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Safety Net 2011-12 Presentation for ESDs. 2 DISCLAIMER This presentation and/or materials should be viewed and applied by users according to their specific.

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1 Safety Net 2011-12 Presentation for ESDs

2 2 DISCLAIMER This presentation and/or materials should be viewed and applied by users according to their specific needs. The presentation should be used as guidance. Douglas H. Gill, Ed.D. Director, Special Education

3 Application Forms 2011-12 3 2011-12 Safety Net Bulletin (B003-12)2011-12 Safety Net Bulletin (B003-12) (Word) 2011-12 Certification2011-12 Certification (Word) 2011-12 Community Impact Application Instructions2011-12 Community Impact Application Instructions (Word) 2011-12 Community Impact Application2011-12 Community Impact Application (Word) 2011-12 Individuals Summary2011-12 Individuals Summary (Word) 2011-12 Worksheet A2011-12 Worksheet A (Excel) 2011-12 Worksheet A Line-by-Line Instructions2011-12 Worksheet A Line-by-Line Instructions (Word) 2011-12 Worksheet C2011-12 Worksheet C (Excel) 2011-12 Worksheet C Line-by-Line Instructions2011-12 Worksheet C Line-by-Line Instructions (Word) Instructions to Add Additional Rows to Worksheet CInstructions to Add Additional Rows to Worksheet C (PDF) 2011-12 Medicaid Reimbursement Calculator2011-12 Medicaid Reimbursement Calculator (Excel) 2011-12 Transportation Cost Calculator2011-12 Transportation Cost Calculator (Excel) 2011-12 ESY Transportation Cost Calculator2011-12 ESY Transportation Cost Calculator (Excel) IEP Review FormIEP Review Form (Word) Safety Net RegulationsSafety Net Regulations (PDF) (Word) effective February 17, 2008Word

4 Excerpt from Safety Net Bulletin: 4  A change enacted by the Legislature in 2011 required that the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) make award determinations for safety net awards in August of each year thereafter.  Determinations of school district eligibility for safety net awards are required to be based on analysis of actual expenditure data for the current year.

5 Excerpts from Safety Net Bulletin: 5  Final determinations will be made in August 2012— for both state and federal safety net funding.  Legislative change has necessitated a number of revisions to the 2011–12 application.

6 Appropriations Act & Rule Language  Applicant districts must demonstrate that they are maximizing their eligibility for all state and federal revenues.  Differences in program costs attributable to district philosophy, service delivery choice, or accounting practices are not a legitimate basis for safety net awards. 6

7  Community Impact-for districts that convincingly demonstrate capacity for funding to meet the extraordinary costs associated with communities that draw a larger number of families with children in need of special education services  State special education funded (Revenue 4121)  Application deadline: Friday, March 2 nd at 5 pm  High need individual-for districts that convincingly demonstrate capacity for funding to meet the special education and related services costs of an eligible high need student with a properly formulated IEP  High need awards may be a combination of state and federal funding  Application deadline: Friday, April 27 th at 5 pm 7 Two types of awards

8 Deadlines & Meeting Dates 8 Deadline for Receipt of Application at OSPI Type of Application Oversight Committee Meeting Date Meeting Location March 2, 2012 Community Impact March 29–30, 2012 SPSCC, Lacey WA., (Hawk’s Prairie) April 27, 2012 High Need Individuals July 12–13, 2012 SPSCC, Lacey WA., (Hawk’s Prairie) April 27, 2012 Community Impact (Resubmittals Only) July 12–13, 2012 SPSCC, Lacey WA., (Hawk’s Prairie)

9 Worksheet A Demonstration of capacity for funding 9

10 Worksheet A 10  Worksheet A is pre-populated with 2010–11 F-196 and 2011–12 F-195 data.  2011-12 Worksheet A (Excel) 2011-12 Worksheet A

11 Only the following lines can be edited 11  Line 7-Supplemental contracts  Line 8-Summer school  Line 11-Payments to other school districts  Line 14-Students served from other districts  Line 17-Students served in other districts  Line 33-Donations for special education  Line 35-Other program income

12 Financial application package should include:  Certification Form  Worksheet A  Year to date expenditure report showing budget and actual expenditures and totaled at activity/object level thru the most recent completed month (March)  Most recent two months Special Education Enrollment Exception reports (March & April)  Individuals Summary, if applying for high need individuals 12

