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Implementing STEM in Your Classroom with Carolina Curriculum & the Smithsonian Institution
What is STEM? What is STEM?
Is STEM based learning connected to the Next Generation Science Standards? What could STEM learning look like in the classroom? Would it be hard to implement?
Technological Literacy
STEM In Action Students Prepared for STEM Careers Goal Science Content Technological Literacy Engineering Math Connections Core Beliefs Communication Content Problem Solving Integration Technology Careers Core Principles Preview the STEM document and review the intro found on the cover and inside cover thru page 1.
What is STEM? What is STEM?
Is STEM based learning connected to the Next Generation Science Standards? What could STEM learning look like in the classroom? Would it be hard to implement?
STEM and the New Science Standards
There is Overlap A number of key points are shared Both STEM and the Next Generation Science Standards focus on active, student engaged, learning With both, learning is more than just the memorization of content
Technological Literacy
STEM Education Engineering Students Prepared for STEM Careers Science Content Math Connections Communication Content Problem Solving Integration Technology Careers Comparing STEM and the Next Generation Science Standards Technological Literacy
Dimension Three: Disciplinary Core Ideas New Framework for K-12 Science Education
1. PHYSICAL SCIENCE PS One – Matter & Its Interactions PS Two – Motion & Stability: Forces and Interactions PS Three – Energy PS Four – Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer 2. Life Science LS One: From Molecules to Organisms, Structures & Processes LS Two: Ecosystem, Interaction, Energy & Dynamics LS Three: Heredity: Inheritance & Variation in Traits LS Four: Biological Evolution – Unity & Diversity 3. Earth & Space Science 4. Engineering, Technology & The Application of Science (STEM)
Dimension Three: Disciplinary Core Ideas New Framework for K-12 Science Education
1. PHYSICAL SCIENCE 2. Life Science 3. Earth & Space Science ESS One: Earth’s Place in the Universe ESS Two: Earth’s Systems ESS Three: Earth & Human Activity 4. Engineering, Technology & The Application of Science (STEM) ETS One: Engineering Design ETS Two: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science & Society
Dimension Two: Crosscutting Concepts New Framework for K-12 Science Education
Patterns Cause & Effect: Mechanism and Explanation Scale, Proportion, Quantity Systems & Systems Models Energy & Matter (Flows, Cycles, Conservation) Structure & Function Stability & Change
Dimension One: Scientific & Engineering Practices New Framework for K-12 Science Education
Asking questions (for science) - Defining problems (for engineering) Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematical and computational thinking Constructing explanations (for science) - Designing solutions (for engineering) Engaging in argumentation from evidence Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information
What is STEM? What is STEM?
Is STEM based learning connected to the Next Generation Science Standards? What could STEM learning look like in the classroom? Would it be hard to implement?
STEM In Action To answer these questions, we are now going to work in groups, and engage in inquiry activities, from two of the science units from the STC Program™. After completing the inquiry lessons, groups should prepare to present, how their lesson, was STEM based learning. STC PROGRAM™ unit: Motion and Design, Lesson 13– Looking at Cost STC-Secondary PROGRAM™ unit: Discovering Electrical Systems, Lesson 12: Building A Spinning Coil Motor In this modified investigation, participants will examine different ways to modify their K'NEX® vehicle, to enhance performance, reduce cost, and not compromise structural integrity Introduce the activities. Feel out your audience. You will have enough material if all participants show up from one grade span (example all are elementary). If you do have a mix, pass out the appropriate grade level package: All elementary participants will receive both lesson packs from Motion and Design All secondary participants will receive lesson pack from EXP with Forces and Motion Make sure you stress the participants will share with the group how their activity incorporated the different goals and beliefs from the STEM booklet. Only have them spend about 25% of the presentation time allotted here. In this modified investigation, participants will construct a model of a motor, then investigate and test, ways to improve on its design
Groups Will Follow the FERA Cycle Steps:
Pedagogy Research Based on how students learn best Rigorously field-tested with diverse populations Developmentally appropriate FERA Cycle helps teachers to Engage all students Helps teacher differentiate instruction Maximizes the use of Literacy Skills in science (read, write, communicate)
Engineering Design Challenge
Create a Focus Question identify the problem/hypothesis Explore - design a plan, materials, what and how to collect data, test your ideas, do the inquiry Reflect –Analyze results. Make claims, use data, graphs, other visuals, support claims with evidence. Explain, teach, defend findings to someone else, then write a Conclusion. Apply – How could this new knowledge be applied in the “real world”? Are there new questions you would like to answer?
Have we Answered Our Questions?
STC – Motion and Design Unit: Looking at Cost Did you modify the vehicle, enhance its performance, keep costs down, and not compromise its structural integrity? How do you know? Can you defend your conclusions? STC Secondary - Discovering Electrical Systems Unit: Spinning Coil Motor Did your group improve on the performance and design of your electric motor model? What proof do you have? Are there any new questions you would like answered from your investigation?
Students Learn Best by Doing and….
