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SkillsUSA District Conference and Competition

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1 SkillsUSA District Conference and Competition
Informational Meeting December 10th

2 What you need to know… Resume’ is required for participation in ALL SkillsUSA contests. You must be eligible by UIL standards to compete – No Pass, No Play. SkillsUSA official dress is required for all contest with the exception of Skill contests. Practice sessions will be hosted on campus but your preparation mainly depends on you. All members are encouraged to participate in TWO contests. District Conference is in Waco and will require an overnight stay, Feb 22-23rd.

3 Official Dress Official attire for women:
Official red blazer; black dress slacks or skirt with businesslike white collarless blouse or white blouse with small, plain collar that may not extend onto the lapels of the blazer black sheer or skin tone hose and black shoes. Official attire for men: Official red blazer; black dress slacks; white dress shirt; plain black tie with no pattern or a SkillsUSA black tie. Black socks and black shoes.


5 What contests are available???
Leadership Contests Prepared Speech Extemporaneous Speech Job Skill Demonstration Job Skill Open Demonstration Opening and Closing Ceremony Quiz Bowl Job Interview Skill Contests Culinary Arts Commercial Baking Restaurant Services

6 Running for a District or State Office
If you plan to run for a district or state office, you must meet with Mrs. Bode TODAY! You are required to participate in a contest to attend the conference. Open to any member involved in SkillsUSA You will need to plan to campaign during conference. If elected, there are required trainings and conferences to secure your position. Must attend mandatory meetings regarding application and campaign. First meeting will be next Monday, Dec 17th!

7 Waco Bound!!! For you to participate in the SkillsUSA District Conference and Competition you must: Complete the letter of intent Officer Candidates must pick up and complete Officer Applications After Winter Break: Complete permission slips Submit payment $26 for registration Est $25 for quad room/overnight stay Student must plan to bring Est $25-30 for food Submit resume’ Attend practice sessions Practice on your own!

8 Thank You for your time and attention!!
Any Questions? Thank You for your time and attention!!

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