13 After application is reviewed in July  The district will receive a letter requesting the following information by Friday, August 3 rd :  Detailed expenditure reports for Programs 21, 14, 24, 26, and 29 showing budgeted and actual year to date expenditures sorted by program and totaled at activity/object level,  A roster indicating ESY participation of students for whom the district requested ESY reimbursement,  A roster of any high need applicants that exited the district during the period for which the district requested reimbursement. 13

14 Applicant Districts should be  Current on all federally funded grant claims,  Explain differences (if any) between the annualized year to date expenditures and remaining unencumbered balances,  Email all information listed on slides 13 and 14 to 14

15 Community Impact A unique factor causing a disproportional number of families with need for special education services 15

16 Application Steps: 1-Identify the unique factor. 2-Present the student enrollment data, including SSID #s, attributed to the factor. Compare district data with surrounding districts or districts of similar size or statewide data where applicable. 3-Quantify the fiscal impact upon the district’s special education program. 4-Summarize the application and describe steps taken to address the impact of the factor. 16

17 Districts will submit  Complete fiscal application package described on Slide 12, and  One original and three copies of the Community Impact Application. 17

18 Worksheet C Fiscal demonstration of individual high need costs 18

19 Worksheet C 19  The annualized threshold for high need applications is $24,693.  Worksheet C has been reformatted to allow for reporting of special education services for the month of June (consistent with the most recently approved state budget for 2011–12). Enter 1 for each month of eligibility for special education services. OctNovDecJanFebMarAprilMayJuneFTE Avg 201111111111.00 21State threshold multiplied by the average on Line 20. $24,693

20 Combing IDEA & Title I 20 Applicants for high need individual students served in buildings that combine schoolwide Title I and federal special education funding are required to submit the building’s school wide plan, including their state- approved cost allocation model.

21 Worksheet C instructions 21  This applies to Districts that responded Yes in Form Package 267 indicating they would be combining IDEA Part B funds in Title I Schoolwide program.  District will insert building number when applying for a high need award for a student served in that building. Building Number4029Burley Glenwood Elementary Title I School-wide (Building)?YesSubmit building's schoolwide plan.

22 IEPs in effect for 2011-12SY 22  Applicants are required to submit properly formulated IEPs in effect for the 2011–12 school year to validate and quantify the provision of reimbursable special education services for the period of the funding requested.

23 Requirements 23  Applicants are required to submit two copies of the current IEP and IEP Review Form for the current IEP and one copy of the immediate past IEP.  No IEP Review Form required for past IEP.

24 Example Student is enrolled and served continuously in the standard school year during 2011-12SY.  The student’s IEP was written 5/30/2011.  High need applications are due 4/27/2012.  Send the 2 copies of the current IEP and two copies of the IEP Review Form. 24

25 Another example 25 Student is enrolled and served continuously during 2011-12SY.  The student’s IEP expired 10/31/2011.  The student’s new IEP began 11/1/2011. The district should submit:  one copy of the 10/31/2011 IEP,  two copies of the 11/1/2011 IEP; and  two copies of IEP Review Form for the 1/1/2011 IEP.

26 For those wondering how to add additional lines to Worksheet C See Amber’s addition: Instructions to Add Additional Rows to Worksheet C Instructions to Add Additional Rows to Worksheet C (PDF) 26

27 Transportation Cost Calculator 27 The Transportation Cost Calculator has been revised consistent with legislative funding formula changes for the Student Transportation Allocation Reporting System (STARS). Notice there are two different forms:  2011-12 Transportation Cost Calculator (Excel) 2011-12 Transportation Cost Calculator  2011-12 ESY Transportation Cost Calculator (Excel) 2011-12 ESY Transportation Cost Calculator

28 Transportation Cost Calculator 28 CCDDDxxxxx DistrictDDist#N/A Use this form to calculate out of district Special Education transportation costs. Transportation must be identified as a related service in the student's IEP. Enter data in green cells only. Attach completed form to Worksheet C. Route Information: 1. Enter State Transportation Route Number. 411 The state transportation route number is available through your district's transportation office. It is not the bus number. The request will not be processed without a state transportation route number. 2. Enter # of students on route identified in Step 1. 4

