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Dr. Lucy Byrnes Funding for Postgraduate Research Dr. Lucy Byrnes Dean of Graduate Studies 31 st October, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Lucy Byrnes Funding for Postgraduate Research Dr. Lucy Byrnes Dean of Graduate Studies 31 st October, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Lucy Byrnes Funding for Postgraduate Research Dr. Lucy Byrnes Dean of Graduate Studies 31 st October, 2012

2 Outline 1.General considerations on postgraduate research 2.Irish Research Council (IRC) Postgraduate Scholarships 3.Hardiman Scholarships 4.College Postgraduate Research Scholarships 5.Q & A

3 1. Why postgraduate research? Contribute to knowledge –and the ‘Smart Economy’ Challenging and exciting PhD/Masters = internationally mobile qualifications Masters level 9 PhD level 10 Dr. Lucy Byrnes

4 Eligibility To be eligible you must have achieved a high honours standard in your primary degree Dr. Lucy Byrnes

5 What is involved? Independent novel research project Work as part of a research team – hard work Supervision involves meetings/ presentations/journal clubs Collaboration/research visit to other research groups Participation in national and international scientific conferences Publication of your findings

6 Why NUI Galway? Facilities –several new research buildings Research funding –Research income ~ €40 million p.a. Research outputs –Publications –Patents International academic standing of research supervisors Dr. Lucy Byrnes

7 Structured PhD Supervisor AND Graduate Research Committee Annual Progress Reviews 30-45 ECTS/ 360 ECTS tailored to you –Generic and Transferrable skills, e.g. Teaching and learning –Advanced specialised courses 4-year programme

8 Priority Research Themes at NUI Galway Biomedical Science and Engineering Informatics, Physical and Computational Sciences Applied Social Sciences and Public Policy Humanities in Context Environment, Marine and Energy

9 Dr. Lucy Byrnes

10 Research eProspectus Dr. Lucy Byrnes

11 Research areas in NUI Galway Dr. Lucy Byrnes

12 Download searchable Excel file Dr. Lucy Byrnes

13 Search by keywords, names, etc. Dr. Lucy Byrnes

14 Costs: to youto university Tuition fees Living costs –as for undergraduate studies –except postgraduate research students are full- time (and more) through- out the whole year Consumables –e.g. up to €10,000 p.a. in bioscience labs Equipment Travel etc. Dr. Lucy Byrnes

15 Financial support available depends on School/lab/supervisor, project and student Research grants Generally required for research costs Also may support student –fees –living costs

16 Funded Research Degree Opportunities Dr. Lucy Byrnes

17 Current Funded Research Degree Opportunities Dr. Lucy Byrnes

18 Student Finance Students entering new postgraduate courses from the 2012/13 academic year onwards will not be entitled to any maintenance payment Fees or partial fees may be paid – means test

19 Tax relief available on postgraduate tuition fees Dr. Lucy Byrnes

20 PGR Scholarships A minimum qualification for award of a postgraduate research scholarship is a primary degree with second class honours, Grade 1 i.e. a 2-1 Prior to applying for a scholarship contact and discuss your application with your proposed supervisor. Dr. Lucy Byrnes

21 2. Irish Research Council €16,000 p.a. maintenance award for 3 years plus €8,000 p.a. for fees, research support, computer, travel How to apply? Read Guidelines documents provided.

22 IRCSET Timeline indicative DateEvent 15 Dec 2010Pre call announcement on website 12 Jan 2011Online application system opens 16 Feb 2011Online application system closes for Applicants 2 Mar 2011Online application system closes for Supervisors and Referees 16 Mar 2011Online application system closes for University staff 18 Apr 2011Competition results published

23 IRCSET Application previous 1.Academic Career (30%) 2.Personal Statement (30%) 3.Supervisor and Referees’ Reports (30%) 4.Research Project (10%)

24 Academic Career (30 points) Grades, marks and place achieved in exams Any academic prizes or scholarships you were awarded Current course – provide anticipated grades Offers may be made provisional on outcome of final year exams Be comprehensive – describe results you got and what they mean, e.g. 2-1, what exact percentage?

