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Toys and games of my grandparents. Toys of my grandparents -Making seniors active -To find a way of communication between seniors and children to exchange.

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Presentation on theme: "Toys and games of my grandparents. Toys of my grandparents -Making seniors active -To find a way of communication between seniors and children to exchange."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toys and games of my grandparents

2 Toys of my grandparents -Making seniors active -To find a way of communication between seniors and children to exchange cultural values between different countries (esp. Lost forgotten values) -To make seniors feel themselves useful again (in term life, economy) -To continue the heritage -To foster lifelong learning

3 5.1 Summary Over the last decades a generation gap has seperated youngsters and senior citizens, who have few common values. Hence the need to foster communication through the common creation of toys and games from the past in order to bring these two groups and to fill in part of this gap. Toys are important elements of cultual heritage, and each country has its own tradition. This project will also reinforce knowledge about European countries and narrow the gap between different cultures as the principles of EU recommend. The toys and games from the past will be revived through a comprehensive research undertaken both by the youngsters and the seniors. Then, during common wokshops, the groups will produce them according to the original plan, using techniques such as carving, painting etc. These workshop will bring together youngsters and seniors citizens from several different European countries, making seeniors feel active and useful again as well as bringing youngsters to show interest into cultural heritage and exchange with people from diffrent age groups and nations.

4 5.3 The objectives of the patnership General objectives: - to modify the content and style of delivery of taught and informal curriculum in all partner institutions to achieve a measurable increase in education services - to increase educational possibilities in the field of Adult Care provision - to foster an intergenerational (communication through the discovery of lost heritage and creation - to gather relevant information useful for educational institutions, adult services and the other stakeholders - to contribute to the improvement of life long learning education Concrete objectives: - to involve as many cooperating stakeholders as possible into the project activities - to visit different social services and different educational institutions (old age pensioners) - to create a website for the project as to gather and spread info with e-handbook to the stakeholders. (down - to contribute to the creation of the new educational methods - to enable sharing of new educational programs

5 5.4 Partnership and distribution of tasks Joel – Greta Antipolis (France) Florent – Greta Cannes (France) Mariatta, Alkio College (Finland) Jadwiga, Miroslaw Third Age University (Poland) Gothor, Burds NED (Turkey) Coordinating -> Turkey Dissemination of the results (website) -> France Cooperation between children and seniors -> all partners Fiding stakeholders -> all partners Helding four meetings -> all partners Logging files, taking notes and writing reports -> all partners

6 5.5 Cooperation and communication Communication - Skype, Yahoo Groups, web pages (institutionals), web page of the project -Skype conferences, e-handbooks Cooperation will be close and in full agreement among partners

7 5.6 Impact and EE aded value Learners and staff involved into the project activities will have opportunity to see the foreign practice in life, to discuss interesting topics immediately and to learn from the best practice. This live experience enables to see the problems in the education for the adult education sector in wide scale and to create the picture of European model. Evaluation The project partners and the seniors belonging to their institutions will bring their own experience, this will the RU model and the outputs will be ensured to evaluate success of our project

8 5.8 Evaluation The evaluation board as the part of our regular project team meetings will evaluate all the aims as they will be reached during the project life. Partial evaluation of all the project progress (and all the aims planned) will be done 5 times during the project life. This will ensure that we follow the aims fulfilment regularly. Evaluation process includes the precise quantification of all the project aims as follows: Project aims: 1) to involve the maximum number of the adults and stakeholders into the project activities (this results from the list of the meeting attendants) 2) To bring toys and old games which are almost forgotten back into life to make a link between the age and cultural gaps 3) to visit adult services and different educational institutions as many as we can which dealing with adult education (this results from the meeting program 4) to create the overview (these results from the meeting program, individual presentations) 5) to create the educational handbook, downloadable on project’s web page. 6) to distribute the e-handbook to all the interested stakeholders (these results from the list of the stakeholders) 7) to enable sharing the new things learned during the project according to feedbacks

9 5.9 Active involvement The core employees of this partnership will cooperate together on the project activities according to the project plan, schedule and instructions of the leading partners. Tasks within the project are designed so that participation of each project team member is needed and demanded.

10 5.10 Integration into learning and or other ongoing activities The main project product is the e-handbook of the strong points and the opportunities in for adults/seniors at each partners’ organization. These points are the outcomes of toys produced by seniors taking part in the project life time. The project partners are educational institutions, which should benefit from the project results especially regarding the cultural exchange possibilities both for age gaps and international seniors. They should widen their portfolio of the education programs and offer them better opportunities for seniors, preferably using some appropriate grant possibilities. The partners of the project will also use the project output (the e-handbook) including it in their own training system, experimenting it in their organization and in other structures too. Every country should practice on facilitating, monitoring, and evaluating the integration of cultural exchanges for everyone not only in social services but also for those who want to learn in LLP. New information, education, teaching new skills and creating social support for a safer environment in adult education are assets to bring up this project.

11 5.11 dissemination and results The dissemination process within the partnership is the crucial part of the project activities. Generally all the information will be available on the project web page maintained by the French partner. This web-page will carry all the necessary information and step by step all the outputs will be put there for the use of the stakeholders and beneficiaries. All the outputs of the project meetings and the particular project parts will be spread as wide as possible among the potential stakeholders (which are educational institutions, adult education services, local or governmental authorities) also in the newsletters (5x during the project life) and finally in the e-handbook. The particular researches, reports and finally the handbook together with all the experiences exchanged and transferred during the meetings will be used as the source of information to decide about creation of new educational programs for social services. Important dissemination point will be the seminars held together with the project meetings in the countries hosting the meetings. After the final handbook is made, one more seminar will be organized in each partner’s country to inform the stakeholders about this product and to enable its wide spreading. At the end of the project the summary of the project work will be published in the professional magazines. in the local communities; Local communities in each country where project meetings will be held together with the public seminary will be invited to attend the seminary, or to contribute actively to the seminary program. All the stakeholders will be informed about the results of the project by the news-letter, and at the end they will get the e-handbook. in the wider life-long learning community; Results of this project will serve for the future use of many institutions working in the field of education for the social services. We will try to spread the results as much as possible to all the stakeholders interested in it. Another good result of this project will be Adults taking life more seriously when they improve their social skills and encourage themselves to discover their identity as European citizens.

12 5.12 TOPICS Topics Topic 10 Cultural topics / cultural heritage Topic 10European citizenship and European dimension Topic 28Intergenerational learning / learning in later life

13 6.2 number of learners and staff involved in partnership Name of participating organisation CountryTotal number of learners involved Total number of staff involved Burdur National Education Directorate Turkey204 Greta CannesFrance Greta AntipolisFrance Alkio CollegeFinland 3rd age UniversityPoland

14 6.3 Expected results Active seniors Active and open minded teenagers A better way of communication between both sides More satisfied stakeholders

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