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Implementation of CensusInfo in The Gambia Prepared by: Wally H. Ndow Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of CensusInfo in The Gambia Prepared by: Wally H. Ndow Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of CensusInfo in The Gambia Prepared by: Wally H. Ndow Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) February 2010

2 Presentation overview Establishment of Databases Objective Rationale Institutional framework Database Structure Publicity and Feedback (SWOT) Way forward

3 Establishing DevInfo/GamInfo In November 2002, first attempt to adapt DevInfo as a national database for The Gambia. But stalled due to: –Competing priorities (2003 Population and Housing Census versus DevInfo/GamInfo) coupled with the limited human resources and capacity –Absence of a concerted high level advocacy and weak co-ordination of DevInfo/GamInfo activities by the UN System –Limited resources as UNICEF was main provider of funding In 2007, another attempt was made within the context of UNDAF and the Country Programme 2007-2011, with joint support from the three ExCom agencies (UNICEF, UNFPA and UNDP) In 2008, a UNV Database Administrator was provided to GBOS to create, train and assist in the advocacy of GamInfo activities DevInfo/GamInfo has made some progress, but it is yet to be formally launched

4 Establishing CensusInfo In November 2009, GBOS nominated one of its staff who works on census issues to attend a UNSD CensusInfo workshop in Maputo, Mozambique Creation of the database started upon his return In December 2009, CensusInfo was introduced to participants at the regional dissemination of the 2003 Population and Housing Census results held all-over The Gambia Data is presently being entered by a data entry clerk Validation, test launch and advocacy/IEC are planned GBOS presently responsible for technical implementation, but planned to source funds for validation, test launch and advocacy/IEC activities from partners

5 Objective of Devinfo/Gaminfo Overall Objectives Have a national database for monitoring the PRSP, MDGs and other national policies and programmes Specific Objectives Use of main features of DevInfo/GamInfo database system for better planning and advocacy Understanding how the main features of the DevInfo/GamInfo User Module can be used to access data from the database and to create presentations of tables, graphs and maps To understand the main features of the DevInfo/GamInfo Database Administration module, including creating a database template and data entry into a database

6 Objective of CensusInfo Overall Objectives A database that provides standard, accessible and timely benchmark data to partners, planners, policy makers, researchers, the general public Specific Objectives Use CensusInfo database system for better planning and advocacy Understanding how CensusInfo, can be used to access census data to create presentations of tables, graphs and maps

7 Rationale for CensusInfo More focused and specific medium for accessing census data Adequate coverage of census indicators across sectors Enhance visibility of census results to population Facilitates census advocacy and IEC with the population

8 Institutional framework DevInfo/GamInfo July 2007 GamInfo National Planning Commission (NPC) / Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) Steering Committee Chair: NPC / GBoS Members: MoFEA, MoSE, Office of VP, MoSLGL, MoCIIT, MoSH, UNs, World Bank, UTG, TANGO Task Force Members: MoFEA, MoSE, NEA, DoP, Womens Bureau, DWS, GFPA, MoCIIT, MoHS NaNA, SPACO/NPC, NPS, Central Bank, UNs, NGOs IT Support Members: MoCIIT, UNs Secretariat GBoS: Gambia Bureau of Statistics GI Focal Points MoHS MoE DoP

9 Institutional framework CensusInfo (Planned) CensusInfo National Planning Commission (NPC) / Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) Steering Committee Chair: NPC / GBoS / MoCIIT Members: MoFEA, MoE, Office of VP, MoSLGL, MoSITC, MoHS, UNs, World Bank, UTG, TANGO, Regional Governors, Media Task Force Members: MoFEA, MoE, NEA, DoP, Womens Bureau, DWS, GFPA, MoCIIT, MoHS NaNA, SPACO/NPC, NPS, Regional Governors, UNs, NGOs, Media Support: Members: MoCIIT, UNs Secretariat GBoS: Gambia Bureau of Statistics Focal Points MoHS; MoE; DoP; MoCIIT Regional Governors; Media

10 Implementation (Responsibility) DevInfo/GamInfo (Team) UNV Data administrator assisted by GBoS Staff to –Develop, supervise and operationalize GamInfo database –Sectors also provide data –Supervised by director of Social Statistics CensusInfo (Team) Statistician with Demographic and Census background Supervised by Deputy Statistician General and Head of Demography Unit One data entry clerk

11 Indicator Classifications and Topics Sectors (8) and Sub-Sectors (22) Agriculture oHousehold agricultural holding oNon-household agricultural holding Demography / Population oMigration oPopulation (population size, nuptiality / marriage) Economy oEconomic status oEmployment Education oGender equity oLiteracy oPrimary education oSecondary education

12 Indicator Classifications and Topics Sector and Sub-Sector (contd.) –Sector Environment / Housing oBuilding/compounds oEnergy oEnvironment oHousing condition and household characteristics oWater and sanitation Health (disability, fertility, and mortality) oAdult survival oChild survival oDisability oFertility (children ever born) oMortality (death / survival) Information and Communication oAccess to media Protection oChild protection

13 Database Summary Sector 8 Sub-sector21 Indicator129 (Mostly based on GBoS Census reports) Units19 I-U-S1903 Area 4 levels Africa The Gambia Local Government Area (LGA) District Time Period1973, 1983, 1993, 2003

14 User feedback Overview and demonstration of CensusInfo

15 User feedback (Contd.) Opinion on CensusInfo software

16 Example of output from Gambia CensusInfo

17 Example of output from Gambia CenusInfo

18 Way Forward Set-up Institutional Framework for CensusInfo Ease access to census data through the issue and use of –CD-Rom –Internet –Mobile phone –Other technology Streamline it in GBoS activities –Integrate CenusInfo in GBoS 2013 communications strategy –Integrate CensusInfo in GBoS Dissemination Strategy Roll-Out CensusInfo to stakeholders and the general public through: –GBoS Website –Meetings/workshops –Educational establishments/Schools –Media outlets –Community/social gatherings/organisations –Traditional and formal administrative structures Data Security

19 Acronyms/Abbreviations IEC – Information, Education and Communication MoBE- Ministry of Education MoFEA – Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs MoCIIT – Ministry of Communication, Information and Information Technology MoHS – Ministry of Health and Social Welfare DoP – Department of planning, Agriculture NEA – National Environment Agency DWS – Department of Water Resources UTG – University of The Gambia TANGO – Association of NGOs


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