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Building stronger foundations: revisions to the National Curriculum and to qualifications in MFL Christopher Maynard QCA Principal Officer, MFL.

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Presentation on theme: "Building stronger foundations: revisions to the National Curriculum and to qualifications in MFL Christopher Maynard QCA Principal Officer, MFL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building stronger foundations: revisions to the National Curriculum and to qualifications in MFL Christopher Maynard QCA Principal Officer, MFL

2 The revised National Curriculum (1) Greater emphasis on: pupils’ knowledge about language their ability to apply this 1. Pupils should be taught: (a) the principles and interrelationship of sounds and writing in the target language (b) the grammar of the target language and how to apply it (c) how to express themselves using a range of vocabulary and structures

3 The revised National Curriculum (2) Less emphasis on: topics linking topics to a key stage 5. During key stages 3 and 4 pupils should be taught the Knowledge, skills and understanding through: (i) working in a variety of contexts, including everyday activities, personal and social life, the world around us, the world of work and the international world.

4 The revised National Curriculum (3) Emphasis remains on: developing language skills developing language-learning skills

5 The revised National Curriculum (4) Link with English: 3c Pupils should be taught to use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

6 The revised National Curriculum (5) Links made with the programme of study for English: En1/5 Pupils should be taught to use the vocabulary, structures and grammar of spoken standard English fluently and accurately in informal and formal situations. En2/6 Pupils should be taught to draw on their knowledge of grammar and language variation to develop their understanding of texts and how language works. En3/7 Pupils should be taught the principles of sentence grammar and whole-text cohesion and use this knowledge in their writing. (etc)

7 The revised National Curriculum (6) Note about using the target language: Pupils are expected to use and respond to the target language, and to use English only when necessary (for example, when discussing a grammar point or when comparing English and the target language).

8 QCA key stage 3 MFL schemes of work QCA schemes of work for MFL reflect revised programme of study. Knowledge about language emphasised in each unit: new language content learning objectives grammatical progression

9 Revisions to GCSE (1) reflect changes in National Curriculum greater emphasis on knowledge of language 20% of total marks for knowledge and accurate application of the grammar and structures of the language (AO2 and AO4) grammar appendices in GCSE criteria

10 Revisions to GCSE (2) no dictionaries in examinations rationalisation of topics greater comparability across specifications

11 New AS/A levels Assessment Objective 3: “show knowledge of and apply accurately the grammar and syntax prescribed in the specification” AO3 weighted at 25% of total marks at both Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced levels grammar appendices in AS/A criteria “transfer of meaning” from and into the target language compulsory

12 Advanced Extension Awards (1) targeted at top 10% of A level candidates based on AS/A subject criteria require no special preparation, no additional teaching to be available in French, German and Spanish in 2002

13 Advanced Extension Awards (2) candidates should “understand and apply accurately the grammatical system and a range of structures as detailed in the GCE Advanced level subject criteria” mark scheme allots 40% to “knowledge and use of French/German/Spanish (including accuracy, the range of syntax and lexis used, knowledge and application of the grammatical system)”

14 MFL in key stage 2 scheme of work published in September 2000 feasibility study - evaluation of existing research - study of current provision - monitoring and evaluation of current initiatives report to Secretary of State (March 2001)

15 Issues for consideration quantity v. quality - concern about uptake of MFL and continuation rates motivation competence in one foreign language v. partial competence in two or more foreign languages

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