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Mustafa Mastoor Deputy Minister of Finance Afghanistan 4 June 2010 Hold one another accountable Experience of Afghanistan.

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Presentation on theme: "Mustafa Mastoor Deputy Minister of Finance Afghanistan 4 June 2010 Hold one another accountable Experience of Afghanistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mustafa Mastoor Deputy Minister of Finance Afghanistan 4 June 2010 Hold one another accountable Experience of Afghanistan

2 Mutual Accountability and equal partnership dont mind it again, Excellency !

3 Some background.. USD 65 Billion pledges in the past 8yrs; Totally USD 40 Billion disbursed ($ 5B/yr); USD 9 Billion (23%) through government budget; So many Global level commitments for effectiveness (PD, AAA, etc…); A big number of international level conferences for commitments (London, Berlin, Paris, etc..); On national level it is continuous on daily basis;

4 Processes to hold each other accountable Trust funds Bilateral Portfolio Reviews Donor Financial Reviews PEFA assessment IMF and other IFIS programs Joint Coordination Monitoring Board JCMB High Level Committee on Aid Effectiveness PRSP based development Clusters Security Governance, Rule of Law& HR Economic & Social Development Gov. Coordination Committee

5 Political Will, Transparency, Capacity Political Will always dominant not the capacity; Discuss commitments at the highest possible political level; Design Jointly the aid architecture; Negotiate Aid policy with clear targets; Enable donors to use the country systems; No any angel co chair to coordinate aid, rather full ownership and direct links;

6 Political Will, Transparency, Capacity PFM and Government managed Aid systems (DAD) to be strengthen; Country systems as the most effective mean for Transparency; Predictability to become the heart of Accountability; Realistic and understandable results frameworks be developed; Stakeholders be engaged in the budget cycle to understand the hard choices government has to face; Communication between Citizen and State be improved; Culture of service and performance be promoted; Independent media and Civil Society be actively engaged.

7 Political Will, Transparency, Capacity Government turned as a big training institute for those who have more money; Using the country system is the biggest capacity building effort; help partner country to develop systems then assist them with salary costs; A practical code of conduct to be agreed and monitored.

8 If Afghanistan were a Donor country ! Listened to the partner very well; Discussed what needed to be done but let them decide how to do. Found out what works at country level rather its own experience of other countries; Jointly designed its AID architecture with the partner country; Engaged with stakeholders especially CS in early policy discussions not just in accountability stage; Not limited accountability to publish disbursement rate; Separated the Ds of 3D (Development, Diplomacy and Defense) Educated / updated its field staff on larger aid and development agenda e.g PD, AAA; Avoided blaming always the partner country for its failure but rather open to constructive embarrassments; Made accountability mandate not option;

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