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Presentation on theme: "การจัดการทรัพยากรมนุษย์"— Presentation transcript:

1 การจัดการทรัพยากรมนุษย์
อาจารย์สุวิต ศรีไหม คณะเทคโนโลยีและการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ เขตการศึกษาสุราษฎร์ธานี การจัดการทรัพยากรมนุษย์ Human Resource Management

2 Human resource management challenge
How a firm’s human resources influence its performance? How firms can use HR initiatives to cope with workplace changes and trend such as a more diverse workforce, the global economy, downsizing, and new legislation? What is distinguish between the role of the HR department and the role of the firm’s managers in utilizing human resources effectively? How formulation and implementation HR strategies that can help the firm achieve a sustained competitive advantage? How HR strategies that fit corporate and business unit strategies?

3 Key HR challenges for today’s manager
Environment Organization Individual

4 Global Business Environment
Rapid change Rise of the internet Workforce diversity Globalization Legislation Evolving work and family roles Skill shortages and the rise of the service sector

5 Organization + Management
Competitive position: cost, quality, distinctive capacities Decentralization Organizational restructuring Self-managed work teams Small businesses Organizational culture Technology Outsourcing

6 Individual + Teams Matching people and organization
Ethical dilemmas and social responsibility Productivity Empowerment Brain drain Job insecurity

7 Planning and implementing strategic HR policies
The Process of formulating HR strategies and establishing programs or tactics to implement them.

8 The benefits of HR planning
Encouragement of proactive rather than reactive behavior Explicit communication of company goals Stimulation of critical thinking and ongoing examination of assumptions Identification of gaps between current situation and future vision Encouragement of line managers’ participation Identification of HR constraints and opportunities Creation of common bonds

9 The challenges of strategic HR planning
Maintaining a competitive advantage Reinforcing overall business strategy Avoiding excessive concentration on day-to-day problems Developing HR strategies suited to unique organizational features Coping with the environment Securing management commitment Translating the strategic plan into action Combining intended strategy and emergent strategies Accommodating change

10 Strategic HR choices The options available to a firm in designing its human resources system.

11 Strategic HR choices : Work flows
Efficiency VS Innovation Control VS Flexibility Explicit job descriptions VS Broad job classes Detailed work planning VS Loose work planning

12 Strategic HR choices : Staffing
Internal recruitment VS External recruitment Supervisor makes hiring decision VS HR department makes hiring decision Emphasis on “fit” of applicant with firm culture VS Emphasis on applicants’ technical qualifications and skills Informal hiring of new employees VS Formal hiring of new employees

13 Strategic HR choices: Employee separations
Voluntary inducements to retire VS Layoffs Hiring freeze VS Recruit as needed Continuing support for terminated employee VS Letting laid-off workers fend for themselves Preferential rehiring policy VS No preferential treatment

14 Strategic HR choices : Performance appraisal
Customized appraisal VS Uniform appraisal procedures Developmental appraisals VS Control-oriented appraisals Multipurpose appraisals VS Narrow-focus appraisals Multiple input for appraisal VS Supervisor input only

15 Strategic HR choices : Training and development
Individual training VS Team-bases training On-the-job training VS External training Job-specific training VS Generic training emphasizing flexibility “Buy” skills by hiring experienced workers at a higher wage VS “Make” skills by providing training to less experienced workers hired at a lower wage

16 Strategic HR choices : Compensation
Fixed pay VS Variable pay Job-based pay VS Individual-based pay Seniority-based pay VS Performance-based pay Centralized pay decisions VS Decentralized pay decision

17 Strategic HR choices : Employee relations and labor relations
Top down communication VS Bottom up communication Union suppression VS Union acceptance Adversarial approach VS Enlightened management

18 Strategic HR choices : Employment rights
Emphasis on discipline to reduce mistakes VS Emphasis on preventive action to reduce mistakes Emphasis on employer protection VS Emphasis on employee protection Informal ethical standards VS Explicit ethical codes and enforcement procedures

19 Strategic HR choices : International management
Create global company culture VS Adapt to local culture Reply on expatriates VS Reply on country nationals Repatriation agreement VS No formal repatriation agreement Universal company policies VS Country-specific company policies

20 Effective HR strategy formulation and implementation
Organizational strategies consistency Environment fit fit HR Strategies Improved firm performance fit fit Organizational characteristics Organizational capabilities consistency

21 The relative contribution of an HR strategy to firm performance increase
The greater the match between the HR strategy and the firm’s overall organizational strategies. The greater the extent to which the HR strategy is attuned to the environment in which the firm is operating. The more the HR strategy is molded to unique organization features. The more the HR strategy enables the firm to capitalize on its distinctive competencies. The more the HR strategies are mutually consistent or reinforce one another.

22 Selecting HR strategies to increase firm performance
Fit with organization strategies Fit with the environment Fit with organizational characteristics Fit with organizational capabilities

23 Suwit Srimai Faculty of Technology & Management Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

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