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Maria landy1 National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 2015 The NATIONAL CURRICULUM in England Summary by Maria Landy Plus Changing.

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Presentation on theme: "Maria landy1 National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 2015 The NATIONAL CURRICULUM in England Summary by Maria Landy Plus Changing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maria landy1 National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 2015 The NATIONAL CURRICULUM in England Summary by Maria Landy Plus Changing Context and Current Issues

2 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 20152 The National Curriculum in England All subjects are now introduced Subjects published on DFE website Citizenship for Primary Schools published later – did you miss it? The Curriculum’s breadth, depth and relevance will be judged as part of the new Common Inspection Framework or CIF across all settings

3 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 20153 Curriculum judgement by OfSTED in the CIF Is the curriculum broad and balanced? Are British Values promoted? There are specific requirements for Early Years – separate handbooks There is a common set of principles for all post 16 providers – separate handbook Schools and non-association independent schools have a separate handbook each

4 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 20154 Assessments key messages Broad support to reduce unnecessary prescription and bureaucracy teachers given greater professional judgement Generally support for the National Curriculum to provide continuity and consistency Confusion re NC Levels – end of key stage exams being developed to provide benchmarks – P scales remain

5 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 20155 Issues emerging Curriculum sets out range of knowledge considered essential for the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and PE Many favoured Key Stage Programmes of Study rather than year on year Religious Education remains a requirement up to 19 in schools

6 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 20156 All to get a good start and be well prepared for the next stage Other subjects art and design, design and technology, geography, history, computing, modern foreign languages and music are within the National Curriculum Citizenship – PSHE and Mental Health Stressed schools needed time and support to implement and embed the new National Curriculum so OfSTED will start inspecting it from September 2015

7 Special Focus on English and Maths at each key stage A new specific focus on the teaching of literacy and maths and how well teaching enables learners to grasp concepts and deepen their understanding Teachers and Leaders to demonstrate high expectations and an ambitious vision Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 20157

8 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 20158 Websites Ensure you inform parents and carers on your websites of what you teach The amount of information about curriculum on schools’ websites varies enormously Ensure yours is up to date and helps parents support learning Teach what you say you do Do not narrow the curriculum offer

9 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 20159 Changing Context More Academies and Free Schools Rapidly changing context Several new schools at planning stage Increased demand for places Building up Teaching Schools network More in school on the job training New OfSTED led inspections from 1/9/15

10 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 201510 Context changing Changing context and competition Academy Chains Changing role of the Education Authorities Different funding criteria SEN&D Code of Practice – Education Health and Care Plans

11 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 201511 New Boarding Criteria focussed more on Outcomes Ofsted ref no: 150053 Published March 2015 Focus on outcomes – overall effectiveness Impact of experiences on personal development, behaviour and well-being Safeguards and promotes welfare Continual focus on improvements, progress and outcomes What boarders, parents, carers and staff plus placing authorities say National minimum standards are met

12 Guide to the Children’s Homes Regulations including quality standards – April 2015 Department for Education publication Includes The Quality Standards – there are nine which must be met – see page 7 This leads to a link for the Health and wellbeing of looked-after children and young people Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 201512

13 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 201513 SMSC = OUTCOMES Social Development – enjoy positive constructive relationships tolerate difference –race, religion and sexuality and promotes British Values Personal Development – build self esteem, independence and confidence Behaviour – happiness, enjoyment, developing new skills, interests and talents Positive contribution to society - making views known Health and fitness – physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing Prepared well for successful transition for next stage

14 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 201514 Value for Money Value for Money Who pays? Impact? Outcomes? Additional funds Focus on Pupil Premium? Best value? EVIDENCE READY – Governors and Trustees know how well funds are used.

15 Maria landy National Curriculum and Latest Updated August 201515 Continuously Changing Context So important to stay up to date – be aware Self Evaluation – SEF still needed High focus on active governance SMSC and British Values Evidence vital Views of pupils, boarders, staff, parents and carers integral to process Focus on quality and value for money Meet needs, provide best quality and be aware of latest Ofsted criteria

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