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Mesopotamia Classical Literature Patty Brown Western High Classical Literature Patty Brown Western High.

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Presentation on theme: "Mesopotamia Classical Literature Patty Brown Western High Classical Literature Patty Brown Western High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mesopotamia Classical Literature Patty Brown Western High Classical Literature Patty Brown Western High

2 Prepare for Notes  Take out a piece of notebook paper  Fold paper into 3 vertical columns.  Label the left column “notes on Mesopotamia.”  Label the center column “my thoughts.”  Label the right column “further questions.”  Take out a piece of notebook paper  Fold paper into 3 vertical columns.  Label the left column “notes on Mesopotamia.”  Label the center column “my thoughts.”  Label the right column “further questions.”

3 The Land Between Rivers

4 Mesopotamia and Egypt are believed to be the world’s first civilizations. Located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in modern day Iraq. Rivers supplied the basics for existence: food, water, sanitation. The land of early Mesopotamia was difficult to farm due to river flooding in the early summer. Farmers developed an irrigation system and settled into the lower Mesopotamian Plain between 6000 - 5000 BCE Located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in modern day Iraq. Rivers supplied the basics for existence: food, water, sanitation. The land of early Mesopotamia was difficult to farm due to river flooding in the early summer. Farmers developed an irrigation system and settled into the lower Mesopotamian Plain between 6000 - 5000 BCE

5 Sumerian Society  By 4000 BCE, villages grew to over 10,000 people  City-States were governed by kings  Kings were intermediaries between gods and the people  Kings consulted with the gods, temple priests, and heads of prominent families

6 Sumerian Society Polytheistic Specialized workers Complex institutions Record keeping Advanced technology Food Surplus Increased population Expanded trade Expansion of Sumerian society.

7 Sumerian Society Social Classes Kings and priests were the ruling class Land owners and business owners Slaves Women did not attend school; however, they did own land and businesses

8 Sumerian Inventions  Wagon wheel  Potter’s wheel  Number system (based on increments of 60)  12 month calendar  Metal Plow  Sail  Some of the earliest known maps  New architecture  Wagon wheel  Potter’s wheel  Number system (based on increments of 60)  12 month calendar  Metal Plow  Sail  Some of the earliest known maps  New architecture

9 Invention of Writing  It is believed Sumerians developed the world’s first writing system  3300 BCE: clay tablets with pictures and tally marks  700 BCE: a phonetic system had developed.

10 Cuneiform  Latin word for “wedge shaped”  Most cuneiform tablets are small; they would fit in the palm of your hand.  Over time cuneiform writing looked less and less like picture writing. The signs had to be memorized.  Latin word for “wedge shaped”  Most cuneiform tablets are small; they would fit in the palm of your hand.  Over time cuneiform writing looked less and less like picture writing. The signs had to be memorized.

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