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Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Riley. Year 2 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations SATS Year 2 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations SATS.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Riley. Year 2 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations SATS Year 2 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations SATS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Riley

2 Year 2 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations SATS Year 2 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations SATS

3 Numeracy  Practical and written maths  Key objectives  Number and counting (place value, 3 digit numbers, grouping and ordering) data handling (tables, graphs and charts), measures (telling the time, 2d and 3d shapes, length, weight and capacity) and calculations (introduction of multiplication and division)  Mental maths – rapid recall (number bonds, times tables, adding and subtracting 10s and 100s)

4 Literacy / Creative Curriculum Literacy / Creative Curriculum  Choose topics that will develop Literacy skills, through learning History, Geography and Science.  Autumn Term: Christopher Nibble  Sri Lanka  Fire / Great Fire of London

5 Christopher Nibble  Oral retelling of a story  Identifying features of fiction writing  Written version of the story  PHSE – animal welfare  DT – making biscuits

6 Sri Lanka  Geography – comparing UK with a different non-European country  ICT – emailing a school  Literacy – writing letters  Science – animals and their habitat

7 Fire!  Changing State (solids, liquids and gases)  The Great Fire of London  Fireworks and fire safety  Dragons  + Art / DT; PE and music

8 Literacy Through these topics, we study:  Instructions  Explanations  Non-chronological reports  Fiction writing

9 Spelling  Daily phonics letters (letters and sounds)  High frequency words  Year 2 essentials  Days of the week, months of the year  Home and school address  Colours  Numbers to 100

10 Reading  Guided Reading  Shared reading – teacher modelling  Independent reading  Books home – 2 per week, return Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday for changing  Read anything!  Books, comics, newspapers, on-line books etc

11 Science  Changing State  Keeping Healthy  Variation  Plants and animals in our environment  Forces  Electricity

12 Homework  Selection of numeracy and literacy skills  On-going learning  High frequency words  Times tables  Telling the time  Mental maths (in shops, measures in the kitchen etc)

13 Expectations  My responsibility to provide high quality, exciting learning opportunities  Children’s responsibilities to try their best, listen in class and participate  Rewards and sanctions

14 SATS (Statutory Assessment Tests)  May, June 2014  Numeracy paper, one long / short writing tasks and reading comprehension paper  Low key, no fuss with the children

15 Any questions?

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