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EVALUATION REPORT 07 th September 2011. Contents Objectives of the QPP Evaluation Methodology used Evaluation Team Participants in the evaluation process.

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Presentation on theme: "EVALUATION REPORT 07 th September 2011. Contents Objectives of the QPP Evaluation Methodology used Evaluation Team Participants in the evaluation process."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVALUATION REPORT 07 th September 2011

2 Contents Objectives of the QPP Evaluation Methodology used Evaluation Team Participants in the evaluation process Identified areas for assessments SWOC Analysis Best practices Key observations and recommendations Questions and Discussions

3 Objectives of the Evaluation To identify the achievements / gaps/ lessons learned of the QPP 2008-11 To identify degrees of relevancy of QPP at National level and integration in the Local/National Plans To Identify best practices at Local / National in relation to the core areas (at least one per issue) To formulate recommendations for QPP 2012-2015

4 Evaluation Methodology Identification of key thematic areas for assessment Questionnaire to National Movements and selected local movements through NGS Questionnaire to the standing committees of APAY Discussions at standing committees and NGS meeting Inviting YMCAs for witnessing best practices on the thematic areas for learning and sharing

5 Evaluation Team and process Members S. T. Thoumiyan, Chairperson, QPP Evaluation Team Sri Lanka Phyllis Tan, General Secretary Singapore Metropolitan YMCA Dr. Prawate Khidarn, Former General Secretary Christian Conference of Asia APAY Secretariat, Hong Kong Meetings : Oct. 2010, Sri Lanka, March 2011, Hong Kong Feb. 2011 ( Online ), July 2011 ( Online)

6 Participants in the Process National Movements Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia Philippines, Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Australia Local Associations Bangkok, Chiangmai, Singapore, Metro Singapore, Wanganui, Macau, Manila Downtown. National General Secretaries Standing Committees of CMSR, BCGCP, YPLD,GE APAY Secretariat

7 Areas for Assessment Global Citizenship and Global Citizenship Education Youth Leadership Development Environment and Climate Change Ageing and Older Persons Gender Concerns Peace and Justice and Interfaith Cooperation Poverty and Sustainable Development Migrant Workers and Refugees Movement Strengthening and Partnerships Resource Mobilization

8 Relevancy and priority of QPP at Local/National YMCAs BDINSLTLPHAUNZSGMYMLKRMCJPTotal Youth YYYYYYYYYYYYY 13/13 Resource Mobilization YYYYYYYYYYY Y 12/13 Environment YYYYYYYYYYYY 12/13 Movement Strengthening YYYYYYYYYYY Y 12/13 Global Citizenship YYYYYNNYYYYYY 11/13 Migration YYYYYNYYYYY Y 11/13 Poverty YYYYYNNYYYY Y 10/13 Gender YYYYYNNYYYY Y 10/13 Ageing NNYYYYNYYYY Y 10/13 Peace YYYYYNNNYYY Y 9/13

9 SWOC: Global Citizenship / GCE Development of GCE for Youth Empowerment Development of GATN as Global Citizenship Action Lack of more simplified resource materials for GCE GCE as a good tool for increased activism of young people on social issues and leadership development. Funding opportunity for GCE and GATN Creating more interest among YMCAs on GCE and GATN

10 SWOC: Youth Leadership Increased Youth Membership and leadership at NMs Lack of monitoring and evaluation of post-course activities including GCE The youth lack the power to initiate youth-led projects and activities The growing participation of youth, strengthens the movement at all levels The YMCA leadership is ageing, and APAY surveys have indicated statistics for both young staff and leaders that are not encouraging

11 SWOC: Environment Increased awareness on Environmental issues by YMCAs Active Green Team at APAY Y’s Men – YMCA Partnership Fewer actions on addressing climate justice issues New arenas of ministry and work for the YMCA Building commitment among YMCAs in the region to strive to be carbon neutral The increasing number of disasters in the region

12 SWOC: Ageing and Older Persons Several YMCAs in the region are currently engaged in this issue YMCA volunteers who can be utilized to respond to the region’s ageing populations There is a lack of trained resource people within the YMCA movement on the ageing issue. An ageing ministry offers an increased opportunity for inter-generational programs and engaging volunteers Mobilizing Financial resources to support programs Motivating local associations to increase their commitment and involvement in this area of work

