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Hungarian Logistics Association. HLA is a professional gathering place Gathering place for companies, experts and professors- researchers who are devoted.

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Presentation on theme: "Hungarian Logistics Association. HLA is a professional gathering place Gathering place for companies, experts and professors- researchers who are devoted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hungarian Logistics Association

2 HLA is a professional gathering place Gathering place for companies, experts and professors- researchers who are devoted to the profession and ready to share their knowledge and experience with the whole of the profession. During the past 22 years we could follow the development of logistics in Hungary, the increase of qualification and number of experts.

3 HLA is a professional gathering place We carry on continuous workshop activity that can become a direct function, supporting the corporate management and enhancing the efficiency of real processes. Our objective is to enhance the efficiency of corporate management with scientific and professional tools of logistics, comprehensive logistic approach in which we undertake an active role.

4 Growth of HLA

5 Economic weight of legal entity membership of HLA

6 Activities of HLA EducationEventsPublications Accredited Institution for Adult Education Regular education and traning programs: Logistics Forum and Ball Logistics Yearbook Medium-level and advanced courses granting OKJ qualification Logistics Service Conference LOGINFO (periodical) Logistics ManagerLogistics Club MTA Logistics Scientific Handouts Courses in special topics for companies Workshops Conference publications

7 Logistic Forum and Ball

8 Logistic Services Conference Outdoor programs

9 One of our Workshops Customer Focus Conference

10 Thank you for your attention! Contact: Adrienn Adorján and Dr. Zoltán Doór Mobile: 0036-20-479-4443 Phone: 0036-1-484-6407 Mail to: Hungarian Logistics Association (P3) H-1052 Budapest Apáczai Csere János Street 11.

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