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Published byArron Chase Modified over 9 years ago
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN1 ESA Geant4 Activities ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section P. Nieminen, E. Daly, H.D.R. Evans, A. Keating, A. Mohammadzadeh, R. Nartallo, G. Santin ESA-ESTEC
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN2 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Sun – a large particle accelerator
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN3 Solar flare electrons, protons, and heavy ions Jovian electrons Solar flare neutrons and -rays Solar X-rays Galactic and extra-galactic cosmic rays Induced emission (Neutrinos) Trapped particles Anomalous cosmic rays
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN4 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section X-Ray Multi-mirror Mission (XMM) Study of black holes, formation of galaxies, … Length 10 m, span of solar panels 16 m Mass 3.8 tons
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN5 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN6 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section S tandard R adiation E nvironment M onitor (SREM)
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN7 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section S tandard R adiation E nvironment M onitor (SREM)
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN8 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section S tandard R adiation E nvironment M onitor (SREM)
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN9 SREM on PROBA: protons and electrons ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section SREM South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) “Polar horns”
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN10 SREM data from solar event of 26 December 2001 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN11 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section MULASSIS: WWW tool for shielding calculations
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN12 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section MULASSIS: WWW tool for shielding calculations
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN13 A.Keating 1, A.Mohammadzadeh 1, B.Nickson 1, A.Jaksic 2, W. Hajdas 3 1 ESA/ESTEC/TOS-QCA, Postbus 299 - NL 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 2 NMRC, University College Cork, Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland. 3 PSI, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland Modelling packaging effects on proton irradiation response of NMRC RadFETs Metallisation Drain & source Field Oxide Radfet #2 Radfet #4 Radfet #1#3 S300/50 G300/50 D300/50 D690/15 DG300/50 G690/15 S690/15 DG690/15 Bulk Diode Geometry description
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN14 Investigating Secondary Particles and Package Effect Simulated Response to Proton Irradiation Main results:
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN15 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section ESA Columbus module on ISS
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN16 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section DESIRE (Dose Estimation by Simulation of the ISS Radiation Environment): Prediction of the ambient energetic particle environment (SPENVIS & additional models) Construction of COLUMBUS geometry Radiation transport, including secondary particle production, through the geometry. Geant4, HZETRN, and SHIELD inter- comparison. Calculation of astronaut radiation doses Connection to the INTAS-00-629 activity Neutrons
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN17 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTAS project 00-629 Radiation environments and effects, and their dependence on time, position, and mission duration Development of associated techniques for prediction of spacecraft radiation hazards Evaluation of shielding strategies and methods; development and implementation of new models in Geant4, comparisons to the Russian SHIELD code and experimental data Study of the High-Energy Interplanetary Radiation Fields and Radiation Effect Simulation for Spacecraft Missions
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN18 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTAS project 00-629 Differential cross sections for secondary particles Cross sections of production of residual nuclei Energy spectra of residual nuclei Distribution of energy deposition over the target Total and differential yield of particles Study of the High-Energy Interplanetary Radiation Fields and Radiation Effect Simulation for Spacecraft Missions
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN19 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTAS-00-629: heavy ion fragmentation data base Production of radioisotopes 3 H, 7 Be 22 Na and 24 Na from interaction of ‑ particles with Al. Production of elements from fragmentation of 40 Ar (213 MeV/u) on nucleus-target C.
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN20 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTAS-00-629: heavy ion fragmentation data base Energy spectra of residual nuclei with A=24. Projectile energy E α =117.4 MeV on 28 Si. Energy spectra of secondary protons in the reaction 12 C(3.6 GeV/u) + C.
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN21 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Radioactive Decay Module (RDM) Energy (keV) 122 Cd decay ENSDF 2 on-line database used by a Java utility - and -particles, -rays,, daughter nuclides if unstable Times of observation as required by the user Specific parts of the geometry Nuclide selection by the user Analogue Monte Carlo potentially inefficient: variance reduction techniques used Applications: Astrophysics missions, medical use, mineralogical analysis,...
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN22 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Radioactive Decay Module (RDM) Simulation of decay chains Simulation time (s)
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN23 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section INTEGRAL Study supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, black holes, formation of elements Length 5 m, mass 4.1 tons Energy range 15 keV – 10 MeV Orbit 10000 km perigee,153000 km apogee => radiation belts
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN24 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section X-Ray Surveys of Solar System Bodies Induced X-ray line emission: indicator of target composition (~100 m surface layer) Cosmic rays, jovian electrons Geant3.21 ITS3.0, EGS4 Geant4 Solar X-rays, e, p Courtesy SOHO EIT C, N, O line emissions included
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN25 HERMES X-R ay S pectrometer on M ercury P lanetary O rbiter PIXE from solar proton events ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN26 HERMES X-R ay S pectrometer on M ercury P lanetary O rbiter ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section BESSY-II data
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN27 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section L aser I nterferometer S pace A ntenna (LISA)
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN28 Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle (STEP) Charging of test masses by cosmic rays and solar particles, -rays, and displaced gold ions Analysis by Geant3.21 down to 10 keV; interfacing with ITS3.0 down to 1 keV. [Y. Jafry et al., Class. Quantum Grav. 13, 1996] p +, Au + -rays Geant4: Analysis possible in one framework down to 250 eV. SMART-2 application ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN29 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Electron spectra
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN30 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Radiation Effects Analysis Tools (REAT), SPENVIS and Geant4 interface for Multi-Layered Shielding Simulation Software (MULASSIS), including WWW version [QinetiQ, University of Southampton, BISA] Dose Estimation by Simulation of the ISS Radiation Environment (DESIRE) [KTH Stockholm, Karolinska Institut, EAC, ESTEC, INR] Geant4 simulations on the ESA SREM instrument [University of Bern] Predicting displacement damage effects in electronic components by method of simulation (NIEL). [University of Cologne] Further work on low-energy e.m. extensions, e.g. for Bepi Colombo [INFN Genova, ESA Astrophysics, other Institutes and Universities] Improvement of graphical representation of solids, investigation of STEP to XML translation [E. Chernaev, CERN] Development of Internal Conversion process; hadronics comparisons [QinetiQ] SpaceGRID, WP on Geant4 application [Datamat, QinetiQ] INTAS project 00-629: comparisons with SHIELD code [ESTEC, BISA, CNES, Russian Institutes] Recent and on-going Geant4-related R&D funded by ESA
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN31 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Upcoming Geant4 R&D and other activities Energetic Particle Shielding and Interactions Software, major R&D item. 5 ESA Science missions + 4 other activities for Geant4 development and applications [QinetiQ + 4 other Institutes / Teams] Proposal for ESA-Portugal Task Force: Study on EUSO and AMS on the ISS [LIP Lisbon] Proposals in the 2003-04 ESA General Studies Programme for plasma and components tools and applications In-house simulations for the Herchel infrared mission, due for launch in 2007 Geant4 Space Users’ Forum 20-22 January 2003 at ESTEC:
30 September 2002Geant4 Workshop, CERN32 ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section AURORA Manned and unmanned Solar System Exploration initiative in 20-30 years time frame. Items for radiation environments and effects: Radiation Shielding and Effects (Geant4 models, open competition) Radiation Exposure and Mission Strategies for Interplanetary Manned Missions (Geant4 applications, open competition)
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