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Rapid Dopamine Signaling: Cocaine Versus “Natural” Rewards

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1 Rapid Dopamine Signaling: Cocaine Versus “Natural” Rewards
Regina M. Carelli Associate Professor Department of Psychology The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

2 Ventral Tegmental Area
Brain “Reward” Circuit Glutamate Dopamine Hippocampus Prefrontal cortex Ventral Tegmental Area Basolateral Amygdala Nucleus accumbens Paxinos & Watson (1998)

3 The Nucleus Accumbens and Reward Question:
What is the role of dopamine in reward? To address this issue: Measure chemical changes on a time scale that can resolve the precise relationship between dopamine release and individual behavioral events.

4 Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine: FSCV
+1400 mV vs Ag/AgCl every 100 ms Eapp -600 mV 10 ms (400 V/s) - 2e- OH Iout Dopamine OH O NH2 O + 2e- 10 ms Dopamine-o-quinone +2H+ NH2

5 Voltammetric Measurement of Dopamine
during Cocaine Self-Administration Train rats to self-administer cocaine Surgical preparation for voltammetry Carbon fiber electrode is lowered in micromanipulator into accumbens Measure phasic changes in DA (on subsecond timescale) during self-administration

6 Cocaine Self-Administration Task
Session Begins: Cuelight On Lever Press (FR1) I.V. Cocaine Infusion (0.33 mg/inf) Inter-infusion Interval Tone-Houselight Stimulus -10 -5 R 5 10 15 20 sec

7 Phasic Changes in Dopamine Relative to Lever Press Responding
for Intravenous Cocaine?

8 Dopamine at Lever Press
Phasic Dopamine at Lever Press - 10 5 R SEC 50 nM Phillips et al., Nature, 422, , 2003

9 Across All Animals (n=6)
50 nM Lever Approach -10 -5 R 5 10

10 Cocaine-Associated Cue?
Dopamine Response to Cocaine-Associated Cue?

11 Tone - Houselight Stimulus (20 s) 50 nM - 5 S 5 SEC 10

12 Cocaine Self-Administration History
* 50 nM -5 S 5 SEC 10

13 Cocaine Self-Administration History No Cocaine Self-Administration
* 50 nM -5 S 5 SEC 10 No Cocaine Self-Administration -5 S 5 SEC 10

14 Rapid Dopamine Signaling: Represents a Learned Association
Extinction/Reinstatement Experiment

15 Extinction/Reinstatement Experiment
1) Maintenance: Lever press for cocaine (0.33 mg/inf; FR1) 2) Extinction: Cocaine was replaced with saline. 3) Reinstatement: After 30 min of no responding, the saline was replaced with cocaine. Behavior was reestablished by giving a ‘priming’ infusion of cocaine paired with the stimulus

16 Extinction/Reinstatement: Behavior
50 Prime 40 30 lever-response Saline 20 10 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 sec Maintenance Extinction Reinstatement

17 Extinction/Reinstatement
150 ‘Prime’ 100 DA concentration (nM) 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Maintenance Extinction Reinstatement

18 Rapid Dopamine Signaling is Attenuated during Extinction
ns * * 150 100 [DA] (nM) 50 Maintenance Extinction Reinstatement

19 Rapid Dopamine Signaling
Goal-Directed Behaviors for “Natural” Rewards

20 Sucrose Reinforcement Task
Session Begins: Cuelight On/ Lever Extension Lever Press (FR1) Intraoral Sucrose 0.3 M 30-60 sec ITI Tone-Houselight Stimulus -10 -5 R 5 10 15 20 sec

21 Phasic Changes in Dopamine during Goal-Directed Behaviors
for ‘Natural’ (Sucrose) Reward?

22 Dopamine Signal: Cue Light On/Lever Extension
25 nM Cue Light On/ Lever Extension -12 -6 R 6 12

23 Cue Light On/Lever Extension?
Dopamine Response to Cue Light On/Lever Extension?

24 Trained Rats (Cue-light On/Lever Extension)
5 C 10 SEC 25 nM

25 Naive Rats (No Cue-Sucrose pairings)
Trained Rats (Cue-light On/Lever Extension) - 5 C 10 SEC 25 nM Naive Rats (No Cue-Sucrose pairings) - 5 C 10 SEC

26 Short versus Long Latency Trials

27 Short Latency Response to Cue Onset/Lever Extension
25 nM -10 -5 R 5 10

28 Long Latency Response to Cue Onset/Lever Extension
* 150 100 50 25 nM [Dopamine] (nM) Cue Press s -10 -5 R 5 10

29 Summary: Rapid DA Signaling
Similarities - Increases in DA: - Before operant response (cocaine or sucrose) - Relative to cues (cocaine or sucrose) - Reflect learned associations (cocaine or sucrose)

30 Summary: Rapid DA Signaling
Similarities - Increases in DA: - Before operant response (cocaine or sucrose) - Relative to cues (cocaine or sucrose) - Reflect learned associations (cocaine or sucrose) Differences - Temporal profile of DA transients - Reflect fundamental difference between ‘natural’ vs. drug rewards? - Or, more likely, predictive strength of the cues signaling reinforcer delivery

31 Summary: Rapid DA Signaling
Similarities - Increases in DA: - Before operant response (cocaine or sucrose) - Relative to cues (cocaine or sucrose) - Reflect learned associations (cocaine or sucrose) Differences - Temporal profile of DA transients - Reflect fundamental difference between ‘natural’ vs. drug rewards? - Or, more likely, predictive strength of the cues signaling reinforcer delivery Implication: Rapid dopamine signaling appears to promote goal- directed behaviors irrespective of reinforcer type (cocaine or ‘natural’ reward)

32 Acknowledgements R. Mark Wightman NIH/NIDA UNC Chem. Electronics Shop

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