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1 Regional workshop for African countries Systems of Economic Surveys Statistics South Africa 16-19 October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Regional workshop for African countries Systems of Economic Surveys Statistics South Africa 16-19 October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Regional workshop for African countries Systems of Economic Surveys Statistics South Africa 16-19 October 2007

2 2 Strategy Preferred supplier of quality statistics Vision Themes Strategic Objectives Information to meet user needs Advocacy and partnerships Building Human capacity Good governance Quality of Products & services Needs of users Align to international frameworks Align to Govt priorities Corporate image Develop the NSS Promote integration amongst producers of statistics Integrate registers across government Quality mgt Improve accuracy, timeliness & coherence International acclaimed methods Coverage of frames Data governance Optimise technology Compliance Leadership & mgt BEE Mgt info Mgt risks Plan & execute in budget Admin processes & systems Employer of choice Corporate culture and environment Learning organisation Equity in the work place Increase accessibility and usage Improving data governance

3 3 Basis of Surveys

4 4 Survey 1 Survey 2 Survey n …... Administrative sources VAT investigations of individual businesses BF surveys Indicators Primary data Other sources Sampling Econ Indicators Investigations of complex businesses National accounts/Action plan

5 5 Survey design and organisation Common frames (Business register) Centralised (survey areas gives specifications) Representative (Size groups) Satisfy level of precision Data Capture, Editing and Processing In-house VB based capture system Automatic error, outlier, consistency, and other checks SAS processing (allows automation – reduces errors) Imputations - standardised

6 6 Integrated systems of surveys Corporation between similar surveys encouraged Most of the integration @ data confrontation level High level of standardisation and centralisation Discussion ongoing about reconfigure the collection clusters Challenges with informal sector SA economy is mainly formal economy Estimates are derived from social statistics surveys This is an area where we would like to learn from other countries

7 7 Michael Manamela

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