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Information for Parents

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1 Information for Parents
Year 2 SATS Information for Parents

2 Outline of Presentation
What are SATs? An overview of the tasks and tests Teacher assessment Levels The results What can I do to help?

3 What are SATs? Statutory Assessment Tasks (Tests) A measure of success
Children’s skills are assessed in Reading, Writing and Mathematics Tests are used to inform Teacher Assessments.

4 Overview of the Tasks and Tests
Tests take place in class room or in a quiet area if in a smaller group. Enough time is given to complete the test. Level 2 test is completed before moving to the Level 3 test. Some children will be given a task to complete with a teacher instead of a test.

5 Tasks and Tests Assessment Area Task and Test for 2015 Reading Writing
Reading Tests: Paper test and/or separate booklet Whole class or in groups, unlimited time, but usually minutes Levels 2 and 3 Reading Task: Sharing a book with a teacher, running record and discussion Individually, about minutes Levels 1 and 2 Writing Spelling Test: Whole class or in groups Usually about minutes Levels 1-3 Short Writing Task: Whole class or in small groups Whole class or in groups, unlimited time, but usually minutes Long Writing Task: Mathematics Maths Tests: Paper test Maths Task: Questions with a teacher using resources and answer paper Individually or small groups, usually about minutes Level 1

6 Overview of the Tasks and Tests
Reading Test: Level 2 paper with text and questions; Level 3 separate answer paper and booklet. Adults not allowed to read any part of the test. Spelling: paper with pictures to label and a dictated cloze passage. Writing: long and short tasks completed in class based on familiar genres and topics. Mathematics: Level 2 and 3 paper, some resources are allowed e.g.100 square, tens and units cubes but not in all tests. Adults may read the question in a Maths test.

7 Teacher Assessment SATs are marked in school by class teachers.
Criteria and mark schemes are given and we follow national guidelines when administering and marking the tests. Scores give a National Curriculum Level for the test. Levels in SATs inform teacher judgements which are based on ongoing assessments: work in books, teacher observations, notes and ongoing records of attainment. Teachers use national Level Descriptors when assessing. Teachers have the discretion to award a Level according to the skills of the child across the curriculum, not just based on a one-off test score. Teacher Assessments are moderated in school and by Local Authority moderators who visit the school.

8 National Curriculum Levels (still used this year for Year 2)
W 1 2c 2b 2a 3 W = Working towards level 1 Each level has subdivisions: c – just entering the level, not yet secure b – secure in the level a– secure and moving towards next level Level 1 and 3 subdivisions not shown on SATs results Nationally agreed ‘age-related expectation’ for end of Year 2 is 2b

9 Results National Curriculum Levels will be reported in English (Reading and Writing) and Maths. Teachers also assess Science, but there is no SAT for Science. National Curriculum Levels are used to track progress from Key Stage One to the end of Key Stage Two and beyond. Teachers use the SATs results to inform teaching e.g. through analysing common errors.

10 What Can I Do to Help? . Reading
Read regularly, talk about the book, ask questions that go beyond literal recall: inference skills Writing Practise spelling high frequency words and spelling patterns from phonics Phases 5 and 6 if children find them tricky. Write when purposeful opportunities arise e.g. a letter to a family member, a postcard to a friend, a shopping list, an invitation, related to class reading book Mathematics Find opportunities for your child to use numbers in everyday situations and encourage them to work out calculations in their head. Practise addition and subtraction facts, times tables and related division facts. Learning Do not go on holiday in term time. Reasonable bedtimes so children are rested, alert and ready to learn. Talk with your child about their learning in school. .

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