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Learning For The Future Targets & Assessment Mr. S. Cooke Senior Assistant Principal.

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1 Learning For The Future Targets & Assessment Mr. S. Cooke Senior Assistant Principal

2 Learning For The Future What is a target?? Each student is assigned a target for every subject using national curriculum sub levels. Students are given a target for each subject for year 7, 8 and 9 using NC sub levels. Targets are set using prior attainment data and comparison to the results of similar students in similar schools nationally.

3 Learning For The Future What is an NC Sub Level? National Curriculum levels are split into 3 sub levels to indicate where a student should be aiming to work at (in the case of targets) or where they are working at (in the case of current attainment). It allows us to see if a student is working Just at a level, Safely at a level or at the Top of a level. At Hodgson sub levels are indicated as: - –5a – Working at the top of level 5 –5b – Working safely at Level 5 –5c – Working just at a Level 5

4 Learning For The Future What use are levels to me? SubjectTargetCurrent Level English5c5b Maths4a Science5a4a According to predictions based on similar students in similar schools nationally this student should be achieving a low level 5 for English, they are working at a safe level 5 so are above target. According to predictions based on similar students in similar schools nationally this student should be achieving a high level 4 for Maths, they are working at a high level 4 so are on target. According to predictions based on similar students in similar schools nationally this student should be achieving a high level 5 for Science, they are working at a high level 4 so are below target.

5 Learning For The Future How will my child be assessed? 3 Formal Assessment Weeks –Revision pack sent home to parents. –Formal Assessments during this week* –Results reported to parents soon afterwards either at Progress Evening or in Interim Progress Updates –This is the assessment level on the reports home. Informal Assessments in lesson time. –This is the current attainment level on the reports home. Year 7 Assessment Week 1 W/B 31 st Oct Assessment Week 2 W/B 3 rd Jan Assessment Week 3 W/B 16 th April

6 Learning For The Future How will my child be assessed? Year 7Results reported to parents Assessment Week 1W/B 31 st OctInterim Progress Update 1 & Form Tutor Progress Evening Assessment Week 2W/B 3 rd JanWritten Progress Update Assessment Week 3W/B 16 th AprilInterim Progress Update 3 & Progress Evening with Teachers

7 Learning For The Future Can my child exceed target? Yes!!!! Targets are an indication of what students should achieve, targets are established using. –Prior attainment information (e.g. KS2 SATS) –The performance of similar students in schools where achievement is similar to Hodgson (Top 25% of schools nationally) Targets don’t take account of a ‘bad day at the office’ with KS2 SATS for example so may be a little lower than you would like in some subjects, similarly they may be higher than you would like for some subjects if students have performed extremely well in that subject in the past.

8 Learning For The Future What if my child performs consistently under target? The schools MINT programme will allow for further intervention to be put in place. Subject teachers will provide focussed and clear intervention for students. Progress Tutors will monitor progress across all subject areas and alert you to issues in more than one area.

9 Learning For The Future What if my child performs consistently above target? Subject teachers will ensure that the student is praised and rewarded for their achievements. Subject teachers will also ensure that students are set work to enable them to further exceed target grades.

10 Learning For The Future Any Questions??

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