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Presentation subhead EM410 – Unit 1 Introduction to Global Environmental Policy & Politics.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation subhead EM410 – Unit 1 Introduction to Global Environmental Policy & Politics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation subhead EM410 – Unit 1 Introduction to Global Environmental Policy & Politics

2 Overview for Tonight Introductions Syllabus and course outcomes Organization of course and assignments Environmental issues shift from national to global Economic growth vs. environmental protection Tensions A first look at assignment #1

3 My Background 14 years in environmental field Private and public sectors Teaching for 3 years MS and BS in Environmental Management –Policy and compliance emphasis Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) Certified Water and Wastewater Operator Other interests

4 I am a resource! Office hours will be Tues 9-11pm EDT Use the “Live” tab and appropriate chat room E-mail me anytime

5 Syllabus for EM410 You can find the syllabus in 2 places –Syllabus link and doc-sharing PRINT IT OUT!!

6 Important Expectations Timeliness – assignments are expected to be ON TIME –5% will be deducted on ALL late work Academic integrity – a core value of the University What is plagiarism?

7 What is Plagiarism? As Diane Hacker writes in Rules for Writers (6 th edition): “Three different acts are considered plagiarism: (1)failing to cite quotations and borrowed ideas; (2)failing to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks; and (3)failing to put summaries and paraphrases in your own words” (p. 480).

8 Support Systems at Kaplan The Writing Center Your advisor Student Tech Support 866-522-7747

9 Course Outcomes Course Outcomes: Upon successfully completing this course, you will be able to: EM410-1 Analyze global environmental governance and its interrelationship to national policy decision- making. EM410-2 Evaluate the historical development of global environmental organizations and treaties. EM410-3 Assess how the global environment is affected by national policies and international economic trends.

10 General Course Setup 9 seminars – Unit 8 is the Mock Summit (20pts) 9 DBs –Units 1-4 include a current events discussion –Unit 7 is the ONLY Unit in which there is only 1 topic 3 major papers –Unit 3, Unit 5, and Unit 9 Mock Summit in Unit 8

11 Keys to Success Always be looking ahead Attend all seminars Posts in DB should be early and often –Looking for posts on 3-5 days for full points Submit assignments ON TIME! USE THE GRADING RUBRICS! Do the reading, do the key term matching games Ask questions…I am here!

12 Summary of Unit 1 Outcomes 1.Global trends and the growing threats they pose 2.Relationship between the global environmental and economic development 3.Interdependence of and tensions between sovereign nations when dealing with environmental issues 4.Primary features of global international politics

13 Globalization So why the move towards a global view of issues… Follow the money!!! The shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy Two components: –The globalization of markets –The globalization of production

14 Globalization of Production Vizio flat panel TV is –designed in a small office in California –assembled in Mexico –From panels made in South Korea electronic components made in China microprocessors made in the U.S. Globalization of production has historically been about manufacturing Increasingly companies are using modern communications to outsource service activities to low- cost nations

15 Globalization of Markets In the past, each country had its own companies in many industries and its own products Today, we all know: –Nintendo –Starbucks –Coca-Cola –Ikea –McDonald’s –Samsung

16 Driving Factors of Globalization Two factors underlie globalization –“Decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital” that has occurred since the end of World War II –Technological change During the 1920s and ‘30s, many of nations erected formidable barriers to international trade and foreign direct investment Advanced industrial nations of the West committed themselves after World War II to removing barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital between nations.

17 Some Effects of Globalization Led to an increase in communication and sharing of ideas Via technology and the media, we have been able to see the affects of our local actions on a global scale Events in the 1970s such as Earth Day and the UN Conference on the Human Environment give bigger coverage of the issues

18 Economic Interrelatedness Does globalization harm or help the environment? Harms: –“Race-to-the-bottom” hypothesis: Countries open to trade and investment adopt weaker environmental regulations, out of fear of a loss in competitiveness Helps: –“Gains from trade” hypothesis: Trade leads to growth –As people get wealthier, they demand and receive a better environment

19 Economic Interrelatedness From an environmental perspective, what one country does to make goods/money/etc., can have an impact on other countries –For example, smelting of iron in China for cars produced in Korea or Mexico –Pollution created in China, affects neighbors/world Any other examples you can think of?

20 Tensions A balancing act of differing interests North vs. South discussion in your reading Difference between the developed, developing and undeveloped countries –Motivations –Desired outcomes Who wins? Is there ever really a true winner? Are international organizations effective?

21 Any Questions so far?

22 Unit 3 Assignment Summary Not due until the end of Unit 3 The readings, discussions, and seminars in Units 1 and 2 will prepare you to complete this Assignment. You may also do additional research or reading, if you wish, but you are not required to do so. Imagine that a localized "hole" in the ozone layer has recently been discovered above a certain region of the planet. The region consists of several nations and spans two continents. Some of the nations in the region, as well as one global environmental organization, have agreed on the need for a plan to control depletion of the ozone layer above the region.

23 Unit 3 Assignment Summary In a paper of 4-5 pages, compare and contrast the major characteristics of the decision making process of (a) the global environmental organization and (b) nations in formulating programs and policies to address the problem. Point out: 1.The inherent tensions between the global and national environmental governance schemes, and their causes; 2.The key distinctions regarding the types of policy tools available, who is bound by the policies and programs created, and the benefits and limitations of each; and 3.The ways in which global environmental governance and national policy decision making work harmoniously together.

24 Unit 3 Assignment Summary Length should be 4 - 5 pages Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics Appropriate citation style should be followed Submit your paper to the Dropbox by the end of Unit 3. Consult the grading rubric to assist in preparation

25 That’s it for tonight! Office hours are Tomorrow (Tues) 9-11pm in the chat room under the “Live” tab in the classroom E-mail me if you have any questions Thanks!

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