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N = 52 3 4 5 By Number of Plans 6 7 8 9 52 State Agencies with Approved SNAP-Ed Plans Approved Federal Funding Total = $379,088,433 1890’s Funding.

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Presentation on theme: "N = 52 3 4 5 By Number of Plans 6 7 8 9 52 State Agencies with Approved SNAP-Ed Plans Approved Federal Funding Total = $379,088,433 1890’s Funding."— Presentation transcript:



3 N = 52 3

4 4

5 5

6 By Number of Plans 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 52 State Agencies with Approved SNAP-Ed Plans Approved Federal Funding Total = $379,088,433 1890’s Funding = $328,456 CA with highest approved funding = 118,919,281 VT with lowest approved funding = $69,250 10

11 2010 SNAP-Ed National Picture AVG Funding Requested: $6,849,374 AVG Funding Approved: $6,161,973 11

12 No Changes for 2011 Changes for 2012 – Dietary Guidelines Update – Any other revisions deemed Necessary – Revised Annual Final Report 12

13 Ratio of SNAP-ED administrative costs to SNAP-ED delivery costs. Ratio of SNAP-ED Direct Education Participants Receiving Food Stamps to All SNAP-ED Direct Education Participants. Ratio of Persons Reached by SNAP-ED Social Marketing Who Receive Food Stamps to All Persons Reached by SNAP-ED Social Marketing. Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program Education PART Review FY 2007 Results Not Demonstrated SNAP-Ed Performance Measures Approved by OMB FY2008 - No standard performance measures - Program mission and goals not clearly established in stature or Regs - Unclear if funds spent effectively to increase participation and improve nutrition related behavior. Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program PART Review FY 2003 Education Administrative Reporting System (EARS) FY 2003 SNAP-Ed Research  SNAP-ED Systems Review FY2006  Models Of SNAP-Ed and Evaluation (on-going) SNAP-ED Guiding Principles FY 2005 EARS Data Available to OMB, FNS Administrators and Managers FNS 759 Data Uploaded into NDB SNAP-Ed Implementing Agencies Provide EARS Data to State Agency State Agencies Enter into FPRS FNS Regional Staff Certify the FNS-759 (EARS) Data In FPRS Implementation of EARS Form Approved by OMB FY 2007 EARS Fully Implemented by FY 2010 FY08 Financial Questions # 9 and #10 Due October 1 - December 31, 2008 Released October 2008

14 OMB Approved Performance Measures Based on EARS Data 1.Ratio of SNAP-Ed Administrative Costs to SNAP- Ed Delivery Costs 2.Ration of SNAP-Ed Direct Education Participants Receiving SNAP Benefits to All SNAP-Ed Direct Education Participants. 3.Ration of Persons Reached by SNAP-Ed Social Marketing Who Receive SNAP Benefits to ALL Persons Reached by SNAP-Ed Social Marketing.

15 What is EARS? EARS is a reporting form – not a data collection tool It provides descriptive information and data, not outcome data Annual report of prior Fiscal Year’s activities and expenditures

16 Why do we need EARS? EARS has established uniform definitions for SNAP-Ed participants and contacts Data will provide a picture of SNAP-Ed activities on a state, regional and national level Allow for trend analysis over time Data will be available to respond to and support policy and legislative efforts

17 EARS EARS will not meet all our needs… EARS is one of several actions FNS has taken to enhance our understanding of State and local SNAP-Ed activities…it will not tell us everything. It will NOT:  Replace the year end report.  Tell us about all aspects of SNAP-Ed.  Provide evaluation data. 17

18 EARS Milestones & Timeline EARS Work Group formedOctober 2003 EARS Pilot TestWinter 2005 EARS submitted for OMB ClearanceJuly 2006 Clearance Obtained /Approval August 2007 EARS Training Conduct Regional TrainingsJan – May 2008 Conduct Training Conference CallsMar – Nov 2008 Online Training ResourceJan 2009 First Year EARS Implementation Report financial data (9 and 10) Fiscal Year 2008 Full EARS Implementation Report all applicable EARS data Fiscal Year 2010 18

19 Results of the First Year – Outputs: What we know thus far 19

20 Implementation  States have 3 years for full implementation  States required to report financial data for FY 2008  States encouraged to report reliable data for applicable components 2009  December 30, 2010 Full data implementation by all States. 20

21 FY 2008 Reporting 21

22 Total 2008 Expenditures by Source t 22

23 Program Delivery & Administrative Costs 23

24 SNAP –Ed Participants by Program Status 24

25 Primary Content of Social Marketing (% of agencies addressing) N=8 25

26 EARS-R1 - Analysis Data - US SNAP-ED Participants by SNAP Status

27 EARS-R2 - Analysis Data - US SNAP-ED Participants by Race 27

28 EARS-R6 - Analysis Data - US Cost per Person Reached* by Type of Nutrition Education 28

29 EARS-R8 - Analysis Data - US Primary Content of Direct Education (% of agencies addressing) 29

30 Primary Content of Social Marketing (% of agencies addressing) EARS-R8 - Analysis Data - US 30

31 EARS-R9 - Analysis Data SNAP-ED Delivery Sites 31

32 32

33 FY 2009 US EARS Fact Sheet 33

34 FY 2009 Texas EARS Fact Sheet 34

35 Eliminates redundancies with EARS Highlights Key Elements not illustrated on EARS Form Submitted for OMB approval 2/6/09 Relevant when EARS fully implemented FY 2010 Plans. 35

36 Significant utilization by all regions Order Stats as of December 2009: – 4.9 million individual pieces ordered – Over 100,000 web hits Possible future update – new name of SNAP – new 2010 DGA’s 36

37 2 Key Behaviors for healthy low-income 60-74 years olds – Increase Fruit and Vegetables to 3 ½ cups/day – Participate in at least 3037 minutes of P.A. 37

38 Year 3 Regional Reports – Easy to follow templates – Shorter plans to review – Time Savings – Lack of long-term strategy – Program stability is key 38

39 Where do we go from here? – Completion of Year 3 – Conclusion of the Pilot – FY 2010 Analysis of Pilot 39


41 Web Site Stats – FY 2009 Annual Hits- 3,798,901 – Monthly Average = 316,575 hits – Resource Finder Database – 378-356 resources – SNAP-Ed Talk- 450-407 members = 9% increase – Recipe Finder Database- 600-408 recipes available in both English and Spanish 41

42 Recipe Finder Database – Module translated into Spanish Search in English or Spanish View/Print recipes in English or Spanish Printed recipe cards 42

43 Nutrition Through The Seasons 43

44 Eating Right When Money’s Tight 44

45 SNAP-Ed Connection Information Super-Hub – Education Resources and Curriculums – Training Materials (EARS, Loving Your Family…) – Current Guidance and Policy Memos – SNAP-Ed Opportunities Models of SNAP-Ed and Evaluation Future Evaluations 45

46 What Are The FNS Core Messages … a set of actions designed to assist mothers and children in making specific diet-related changes 46

47 16 Core Messages – 7 for moms of preschoolers – 4 for moms of 6-10 yr old kids – 5 for 8-10 yrs old kids Supporting Content on 3 topics Focus Group Reports Guidebook 47

48 FNS Core Nutrition Messages : Phase 2 Expansion Develop new message to promote whole grains Expand messages on low and fat-free milk products For Moms of preschool and Elementary school kids. – Supporting content – Complementary photos 48


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