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Scientific Contributors Ancient Greeks to Modern Day.

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1 Scientific Contributors Ancient Greeks to Modern Day

2 Ancient Greeks  Hippocrates: first doctor, stated that diseases have natural causes.  Eratosthenes: estimated size of earth, advanced geometry.  Archimedes: catapult, Density formula, d=m/v  Pythagorus: A 2 +B 2 =C 2  Aristotle: developed many theories that led to modern day discoveries.  Domocrites: philosopher and mathematician, developed theory of atoms (atomos).  Hippocrates: first doctor, stated that diseases have natural causes.  Eratosthenes: estimated size of earth, advanced geometry.  Archimedes: catapult, Density formula, d=m/v  Pythagorus: A 2 +B 2 =C 2  Aristotle: developed many theories that led to modern day discoveries.  Domocrites: philosopher and mathematician, developed theory of atoms (atomos).

3 “Age of Genius” 1600’s/1700’s  Nicolaus Copernicus: sun centered solar system.  Leonardo DaVinci: Renaissance painter (the Mona Lisa) and an engineer, created designs for helicopters, tanks, solar power, bridges and human anatomy.  Galileo Galilei: improved telescope -many space discoveries. Tested theory of gravity.  Andreas Vesalius: Anatomy & Physiology, dissected stray cats & dogs, humans…made detailed drawings and books that later advanced surgery.  Antoine Lavoisier: “father of modern chemistry”, developed the law of conservation of matter.  Isaac Newton : laws of force & motion, white light is a mixture of all colors.  Nicolaus Copernicus: sun centered solar system.  Leonardo DaVinci: Renaissance painter (the Mona Lisa) and an engineer, created designs for helicopters, tanks, solar power, bridges and human anatomy.  Galileo Galilei: improved telescope -many space discoveries. Tested theory of gravity.  Andreas Vesalius: Anatomy & Physiology, dissected stray cats & dogs, humans…made detailed drawings and books that later advanced surgery.  Antoine Lavoisier: “father of modern chemistry”, developed the law of conservation of matter.  Isaac Newton : laws of force & motion, white light is a mixture of all colors.

4 Robert Boyle: developed gas and pressure laws. “Age of Technology” 1800’s Dmitri Mendeleev: organized the modern periodic table Carolus Linnaeus: developed the classification system for plants and animals Robert Hooke: Biology, used simple microscopes to develop cell model and cell theory. John Dalton: Developed the atomic theory. Michael Faraday: did the groundwork for the age of electricity amd developed first electric motor. Charles Darwin: Theory of evolution.

5  Gregor Mendel: laws of heredity, recessive and dominant genes.  Alfred Nobel: Invented dynamite (sand, nitroglycerin). Peace prize named for him.  Wilhelm Rontgen: discovered x-rays accidentally while experimenting with electricity. Shadow showed up on Barium treated piece of cardboard.  Thomas Edison: Famous inventor who created electrical devices (light bulb). First to use electricity.  William Burroughs: invented first calculator, 1885.  Gregor Mendel: laws of heredity, recessive and dominant genes.  Alfred Nobel: Invented dynamite (sand, nitroglycerin). Peace prize named for him.  Wilhelm Rontgen: discovered x-rays accidentally while experimenting with electricity. Shadow showed up on Barium treated piece of cardboard.  Thomas Edison: Famous inventor who created electrical devices (light bulb). First to use electricity.  William Burroughs: invented first calculator, 1885.

6 “age of technology”  Earnest Rutherford- physicist, discovered protons. Won Nobel prize for work on alpha, beta and gamma rays.  J.J. Thompson-1906 Nobel prize winner in physics for his research on the discharge of electricity in gases (cathode tube experiment)-charge of electrons  Alexander Graham Bell- changed communication with development of telephone.  Earnest Rutherford- physicist, discovered protons. Won Nobel prize for work on alpha, beta and gamma rays.  J.J. Thompson-1906 Nobel prize winner in physics for his research on the discharge of electricity in gases (cathode tube experiment)-charge of electrons  Alexander Graham Bell- changed communication with development of telephone.

7 “Modern Science” 1900-present  Albert Einstein - German born, many inventions and Theory of Relativity: E=mc 2  Daniel Hale Williams- F irst African American to win Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine. He performed the first of many successful heart surgeries.  Marie Curie- radioactive experiments, 1st woman to win Nobel Peace prize  James Hillier - electron scan microscope: magnification of 7000 x.  Lewis Parker - combined transfer of sound and light information- first TV. First TV First TV  Herb Boyer - father of genetic engineering (cloning)  Alexander Flemming - developed penicillin  Nikola Tesla - inventor, worked with magnetic fields and alternating current- AC/DC.  Niels Bohr- created quantum physics, developed Bohr model of atom.  Albert Einstein - German born, many inventions and Theory of Relativity: E=mc 2  Daniel Hale Williams- F irst African American to win Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine. He performed the first of many successful heart surgeries.  Marie Curie- radioactive experiments, 1st woman to win Nobel Peace prize  James Hillier - electron scan microscope: magnification of 7000 x.  Lewis Parker - combined transfer of sound and light information- first TV. First TV First TV  Herb Boyer - father of genetic engineering (cloning)  Alexander Flemming - developed penicillin  Nikola Tesla - inventor, worked with magnetic fields and alternating current- AC/DC.  Niels Bohr- created quantum physics, developed Bohr model of atom.

8  Edwin Hubble- used doppler effect to prove that the universe is expanding (red shift)  Don Keck- invented fiber optics: transports more info at a faster rate  Enrico Fermi- father of nuclear age, developed nuclear fission(splitting of atom)  Alfred Wegener- developed concept of sea-floor spreading and Plate Tectonics  Stephen Hawking- proved Einstein’s theories, developed modern theories of cosmology (space)  Michio Kaku – theoretical physicist who cofounded superstring theory and help prove many of Einsteins’s ideas.  Edwin Hubble- used doppler effect to prove that the universe is expanding (red shift)  Don Keck- invented fiber optics: transports more info at a faster rate  Enrico Fermi- father of nuclear age, developed nuclear fission(splitting of atom)  Alfred Wegener- developed concept of sea-floor spreading and Plate Tectonics  Stephen Hawking- proved Einstein’s theories, developed modern theories of cosmology (space)  Michio Kaku – theoretical physicist who cofounded superstring theory and help prove many of Einsteins’s ideas.

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