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Visionary or Tyrant??? AKHENATON. Someone who is characterized by new ideas VISIONARY TYRANT An oppressive, harsh, ruler who governs without restrictions.

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Presentation on theme: "Visionary or Tyrant??? AKHENATON. Someone who is characterized by new ideas VISIONARY TYRANT An oppressive, harsh, ruler who governs without restrictions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visionary or Tyrant??? AKHENATON

2 Someone who is characterized by new ideas VISIONARY TYRANT An oppressive, harsh, ruler who governs without restrictions

3 DEPICTIONS OF FAMILY IN EGYPTIAN ART Akhenaton, his Wife Nefertiti and Three daughters Statue of Nykara and His Family Study Blue. Last modified March 2004. y&view=detail&id=8F0757365CEA5EEB2D3B278581BC83CCF55 CB40C&FORM=IDFRIR

4 Akhenaton Born Amonhotep IV Spent his reign changing Egyptian religion Opposed the worship of Amon- Re (sun god) Sponsored the worship of Aton Became Akhenaton (he who serves Aton) AKHENATEN’S HYMN TO ATEN Symbol Ankh. Last modified Nov 21, 2010. DC8307929476BA03F213CD6292070F5&FORM=IDFRIR Aten – the Sun Disk with protruding rays that have hands BBC History, Ancient Egyptian Gods Gallery, Aten, 2011, shtml (Feb. 29, 2012); British shtml

5 REFORMS Closed the temples of all other gods and took their possessions (first monotheist? – not really because the people still worshipped the pharaoh) Built a new capitol far north called Akhetaton (in the desert!) Complete and shocking break with religious tradition! Left him little time to govern – Empire suffered from neglect

6 TEMPLE AT AMARNA University College London, Digital Egypt for Universities, Amarna: the main temple, 2002, (Feb. 29, 2012).

7 WIFE Metropolitan Museum, Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Relief of Nefertiti, 2012, (Feb. 29, 2012).

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