29 29 Cost Calculation: 1. Enter Student SSID Number.XXXXXXXXXX 2. Driver's Hourly Rate (Do not include benefits) 3. Run Time* 4. # of Days Per Year Student is Transported Calculated Total Driver Cost (Includes Benefits) 2-4. Driver Cost18.001.5180 $ 6,998 5. Mileage Cost CalculationProgram 99, Activity 52, Object 500 $ 50,657 (From prior year's F-196)Program 99, Activity 52, Object 700 $ 3,017 Program 99, All Activity 53 $ 92,379 Program 99, Activity 56, Object 700 $ 33,849 Program 99, All Activity 59 $ (17,154) $ 162,748 6. Total "to/from" miles from prior school year's mileage report. 163,584 $ 0.99 Per Mile Cost7. Miles per Day # of Days Per Year Student is Transported 7. Mileage Cost0.9942180 $ 7,521 8. (Driver Cost + Mileage Cost) $ 14,520 9. Times District's Reimbursement Rate90.36% 10. Reimbursement for this Route $ 13,121 11. Balance paid by School District. (Line 9 minus Line 11.) $ 1,399 12. Excess transportation costs for this student entered on Worksheet C, Line 17. $ 350

30 For each high need application, district will submit:  Two sets of the student’s redacted IEP in effect for the 2011-12SY. If more than one IEP is necessary, submit only one copy of the prior IEP.  Two sets of all purchase orders, contracts, and invoices pertaining to the student’s application.  Two sets of the completed IEP Review Form for the current IEP. 30

31 Medicaid At this time, Medicaid is in flux.  Because Medicaid reimbursement was suspended in the 2010-11 school year, Health Care Authority (HCA) had to request approval of a new State Plan from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  When HCA drafted the State Plan, the qualifications for providers were increased.  CMS approved the (upgraded) State Plan for 9/1— 12/31/2011. 31

32 Medicaid  On 2/7/2012, OFM (Office of Financial Management) requested that CMS reconsider the provider qualifications in the State Plan as the qualifications exceed those of IDEA.  We (OSPI and school districts) are awaiting CMS’ response regarding provider qualifications  When CMS approves the State Plan, reimbursement can be processed for claims incurred during the quarter in which the plan is approved. 32

33 Medicaid  As of 2/8/2012, HCA has NOT processed any school district submissions for reimbursement for the 2011- 12 school year.  Districts should continue to bill under the current requirements and continue to maintain their Medicaid eligibility roster. 33

34 SPI Form 1679 34  Applicants are required to complete SPI Form 1679 Potential Medicaid Eligible Student Worksheet prior to fiscal award determinations in August as a condition of determining potential award.  Form SPI 1679 is due July 27, 2012.

35 Section 1. Medicaid Eligible Students: Number of students on eligibility report provided by district's billing consultant company ('271 Report' from Provider One if "self-biller"). Section 2. Non-billable Medicaid Eligible Students - Unduplicated ~ (Please do not leave this section blank) ~ Number of students considered non-billable because: a. The student(s) is/are in initial evaluation process. b. The student(s) is/are no longer enrolled in the district. c. The student(s) have exited Special Education. d. The student(s) receive Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) in academic areas only, and are not scheduled to be re-evaluated during this school year. e. The student(s) receive(s) services delivered by a non-billable provider. f. The student's parent/guardian did not sign the 'Consent to Bill for School-Based Medicaid Reimbursement' form. Total Non-billable Medicaid Eligible Students: 0 Sec. 3. Potential Billable Medicaid Eligible Students0 35

36 Request for Review & Reconsideration 36  Rules regarding request for review and reconsideration have been in place since 1996.  The criteria for a request can be found in WAC 392- 140-656.  The request must be made within 20 days of the date that the Committee’s written determination is sent to the district.

37 Safety Net Rules  The safety net rules are codified in WAC 392-140- 600 thru 685.  OSPI has submitted a notice of proposed rule revision.  The proposed rules and hearing date will be posted on the OSPI website at when available.  Districts will be notified if the adopted rules require any revision to the instructions. 37

38 Audit & Recovery 38  All safety net applicants are subject to audit by the Office of the State Auditor at the request of the State Oversight Committee.  All safety net funding awards are subject to adjustment and recovery.  Recovery could include situations where the student has left the district or had a change in services or capacity for funding was reduced based on F-196 data.

39 For more information… 39  Grants/SafetyNet.aspx Grants/SafetyNet.aspx  Grants/Medicaid.aspx Grants/Medicaid.aspx  600 600 

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