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1 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC press conference, Bonn, 20 November 2007 Establishing the national institutions and systems.

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Presentation on theme: "1 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC press conference, Bonn, 20 November 2007 Establishing the national institutions and systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC press conference, Bonn, 20 November 2007 Establishing the national institutions and systems to implement the Kyoto Protocol by Katia Simeonova (UNFCCC secretariat)

2 2 1.Practically all Parties are planning to use Kyoto mechanisms even those that may not need them to attain to the Kyoto targets 2.To participate in the Kyoto mechanisms, Parties must have in place institutions and systems to strictly monitor, account for and report on their emissions and use of the Kyoto mechanisms 3.Requirements for reporting and review: initial, annual, periodic, true-up period. In 2007, the focus is on the initial review… Preparing for the first commitment period: use of the Kyoto Mechanisms All Kyoto Parties with commitments inscribed in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol who submitted in 2006 and at the beginning of 2007 their initial reports to establish their assigned amount

3 3 1.Elements of reporting and review: i.GHG inventory and base year emissions ii.Base year for F-gases and Article 4 agreement iii.Calculation of assigned amount and commitment period reserve iv.National registry and national inventory system v.LULUCF definitions and elections 2.Strict international verification of institutions, systems and emissions to ensure the highest possible credibility of the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol: participation of more than 150 experts in the review process 3.Compliance Committee to deal with implementation issues identified by the reviews; so far, no major implementation issues have been identified Initial report and review Reviews completed for 17 Parties and UN reports submitted to the Compliance Committee and the CMP (reports are public)

4 4 “Kyoto cornerstones”: data – policies – infrastructures Reports on GHG emissions Emission reduction targets under Kyoto Protocol for industrialized countries: at least –5% by 2008-2012 compared to 1990 Policies and measures to reduce emissions Systems & infrastructures to support GHG emissions data and market-based mechanisms

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