13 SWOC: Gender Concerns The National Gender Committee, in some YMCAs ensure that there are internal processes and policies for achieving equality Gender issues are not always given the priority Belief that gender equality is a women’s issue The Constitution and policies of a few YMCAs have been changed to achieve greater gender equality in the movement. Create more awareness among leaders in order to attain a more gender-sensitive culture in the YMCA

14 SWOC: Peace and Justice ICF’s experience and support is a great resource YMCAs are not adequately equipped to address Human rights and developmental issues The SOP alumni, both from ICF and increasingly from YMCAs in the region, are other valuable assets that can used to organize interfaith activities for justpeace The increasing conflicts in many countries in the region underline the need for the YMCAs involvement s.

15 SWOC: Poverty and Sustainable Development The APAY partnership project provide more financial resources for poverty- alleviation projects The programs that have been initiated do not fully address the structural causes of poverty With two-thirds of the world’s poor living in Asia, there are many demands from society for the YMCA to undertake programs to respond to the problems of poverty. Building sustainability at programme level and sustaining the financial and human resources of the program are difficult.

16 SWOC: Migration Networks with the Ecumenical Partners who are working on Migration issues Failed to mobilize financial resources for concrete actions programs Interest of the YMCAs both sending and receiving countries YMCAs position to provide rights-based and gender- based services for migrants and refugees Acquiring of adequate funding for the sustainability of local, national and regional programs

17 SWOC: Movement Strengthening Willingness to support weaker YMCAs among the member movements of APAY as well as other parts of the World Strategic Directions for MS Lack of adequate financial and human resources has limited the level of interventions The PSG Support System Resource mobilization strategy for Movement strengthening A few movements have experienced leadership crises The understanding of the three pillars of Movement Strengthening has not been commonly shared in many movements

18 SWOC: Resource Mobilization There is a strong sense of cooperation and support for disaster victims Some movements’ good practices in Resource Mobilization Lack professional staff with the necessary specialized expertise in RM and strategy development. Some YMCAs are busy with their ongoing programs and do not have the time to devote to mobilizing additional resources Many movements have begun believing that Resource Mobilization will be one of the strategic focus The World Alliance support to capacity-building programs in the area of Resource Mobilization Developing special skills and experience are required among YMCA staff members and volunteers to be more effective in this important area.

19 Some best practices Global Citizenship : Raon Ati ( Friends of Asian Peace ) project of the NCY Korea Youth Leadership Development Rizal Youth leadership Training Institute, Philippines Environment and Climate Change : Green Mission Campaign, Chinese YMCA of HK Ageing and Older Persons Volunteer Based Home Care programme, Myanmar

20 Some best practices Gender Concerns : Women Leadership development – YMCA Japan Peace and Justice School of Peace by the ICF Cultural Bridge for Peace, Sri Lanka YMCA Poverty and Sustainable Development Socio – Economic dev. Programme in India YMCAs Movement Strengthening Movement Strengthening programme of YMCA Philippines Resource Mobilization Youth For Causes of Singapore YMCA

21 Key observations Leadership in Mission It is reminded that the work of APAY and the member movements in the region are not just programs but are a ministry to people. Youth Development : Many YMCA still often relegate its youth to being recipients of programs but not the decision- makers or implementers of these programs. Responsiveness to the Community : Increased desire is visible in YMCA at all levels more responsive to the needs of the community

22 The Role of APAY The evaluation witnessed the role of the APAY as A regional mechanism for setting the missional directions for the YMCAs in APAY; Striving for a common message of the YMCA movement on contextual issues and promote greater understanding among people in different contexts ; Providing opportunities for young leaders of the YMCAs to have more regional experience and understandings A bridge connecting the stronger movements with those which are presently developing their capacities;

23 Create a common QPP message that aligns with new WAY strategy and respect the wide diversity of contexts in the Asia and Pacific Region. Actively engage the local/national movements to ensure ownership in the consolidation and implementation of QPP. Recommendations

24 Thank You

25 Questions for Discussions 1 What is the role of the Local/National YMCAs should play in the Formulation and Implementation of QPP ? 2 How can we increase the ownership of the QPP by Local/National YMCAs? 3 What kind of a support the local/National YMCAs are expecting from APAY for the Implementation of QPP?

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