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Required Materials / Spring 2009 By Wilmer Arellano.

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1 Required Materials / Spring 2009 By Wilmer Arellano

2 Required Materials 1 Research Notebook Per team member 1 Three ring binder for the team leader to archive all important documents, designs, minutes, brochures, specs. 1 Three ring binder for the team leader to archive the proposal documents with my comments.

3 Why is it important to have a Research Notebook also known as log book?

4 Under U. S. law a patent is granted to the first to conceive the idea for the invention, not the first to apply for the patent. So a laboratory notebook is essential evidence of the date of conception.

5 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook Every team member should have one personal Log Book Write your entries as legible and complete as possible. Do not write codes or abbreviations without clearly defining them. Don’t remove pages. Don’t skip Pages.

6 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook Don’t leave empty spaces. Draw a line through any unused portion of a page. One entry per week to summarize the progress during that week. Indicate the number of hours dedicated to each entry and the total. One entry per team meeting indicating personal assignments. You must bring the Log Book to all meetings. Should not consume a lot of work to keep.

7 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook When properly kept, a laboratory notebook permanently records, for future proof, what was done on a project, and particularly what inventions were made and when. Use a book with permanently bound pages. Spiral or comb bound books are not suitable for use in court. Make all entries with ink.

8 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook If an invention is made the dates of "conception" and "reduction to practice" are essential. The record must show there no abandonment between these dates. Avoid making negative notes such as "No good", "Doesn't work " which might be later construed as indicating you were abandoning the idea.

9 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook When starting a page, enter the title, project number, and book number. Use ink for permanence – avoid pencil. Record your work as you progress, including spur-of-the-moment ideas, which may be developed later. Do not backdate

10 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook Avoid making notes on loose paper to be recopied. Record your work in such a manner that a co- worker can continue from where you stop. You might be ill and to protect your priority it could be urgent that the work continues while you are absent.

11 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook Give a complete account of your experiments and the results, both positive and negative, including your observations. Record all diagrams, layouts, plans, procedures, new ideas, or anything pertinent to your work including the details of any discussions with suppliers, or other people outside the Company. Do not try to erase any incorrect entries; draw lines deleting them, note the corrections, sign and date the changes. This extra care is worthwhile because of the necessity of original data to prove priority of new discoveries.

12 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook After entering your data, sign and date the entries. (Every single page) Explain your work to at least two witnesses who are not co-inventors, and have them sign and date the pages in the place provided. Record the names of operators and witnesses present during any demonstration and have at least two witnesses sign the page. If no witnesses are present during an experiment of importance, repeat it in the presence of two witnesses.

13 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook In case of demonstrations Record the names of operators and witnesses present during any demonstration and have at least two witnesses sign the page. If no witnesses are present during an experiment of importance, repeat it in the presence of two witnesses.

14 Suggestions for keeping a research notebook Since computer programs can be patented these instructions apply to the development of computer software. A description of the structure and operation o the program should be recorded in the notebook, together with a basic flow diagram, which illustrates the essential features of the program. Include pseudo code as necessary. In the course of developing the code, the number of lines of code written each day should be recorded in the notebook, together with a statement of the portion of the flow diagram to which the section of code is directed.

15 ACCT126734/it.A/id.9/.f

16 Sample Page

17 OneExample

18 Another Example

19 Team Leader Team Leader must consolidate all the team design documents into a single folder. This includes: ▫Printed Code. ▫Diagrams and Flowcharts ▫Electrical Schematics and any copy of pages of the team member’s Log Books. ▫A three ring binder is recommended for this purpose.

20 Team Leader The Team Leader must keep record in his/her Log Book of all meetings indicating: ▫Attendance ▫Date ▫Agenda ▫Minute ▫Conclusions

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