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Reno, Nevada March 12, 2015. Significant Challenges for Adult Learners Registered Apprenticeship – What it is & What it’s not Selecting Potential Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Reno, Nevada March 12, 2015. Significant Challenges for Adult Learners Registered Apprenticeship – What it is & What it’s not Selecting Potential Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reno, Nevada March 12, 2015

2 Significant Challenges for Adult Learners Registered Apprenticeship – What it is & What it’s not Selecting Potential Learning Sites Enrollment Tracking – Potential Issues Employment Tracking – Do’s and Don’ts


4 Self-directed & autonomous Utilizes knowledge & life experiences Goal-oriented Relevancy-oriented Highlights practicality Encourages collaboration

5  Programming that works for their Schedules  Relevant Degree Programs  Clear Expectations  Feedback from the Instructor  Acknowledgement of Prior Learning

6 1.School/Life Responsibilities 2.Accessibility 3.Cost

7 1.Understand Andragogy 2.Plan Well 3.Manage your Classroom 4.Inspire your Students 5.Continue to Improve

8  Authority Figure  Authority Model  Student-centric  Facilitator  Delegator

9 Pioneered by Malcolm Knowles

10 Make absolutely sure your Adult Students understand “WHY”

11 Respect that your Students have different learning styles

12 Allow your Students to experience what they are learning

13 When the Student is ready, the Teacher appears.

14 Encourage your Adult Students

15 The mediocre teacher tells The good teacher explains The superior teacher demonstrates The great teacher INSPIRES

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