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Gillamoor CE Primary School Maths evening Support your child in Maths and changes to the National curriculum for Maths June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Gillamoor CE Primary School Maths evening Support your child in Maths and changes to the National curriculum for Maths June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gillamoor CE Primary School Maths evening Support your child in Maths and changes to the National curriculum for Maths June 2014

2  What does Maths mean to you?  Share your thoughts with a partner What is Maths?

3  Number and place value  Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division  Fractions – including decimals and percentages  Geometry – properties of shapes, position and direction  Measurement  Statistics  Ratio and proportion  Algebra  Use of Maths across the curriculum, eg. Science, DT, Geography What is Maths?

4  Reception (EYFS) on Early Years curriculum  Year 1 New Curriculum  Year 2 Old Curriculum  Year 3 – 5 New Curriculum  Year 6 Old Curriculum Maths curriculum from September 2014

5  For children in Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 levels as we know them e.g. 1b, 2a, 3c won’t exist  They will be assessed as  Developing  Expected  Exceeded against set criteria for each subject, in the case of Maths, for each area of the subject. Changes to Assessment from September 2014

6 Year 1  Number  Addition & subtraction  Multiplication & Division  Measurement  Geometry  Position and direction Maths subject areas for assessment

7 Year 2, 3 and 4  Number  Addition & subtraction  Multiplication & Division  Measurement  Geometry  Position and direction  Fractions  Statistics Maths subject areas for assessment

8 Year 5 and 6  Number  Addition & subtraction  Multiplication & Division  Measurement  Geometry  Position and direction  Fractions  Statistics  Ratio and proportion  Algebra Maths subject areas for assess

9  EYFS still assessed on EYFS months scale and Early Learning Goals.  Emerging  Expected  Exceeding Assessment from September 2014

10  Year 2 and Year 6 will continue to be assessed with the current levelling system 2b, 4b etc. until they reach the end of their Key Stage i.e. July 2015,  Then they move onto the new system Assessment from September 2014

11  Short baseline assessment by teachers when children first enter Reception  Teacher assessment end of Reception, as now  Teacher assessments end of KS1 (Y2). Externally-set but internally marked tests end of KS1. Draft framework for KS1 mathematics test 1.Paper 1 Arithmetic 15 marks, 15 minutes 2.Paper 2 Mathematical fluency, solving problems and reasoning, 35 marks, 35 minutes (children may have a break if necessary) Statutory Assessments from September 2014

12  National tests end of KS2 (Y6). Externally set and externally marked, as now. Draft framework for KS2 mathematics test 1.Paper 1 Arithmetic 30 marks, 30 minutes 2.Paper 2 Mathematical fluency, solving problems and reasoning, 40 marks, 40 minutes 3.Paper 3 Mathematical fluency, solving problems and reasoning, 40 marks, 40 minutes  Teacher assessment of maths will continue. Statutory Assessments from September 2014

13  Weighting has changed with much more emphasis on number and place value  Place value and calculation are the priority for learning  Introduction of Roman numerals Year 4 to 100 ( I – C), Year 5 to 1000 (I – M )  Expectations and aspirations will be higher e.g. Know all the number bonds to 20 currently Year 2 objective, will be a Year 1 objective 8 times table moves from Year 5 to Year 3 consolidate tables to 10 x 10 year 6 will be 12 x 12 year 4 Key changes

14 Useful websites   curriculum curriculum  

15 EYFS/Year 1 Counting  When going up and down stairs  Different colour cars when on a journey  Objects when on a walk, when shopping, at home, ensuring 1:1 correspondence  On a ruler forwards and backwards and not always starting at 1  Use of language: equal to, more than, less than, fewer, most, least  Talk about ½ if cutting a cake, equal parts  Talk about 2 and 3 D shapes in the home and environment, (rectangles, including squares, circles and triangles, cuboids, including cubes, pyramids and spheres  Whole turn, ½, ¼ and ¾ turns  Days of the week, months of the year, dates  Asking the time to the hour and half hour  Value of coins  Weights when cooking What you can do to help.

16 Year 2  Count in steps of 2,3 5 from different numbers forwards and backwards  Support with 2, 5 and 10 times tables, division as well as multiplication  Fractions of things 1/3, ¼, 2/4, ¾, length, shape and quantity  Shapes in the home and environment  Turns, patterns sequences  Different coins that equal same amount  Telling the time to 5 minutes, quarter past/to half past  Measuring out when cooking What you can do to help.

17 KS2  Tables – multiplication and division  Adding up items when shopping and calculating change  Number of days in each month  Am, pm time to the nearest minute, could also relate to Roman numerals  Symmetry  Horizontal and vertical  Weighing and measuring when cooking What you can do to help.

18  Continue to send home activities  Access to Sumdog and Education city at home for pupils  Share the school calculations policy early in the autumn term  Parents workshop on Place value in autumn term  Additional workshops in spring and summer please see evaluation sheet.  Put this power point and other relevant resources on the website Thank you for coming this evening What school will do to help

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