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Presentation on theme: "THE DIGITAL THIRD AGE «ALL MEN BY NATURE DESIRE KNOWLEDGE»"— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda introduction eInclution- datas (statistics) for Norway population 50+ the actors in eInclution presentation of Seniornett who, what, where, how

3 Introduction Norway in the forefront Digital exclusion a serious barrier Lack of …………….

4 eInclution in Norway Some datas/statistics population 45+

5 eInclusion is depends on –Objective parameters e.g. age, education –Subjective factors e.g. motivation, perception of need

6 AAL - 85 projects in 2012 ICT based solutions for Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions of Elderly People – 23 projects ICTbased solutions for Advancement of Social Interaction of Elderly People – 29 projects ICT-based Solutions for Advancement of Older Persons’ Independence and Participation in the “Self-Serve Society – 23 projects ICT-based solutions for advancement of older persons’ mobility – 20 projects

7 Many projects that interact - coordinated?? eInclusion eHealth eGovernment PIA Grundtvig eMe eGovMon MobileSage T&T Net UserTestingTool Senior Gamer eSenior Secure To much talking, to little action!?

8 Welfare technology a new challenge a different approach

9 NGO’s –Just in cooperation with Seniornett Norge –Seniornett is the catalyst –Organisations based on volunteerism –Organisations as Red Cross, National Association for Public Health, Voluntary centers and others

10 Municipalities –Adult education is regulated by the Adult Education Act (1976) and the Education Act (1998) –A new law on non-formal adult learning was introduced in 2010, to regulate organized learning activities outside the formal sector –Municipalities are responsible

11 Labour offices –Formally don’t have and therefor won’t take responsibility –They are relying on employers to educate there employees in digital skills –For the unemployed there is no statutory regulation for education in basic digital skills

12 Educational organizations – private educational organizations – expensive – disappointing success rate

13 Lifelong learning program – Grundtvig –Seniornett involved as a partner (Board member Seniornett Norge) –Seniors in the knowledge society –Participation with 9 other countries including Czech University of Life sciences Prague, Czech Republic –Significant prior experience in training and coaching of seniors in IT usage

14 SUMMARIZED Modern day dyslectics To this point, Seniornett Norge has operated within Norway exclusively – except for participation in several EU-projects.

15 Use of internet Percentage of population age 65-74

16 Users of the internet at least once every 3 month

17 Users of the internet at least once every day

18 Seniornett Norge -Seniornett Norge is an ideal, independent non-profit organization that works for the active participation of seniors in todays digital information society -We want all seniors in Norway to be active users of the Internet!

19 In 1996 an Telenor project «Seniors and Information Technology» was started, that inspired to start another project which was called ”Internet Senior” The project had as a goal to educate small groups of seniors, age 55+, who then again would educate new groups of seniors And early 1998 a ”Seniornett Norge” board was formed One of Seniornett Norges greatest enthusiasts Bodil Brøgger became the first chairperson

20 Seniornett Norge wasborn wasborn

21 1998: The seniornett website was created In 1999 Seniornett Norge took the initiative to organize a one day seminar as a pilot project. This project was called the: ”SeniorSurf day” Seniornett-newspaper since 2001.

22 20062012(now) Number of clubs 20 170 Volunteer workers 100 850 Employees 3 6 Seniors instructed/yr 1.000 28.000 Annual budget (€) 0,25 m 0,75 m Seniornett Norge: Then and now

23 Why? - of Norway’s 5,0 mill inhabitants, 26% are over the age of 55 - of these 1,3 mill seniors, 37 % or 485 000 of them have no knowledge of PCs or Internet

24 Some facts about Norway compared to the Czech Republic Norway Czech Republic Area 358,252 km 2 78,866 km 2Area 358,252 km 2 78,866 km 2 Population5,038,100 10,512,200Population5,038,100 10,512,200 Density13 /km 2 134 /km 2Density13 /km 2 134 /km 2 Population 65+ 15,8%15,2%Population 65+ 15,8%15,2% Population 45-64 22,5%20,4%Population 45-64 22,5%20,4%

25 Our ”tools”: Motivate – Train – Maintain –SeniorSurf day –Newspaper, Web portal –Cooperations with large NGOs (Red Cross etc.) –Clubs and meeting places where the seniors live –Tailormade training - just for seniors –Bootstrap system: Train-the-trainer!

26 Clubs or Learning centers are the key to success –They are based on respect, dignity and avoiding stigmatization –There main goal is to motivate, inspire seniors to start using the internet –They have to be aware of things like fear of teknologi, knobphobia, automagic and other preconceptions

27 Points of discussion for training centers –Organization –Finances –Instructors –Meeting agendas/topics –Technical –Courses og guidance –Why a central organization for the training centers

28 Not only seniors value the work of Seniornett Norge Rosing Competence Award 2006 Award from The Norwegian Computer Society EU eInclusion Award – Ageing Well Finalist in Vienna december 2008 The Norwegian Association for Adult Learning This award goes to a person, organization or institution for outstanding efforts to make knowledge and learning available to all.

29 Seniornett participates in :  E-NO FALLSEU Thematic network  MobileSageEU AAL  GrundtvigEU Lifelong Learning  T&TnetEU AAL  NetPOWER*NRC, SINTEF  SecureInternet based Care Technology DIGNIO  E-seniorSafety at home  SeniorgamerDementia prevention project - among others

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