Lecture (5%) Reading (10%) Audio-Visual (20%) Demonstration (30%) Discussion (50%) Doing (75%) Teaching (students communicate new knowledge) (90%) The Inquiry Zone Teaching Method (Retention Rate) Students retain more if they actively engage. (Doing science not just learning about it). Start with Concrete, goes to Pictorial, then to Abstract ways of learning (reading), (not the other way around). Review that much of what we have been taught as educators matches the move to inquiry
Let’s Connect the Dots! On your copy of the “STEM Core Principals” and “Core Beliefs”, and Dimension 1 and 2 of the “New Science Standards”, place a check mark next to those areas, you feel were addressed in your inquiry lesson, and in the space provided, explain where and how that specific point was covered. When your group has finished this task, have two people from your group, go to the “Wall Charts”, and place your “sticky dots” next to each of the areas, your group checked off, and identified as covered, on your “STEM” and “New Science Standards” charts.
Adopting a STEM Philosophy
STEM In Action Foundation of STEM Education
Foundation of STEM Education
Engineering Students Prepared for STEM Careers Science Content Math Connections Communication Content Problem Solving Integration Technology Careers Goal Technological Literacy
Goals of STEM Education
STEM Education is designed to increase student interest in STEM fields. prepare students to pursue higher education. educate all students to become 21st-century workers. Engage participants to see if the lessons they participated in would meet these goals. Have them give examples Will these lessons increase student interest? Will these lessons prepare students for higher education? Could this investigative approach to learning benefit all learners?
Foundation of STEM Education
Students Prepared for STEM Careers Science Content Technological Literacy Engineering Math Connections Core Beliefs Communication Content Problem Solving Integration Technology Careers
Beliefs of STEM Education
Science Content Students must understand science content. Depth of understanding is more important than breadth of topics. Technological Literacy Technology will only increase in importance for the next generation. All students should feel comfortable working with current and future technologies. Engage participants to see if the lessons they participated in would meet these beliefs. Have them give examples: If they need to, have them review the table of contents to answer the question about science content so they can see the topics. When discussing technology, make sure to explain that students should work all types of technology. Technology is not just computer based. Ex. New technology in tire manufacturing comes out all the time.
Beliefs of STEM Education
Engineering The problem-solving skills of engineers are relevant to all fields. Problem solving is best taught through inquiry and exploration. Math Connections The fields of STEM are not independent, but interconnected. Successful STEM education requires an integration of the four STEM fields. Engage participants to see if the lessons they participated in would meet these beliefs. Have them give examples: Make sure to discuss how engineering is an essential component of the Next Generation Framework. Please let me know if you need a copy of the framework. Point out that the more math integration done will help with overall math skills required testing.
Foundation of STEM Education
Students Prepared for STEM Careers Science Content Technological Literacy Engineering Math Connections Communication Content Problem Solving Integration Technology Careers Core Principles
Principles of STEM Education
Communication Students should be able to communicate ideas in a variety of ways. Students who can work collaboratively are best prepared for future careers. Refer participants to the communication pages in the STEM booklet, pg 2-3 and have them discuss why communication is important. They can review the example lessons from the STEM booklet in their STC student investigation books.
Principles of STEM Education
Content Students need a rich depth of content to apply in future careers. Understanding a concept is more important than knowing a fact Naming isn’t necessarily knowing Refer participants to the content pages in the STEM booklet, pg 4-5 and have them discuss why content is important. Use the content that is an inch deep and a mile wide is just not enough for our future generations in science. They can review the example lessons from the STEM booklet in their STC student investigation books.
Principles of STEM Education
Problem Solving Engineering’s key tool is the use of systematic problem solving. Students need practice with open-ended questions to develop problem-solving skills. Refer participants to the problem solving pages in the STEM booklet, pg 6-7 and have them discuss why problem solving is important. Refer back to the Next Generation Framework and the importance of engineering and the design process. They can review the example lessons from the STEM booklet in their STC student investigation books.
Principles of STEM Education
Integration Science, technology, engineering, and math are not disjointed, but aligned and unified. Students should be given activities that highlight this integration of topics. Refer participants to the integration pages in the STEM booklet, pg 8-9 and have them discuss why integration is important. They can review the example lessons from the STEM booklet in their STC student investigation books.
Principles of STEM Education
Technology In school, as in life, technology should be increasingly integrated into all activities. Students should understand technology as more than computers, including all tools used to make life easier. Refer participants to the technology pages in the STEM booklet, pg and have them discuss why technology is important. Remember that technology is not just computer based, but is based on the tools used in careers today. They can review the example lessons from the STEM booklet in their STC student investigation books.
Principles of STEM Education
Careers Students must be taught about the importance of STEM to future careers. Educators should identify careers in STEM and the application of STEM in all work. Refer participants to the career pages in the STEM booklet, pg and have them discuss why career preparation is important. They can review the example lessons from the STEM booklet in their STC student investigation books.
Principles of STEM Education
STEM Principles Matrix is a model for the Next Generation Framework Refer participants to the matrix pages in the STEM booklet, pg and have them discuss why sequencing is important. Relate the idea of sequencing to the Next Generation Framework model
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