25 Personal Statement 1 (30 points) Why you wish to pursue a higher degree by research? –Why have you proposed this research topic? –What are you particularly suited for this research field? –What projects, essays, relevant experience do you have? Why have you chosen NUI Galway? vs. other locations? –How did you select your proposed supervisor? –Why this supervisor?

26 Dr. Lucy Byrnes Personal Statement 2 Can you demonstrate other skills not listed elsewhere? –For example, what holiday jobs have you had and are these pertinent? –What skills do you have to prepare you for this PhD? Career Aspirations –What do you expect to do on completing your degree? –How will the PhD assist you in achieving your goals? Additional aspects –to provide a better picture of your capability, motivation and interests(max. 1,200 words)

27 General tips for personal statements Should be well thought-out. Writing should be clear and of high quality. Avoid clichés. The more specific you are the more convincing your case. Back up your statements with evidence. Don’t be afraid to be ambitious. Portray your excitement. This is a competition and not a time for modesty. Be truthful. Make your application STAND OUT

28 Supervisor and Referees’ Reports (30 points) Academic references from Proposed supervisor 2 referees – select carefully Talk to potential supervisors and referees Supervisor must demonstrate mutual benefits of working together Referees need to read your research proposal and comment on it as well as knowing you and your work Encourage referees to demonstrate evidence of your past experience rather than expressing their opinion as to your ability

29 Research Project (10 points) The basis for the research The hypothesis under investigation and the main aims of the project The research strategy with significant milestones identified Methods of research Details of collaboration Details of travel requirements Details of how much help you received in writing this part of application Discuss with potential supervisor

30 Gantt chart Tasks/month1-67-1213-1819-2424-3031-36 Task A Task B Task C Task D PhD thesis writing

31 IRC Application Need to show that research is a considered career path Outline achievements to date Talk to postgrad researchers Discuss statement with researchers Discuss with supervisor and others Revise and edit Convince IRC that €72,000 will be well spent

32 On-line application process Sign up on IRC website for username and password Print paper copy and prepare a paper draft BEFORE going electronic Read all guidelines carefully All sections must be completed Do not leave it to the last minute to submit

33 IRC Advice Do’s...Don’ts... Think (start now!) Talk Plan Write Submit Submit late Write in overly technical language Have vague referees Insert incorrect email addresses Work in isolation

34 Related IRC schemes Enterprise Partnership Scheme Employment-based Postgraduate Programme Awards co-funded by IRC and industry/employer Project to be agreed between university and industry partner Ask your proposed supervisor for advice

35 3. Hardiman Scholarships €16,000 plus fees for 4 years Application application form (including a personal statement) 3 page Curriculum Vitae and names of up to 3 proposed supervisor(s) and 2 referees 3 rd call expected in Nov 2012

36 Hardiman Scholarships Dr. Lucy Byrnes

37 4. College Scholarships Further information on College websites Contact College Offices

38 College Scholarships Dr. Lucy Byrnes

39 Other Scholarships Examples Teagasc EPA Irish Cancer Society Ask potential supervisors Check websites Dr. Lucy Byrnes

40 Other scholarships Dr. Lucy Byrnes

41 Where to next? Professors/lecturers = potential supervisors for further information on professor’s/lecturer’s research interests How to choose a research project? A research area that interests you A supervisor/lab with/in which you can work Talk to potential supervisors ASAP

42 Competition for funding

43 Advice Focus on your studies, Do your best Start talking to potential supervisors and preparing your applications NOW

44 Careers Development Centre/ Careers Connect Personal Statements Workshops One-on-one consultations CV Preparation Workshops One-on-one consultations

45 Dr. Lucy Byrnes

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