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Proud to achieve Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Presentation by Ela Nisbet.

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Presentation on theme: "Proud to achieve Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Presentation by Ela Nisbet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proud to achieve Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Presentation by Ela Nisbet Outreach Transition Worker at Oaklands College, Hertfordshir e Filming and technical support Sharon Stone E-learning Developer, Oaklands College Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet

2 Autism: facts – statistics - employment According to NAS: Over half a million people in the UK are on the autistic spectrum (around 1 in a 100) Lifelong, disabling condition A hidden disability – you can’t always tell Only 15% of adults with autism in the UK are in full-time paid employment 61% of those out of work say they want to work Nearly 2/3 rds of adults with autism in England do not have enough support to meet their needs At least 1 in every 3 are experiencing severe mental health difficulties due to lack of support What can we do to help? Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet

3 The Supported Employment approach in Education What is Supported Employment ? … it is a means of preparing disabled for work, finding them jobs and sustaining their long-term employment. People who want to work are provided with support in order to do so. Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet

4 Transition to Employment programme The best way to learn about work is by doing a real job … Unique, individual and personalised programme linking education with employment Innovative: championing the SE approach in FE (Vocational Profile; training on the job; job coach) Holistic, positive and realistic - looking at what person CAN DO and supporting them to achieve Inclusive – same approach in mainstream and discrete provisions Flexible - fits around the learner and their chosen college course(s) Personal, social and vocational development with a specific focus on employment (gradual development of social skills and vocational competence in real work settings) Partnership working: employers, parents, Connexions, supported employment agencies and other service providers All work has value: paid and voluntary work options Continuum of support Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet

5 Key element: structured, supported work placements Opportunities for young people to … experience the real world of work apply skills learnt at the college to a real job learn new skills and grow confident in the workplace develop positive relationships with work colleagues and be accepted by them find enjoyable and sustainable employment Enabling young people to … live more independent and fulfilling lives make a real contribution to the local community and become a valued part of it Opportunities for local employers to get to know and … recruit hard-working, skilled and committed workers Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet

6 Case study 1: Jonathon Lennon In education and training; independent traveller Mainstream secondary school – 3 GCSEs Mainstream at Oaklands - BTEC First Diploma IT Discrete provision - Ready to Work Travel training – self taught Back to mainstream - BTEC National Award IT BTEC First Diploma in Art and Design BTEC National Diploma in Interactive Media Supported work placements and voluntary work: Over 60s Club, Hertfordshire PASS and Marks and Spencer Ambitions for the future Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet


8 Case study 2: Mark Boxer Combining education with part-time paid employment; independent traveller; car driver; living independently. Left special school at 16 Mainstream at Oaklands: Entry Level Business Administration and Retail Introduction to voluntary work (Earthworks) Specialist travel training Supported work placement at Waitrose resulting in part-time paid employment Driving test: passed at first attempt! BBC LSC Big Skill (Skills for Work) winner in 2009 Progress to National Award in Business Fulfilling life: own flat, car, trip to New York in 2010, sustainable employment and professional achievements Ambitions for the future Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet





13 Transition to Employment programme: the benefits One to one ongoing support, information and guidance Specific focus on employment Vocational profiling: identifying vocational interests, skills and abilities Positive outlook: building on strengths; helping to address any weaknesses Achievable goals Gradual development of social and vocational skills in real work settings – with appropriate level of support Natural supports at work (work buddies) Supported work placements = training on the job = working interview Variety of opportunities = wealth of transferable skills Maximising positive outcomes through partnership working Continuum of support: partnership working Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet

14 A BIG THANK YOU Jonathon Lennon, Hilda Lennon and Marks and Spencer, London Colney Mark Boxer, Sarah Boxer and Mark’s employer Waitrose, WGC Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College Ela Nisbet

15 For more information go to: Oaklands College, Learning for Living and Work Successful transitions from education to employment for learners on the autistic spectrum at Oaklands College urse/view.php?id=886

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