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Education for Everyone. Worldwide. Lifelong. DVV International.

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1 Education for Everyone. Worldwide. Lifelong. DVV International

2 2 DVV International at a glance Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV) More than 200 partners in over 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin-America and Europe Creation and development of sustainable structures for Youth and Adult Education in developing and transition countries International lobby work for Lifelong Learning Training, consulting and media for global, intercultural and European learning policy

3 3 For over 50 years, active on 4 continents 1960 Start of training seminars for African adult educators in German Adult Education Centres 1963 Start of work in Latin America: Costa Rica, later Columbia 1967 Start of work in Africa: Somalia, later Ethiopia 1969Establishment of “Specialist unit for Adult Education in developing countries”(today: DVV International) within the DVV 1973 Co-establishment of the International Council for Adult Education ICAE 1975 First foreign office opened (Ghana, Africa) 1977 Start of work in Asia: India, regionally with the Asian Adult Education Association ASPBAE 1990 Start of work in Central and Eastern Europe: Offices in Hungary and Poland 2000 Structural reform: Building of regional offices

4 4 Technical programs Regional programs Organisational structure of DVV International INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT Training and further training Africa Asia Global learning Latin America Europe Information and communica- tion Monitoring and evaluation Central services Funding Marketing and fundraising

5 5 From Mexico to Laos – where we work Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe

6 6 Central America, South America Latin America Mexico Guatemala Cuba Colombia Ecuador Peru Bolivia Regional officeCountry officeNo DVV International office, coordination through a local partner

7 7 West Africa, North Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa Africa South Africa Zimbabwe Mozambique Uganda Ethiopia Morocco Mali Guinea Regional officeCountry office

8 8 Central Asia, South and Southeast Asia, Middle East Asia Regional officeCountry officeNo DVV International office, coordination through local partner Palestinian territories Jordan Afghanistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Nepal Cambodia Laos

9 9 Eastern Neighbours, Southeast Europe, Caucasus/Turkey Europe Belarus Ukraine Moldova Serbia Kosovo Macedonia Bosnia and Herzegovina Turkey Jordanien Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Regional officeCountry officeNo DVV International office, coordination through local partner

10 10 How we work – our integrated approach On the micro-level the work is directed at the individual, e.g. through literacy courses, professional training or health education. On the meso-level we strengthen the institutional and human capacity of our local partners. On the macro-level we advocate worldwide for Lifelong Learning. We advise governments and support networks and partners in their lobbying efforts on behalf of Youth and Adult Education. Work on 3 levels

11 11 (Macro-level) Policy advice and advocacy for Adult Education Transnational: International lobby work for an inclusive educational goal in the Post-2015 development agenda Ethiopia: Advising the government on the creation of a national master plan for Adult Education

12 12 (Meso-level) Capacity Building Palestinian territories: Creation of model centres for Adult Education and development of quality standards Transnational: Summer academies on various topics for the training of local employees

13 13 Literacy, basic education Mozambique: Literacy offers for families (“Family Literacy”) Laos und Cambodia: Functional literacy in Reflect circles in the villages of ethnic minorities (Micro-level)

14 14 Remedial education for certificates or diplomas Bosnia-Herzegovina: Labour market oriented remedial basic education Serbia: Use of general education schools for Second Chance offers (Micro-level)

15 15 Vocational education Kosovo: Mobile vocational education centres for qualification of the unemployed Central Asia: Vocational education in prisons (Micro-level)

16 16 Environmental education and sustainable development Columbia: Development of alternative models of environmentally friendly agriculture and resource use for the training of small farmers Cuba: Projects on environmental education and natural disaster protection in national parks (Micro-level)

17 17 Migration, integration and work with refugees Jordan/Turkey: Education and meeting centres for Syrian refugees Mali: Educational offers for internally displaced persons from northern Mali, e.g. income-generating measures for women (Micro-level)

18 18 Health education Bolivia: Education and training of indigenous leaders in the filed of natural medicine and the promotion of alternative medicinal products and methods Afghanistan: Health education within the scope of literacy programs (Micro-level)

19 19 Conflict prevention and democracy education Armenia/Turkey: Reconciliation project: “Speaking to one another” Guinea: Working with civil society and community representatives for transparent local politics (Micro-level)

20 20 Global learning in the Adult Education Centre („Globales Lernen in der Volkshochschule“) The project “Global learning in the Adult Education Centre” supports workshops, project days and project series for multipliers, children and young people as well as older people on development policy issues such as: food security and food sovereignty, water, consumerism

21 21 Global learning in the Adult Education Centre … is aimed at: all departments of the Adult Education Centres in all the federal states … provides: advice on application and accounting financing provision of materials and information The project is supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL on behalf of the BMZ

22 22 Monitoring and Evaluation Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an integral and basic part of the work of DVV International The M&E system of DVV International is oriented on national and international standards Goals: Constant improvement of the work of our partners, and our own work Learning together in the methodical and technical aspects Audit of attained objectives and ensuring the sustainability of our work Accountability in respect of the fund donors and the public

23 23 Funding In cooperation with the head office, the national and regional offices of DVV International take part regularly in European and international invitations to tender Goals: Extend existing programs Find new sources of funding Carry out new projects in accordance with the mission of DVV International

24 24 Project management cycle Funding Be on the Agenda Lobby for Adult Education to be part of development policies Learn and Innovate Learn from implementation, monitoring and evaluation Be selected Develop and write good proposals Show Results Carry out projects successfully and make the results known

25 25 Fundraising Goals: Acquisition of means and attraction of multipliers Establishment of networks with large private donors, with business and with foundations for grant allocation Implementation of fundraising in Bonn and in 35 locations worldwide Engage in dialogue with all stakeholders in order to attain promises for the human right to education, for Lifelong Learning, for non-formal education, and for the work of DVV International

26 26 Marketing Brand management: Implementation and development of corporate design in Bonn and at all locations worldwide Marketing activities: Building up marketing, development of new marketing instruments Non-profit marketing: Dialogue with interest groups, positioning, image care, increasing the visibility of the Institute

27 27 Journal “Adult Education and Development” Contents: Informs about Adult Education worldwide in practice and theory Target group: Adult educators, especially in developing and transition countries Languages: English, French, Spanish Frequency: Once a year, free of charge Print edition: ~10,000, subscribers in more than 160 countries Online offer: PDF, Flipbook und HTML version Index for article search Virtual seminar after publication of each issue Adult Education in practice and theory

28 28 “International Perspectives in Adult Education” Contents: Reports, studies, materials on the international aspects of Adult Education Target group: Adult educators, especially in developing and transition countries Languages: English, other languages as needed Publication frequency: According to need; usually 1 - 2 times per year Print edition: 1,000 to 4,000 Reports, studies, materials

29 29 Publications on “Global Learning in the Adult Education Centre” Contents: Background information, didactic materials and best practice examples about development policy issues in the context of Global Learning in Adult Education Centers Languages: German; materials for language course in the relevant language Print edition: Varies Didactic teaching materials and practical examples

30 30 Expenditures in 2013

31 31 In % Regional distribution of project funds in 2013 *Afghanistan = 31 percent of Asia share

32 32 Sources of finance in 2013 In %

33 33 Number of employees in 2013

34 34 Number of employees in 2013

35 35 Vision We fight poverty through education and support development. As a globally acting professional organisation for Adult Education, we build a sustainable system for Adult Education along with citizens, educational organisations and governments. Together with the people in our partner countries, we establish places for Lifelong Learning.


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