiscovery across Exchange and SharePoint; Spreadsheet diagnostic tools. Lower 3rd party costs eDiscovery and Compliance Click-2-Run helps you quickly install Office. Run Office side- by-side and automatic upgrades. Reduce deployment costs Faster Deployment Share ideas and content, uncover business insights, keep teams in sync. Save time on key business processes (improve productivity) Work Together, Business Insights, Content Management HD video conferencing across a range of devices. Reduce travel costs, Eliminate video costs Multiparty HD Video Conferencing Control Cloud Social Devices

36 Reduce device hardware costs $99-$198 Support Bring Your Own Device Improve mobile productivity, customer responsiveness $60-$120 Engaging Experience Across Devices Reduce Office license costs $40-$80 License by User Lower development costs $5-$10 New App Cloud Model Lower 3rd party costs $14-$27 eDiscovery and Compliance Reduce deployment costs $50-$55 Faster Deployment Save time on key business processes (improve productivity) $75-$150 Work Together, Business Insights, Content Management Reduce travel costs $138-$162 Eliminate video costs $30-$37 Multiparty HD Video Conferencing NOTE: Customers may use this framework to estimate potential benefits. Microsoft cannot guarantee benefit amounts and makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the estimates provided here. Total Per User Per Year Savings of $511-$839


38 Enterprise-grade cloud services Comprehensive tools to do your best work

39 $3bn+ investment in cloud infrastructure Dark Fiber between hubs with multiple international edge points ISO27001, EU Model Clauses, HIPAA, FISMA DC, physical, softwareBenchmark setting Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)

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