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NAEPDC Standards, Strategies and Solutions Using the grant application to move Adult Education forward in Illinois.

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Presentation on theme: "NAEPDC Standards, Strategies and Solutions Using the grant application to move Adult Education forward in Illinois."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAEPDC Standards, Strategies and Solutions Using the grant application to move Adult Education forward in Illinois

2 Strategies to support state initiatives… FY13 IL launched a competitive grant process Provided and aligned with new focus of AEFL AEFL Strategic Plan Created a broad framework for Adult Education States “We envision Adult Education as the foundation of a career pathways system that prepares adult learners for economic self sufficiency.” Fully explained the need and the guiding principles to achieve the goals of Adult Education

3 Strategies to support initiative… AEFL Strategic Plan Assessment, Curricula and Instruction Support and Follow-up Services High Quality Teaching and Professional Development Partnerships Research, Data and Accountability Program Design AEFL Advisory Council On-going council with changing membership and issues to address Diversity of members/regions/stakeholders Direct method for buy-in and feedback Ad Hoc committees formed to address special issues/topics

4 Changing the focus… Policy changes and clarifications Increased focus on data and using it at all levels Breaking down each NRS level into four subgroups Adjustments made in funding methodology Introduction of probation/watch list Grant application requirements Specific requirements around offering and expanding bridge programming Focus on transitions Increased and modifications to PD requirements Expansion of Evidence Based Reading Instruction Increasing frequency and intensity of instruction Explicit details about data use and analysis

5 Do differently or suggestions… Carving out planning time for state staff Data driven decision making “User-friendly” data organization Carefully consider the evaluation component FY13 Competitive grant application

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