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*Grade your advertisment - Copy this rubric on a sheet of paper. Part of advertisementScoreTwo stars, one wish Name of Product Identify problem it addresses.

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Presentation on theme: "*Grade your advertisment - Copy this rubric on a sheet of paper. Part of advertisementScoreTwo stars, one wish Name of Product Identify problem it addresses."— Presentation transcript:

1 *Grade your advertisment - Copy this rubric on a sheet of paper. Part of advertisementScoreTwo stars, one wish Name of Product Identify problem it addresses How it works Attention getting Demonstration Neatness

2 *Grade your advertisment - Copy the rubric from the board - For each row grade yourself on a scale of 1-5, 5 is best. - For each row, write two stars (things you did well) and one wish (thing you could have done better)

3 *Grade your invention How well did you document the invention process? For each step, review your notebook and give each step a grade, 1-5 – Identify a problem – Research – Brainstorm – Create a plan – Create a model, or prototype

4 *How well did you market your invention? If each ticket is worth $100, how much did you make? What are some of the reasons people bought your product?

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