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6 th Japan-Korea Workshop on Theory and Simulation of Magnetic Fusion Plasmas 2011.07.28 Hyunsun Han, G. Park, Sumin Yi, and J.Y. Kim 3D MHD SIMULATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Japan-Korea Workshop on Theory and Simulation of Magnetic Fusion Plasmas 2011.07.28 Hyunsun Han, G. Park, Sumin Yi, and J.Y. Kim 3D MHD SIMULATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Japan-Korea Workshop on Theory and Simulation of Magnetic Fusion Plasmas 2011.07.28 Hyunsun Han, G. Park, Sumin Yi, and J.Y. Kim 3D MHD SIMULATIONS ON ELMS AND PELLET INDUCED ONES

2 Contents Introduction Natural ELM simulation Pellet triggered ELM simulation Summary

3 ELM simulation using MHD code precursor oscillation pedestal/SOL perturbation filament ejection, filament propagation, relative timing to relaxation Non-linear eruption Linear instability Pressure builds up Pedestal re-established ELM Cycle ELM dynamics

4 M3D code Original M3D code was written by W. Park (PPPL) in early 1980s Code improvement has been ongoing continuously  Two-fluid model (L. Sugiyama)  Hybrid model including hot particle (G. Fu) Ref. A resistive MHD version of M3D is adapted from NYU  Based on the resistive MHD equation in a cylindrical coordinate  Solves 8 equations for

5 ELM simulation - Computing condition Initial equilibrium is constructed considering a KSTAR H-mode #4200 is selected. - First ELMy H-mode shot in KSTAR - Most reviewed and analyzed shot - Plasma transport simulation results 1 were considered. Ref. Hyunseok Kim et al 2011 KPS Spring meeting

6 ELM simulation - Computing condition Reconstructed equilibrium is checked for its edge-stability Ohmic bootstrap [Pressure] [Current] [Result of ELITE code]

7 ELM simulation Initial perturbation is added for n=12,24, … A segment for toroidal angle as 0-30°for linear simulation τ A = R 0 /v A ≈ 0.13 μs with v A = B 0 /(μ 0 ρ 0 ) 1/2 Typical quantities - Norm. plasma resistivity S = 1.0 x 10 -6, - Norm. ion viscosity μ i /ρ = 1.0 x 10 -5 - Perp. thermal conductivity κ ⊥ = 1.0 x 10 -5 (43 x 200 x 4)

8 artificial chopping KE as a function of time ELM simulation – Linear mode Perturbed poloidal magnetic flux

9 ELM simulation – Nonlinear mode A segment for toroidal angle as 0-90° ELM crashes Number of poloidal plane is increased as 16. (i.e. 43x200x16) Relaxation 184.4τ A 282.6τ A 626.2τ A Pressure profiles

10 ELM simulation – Nonlinear mode 184.4τ A Density contour evolution Finger-like structure is seen during ELM crash. 282.6τ A 626.2τ A

11 ELM simulation – Nonlinear mode Temperature contour evolution 184.4τ A 282.6τ A 626.2τ A Temperature distribution reflects the tangled magnetic field structure Radial extent is not larger than that of density.

12 Pellet induced ELMs ELM pace making enhancing the ELM frequency (f ELM ) beyond the intrinsic value (f 0 ) f ELM =83Hzf 0 =51Hz P.T. Lang et al, NF (2005) We want to know the ELM trigger mechanism by pellet injection using a nonlinear 3D MHD code (M3D).

13 Idea for simulation on pellet induced ELMs Simulation process for a spontaneous ELM ELM Linear perturbation Growing Pellet induced localized pressure perturbation

14 Simulation condition on pellet injection (1) It is assumed : The details of the ablation processes are not considered Ref.) H.R. Strauss et al Physics of Plasma 7 (2000) 250 G. T. A. Huysmans et al PPCF 51 (2009) 124012 the ablation and ionization time scale are short the injection process is adiabatic : The pellet impart no energy to the plasma ( p=const. )

15 Simulation condition on pellet injection (2) Initial conditions Density Temperature Pressure After 100 time step Density Temperature Pressure

16 Simulation condition on pellet injection (3) : Initial equilibrium is arbitrarily generated using TOQ code and xplasma in the NTCC library - Edge pedestals are modeled using a tanh function. - Bootstrap current is included using the Sauter model. (Phys. Plasmas 1999) An artificial equilibrium is constructed based on a high performance KSTAR H-mode

17 Pellet simulation using M3D Computing domain : 0 to 2π in toroidal axis with 32 planes 72x200 points on a poloidal plane triangular mesh Typical quantities : - τ A = R 0 /v A ≈ 0.17 μs with v A = B 0 /(μ 0 ρ 0 ) 1/2 - Norm. plasma resistivity S = 1.0 x 10 -6 - Norm. ion viscosity μ i /ρ = 1.0 x 10 -5 - Perp. thermal conductivity κ ⊥ = 1.0 x 10 -5

18 Initial density distribution in 3D Pellet simulation using M3D Initial condition: Density perturbation by injected pellet - Peak density ~ 169 x background density - r=0.46m on outer midplane with r p =4cm - The distribution is also perturbed toroidally Toroidal direction (rad.) Amplitude

19 26 Density contour evolution 10.3τ A 25.3τ A 35.6τ A Massive particles are ejected from the plasma during the evolution of pellet cloud 91.7τ A Numerical results on pellet simulation

20 10.3τ A 25.3τ A 35.6τ A 91.7τ A Temperature contour evolution Perturbed temperature is quickly stabilized than perturbed density Numerical results on pellet simulation

21 t=0 t=12.96 t=23.26 Numerical results on pellet simulation ELM crashes Relaxation The unstable period by the pellet injection is relatively short. : Peaked kinetic energy is rapidly decreased. Local density minimum means the ejection of density blob.

22 Summary 1. ELM simulation 2. Pellet injection simulation - The finger-like structure is shown in density distribution plot. - Density perturbation is much larger than temperature one during ELM instability. : The simulation shows similar results with experimental observation : Injected pellet in an H-mode pedestal can lead to the destabilization of a ballooning mode - Massive particles are ejected from the plasma during the evolution of pellet cloud - The unstable state becomes stabilized in a relatively short period Further simulation is required to identify the characteristics on the ELMs

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